
flavio.functions module

Main functions for user interaction. All of these are imported into the top-level namespace.

"""Main functions for user interaction. All of these are imported into the
top-level namespace."""

import flavio
import numpy as np
from collections import defaultdict
from multiprocessing import Pool
from functools import partial
import warnings

def np_prediction(obs_name, wc_obj, *args, **kwargs):
    """Get the central value of the new physics prediction of an observable.


    - `obs_name`: name of the observable as a string
    - `wc_obj`: an instance of `flavio.WilsonCoefficients`

    Additional arguments are passed to the observable and are necessary,
    depending on the observable (e.g. $q^2$-dependent observables).
    obs = flavio.classes.Observable[obs_name]
    return obs.prediction_central(flavio.default_parameters, wc_obj, *args, **kwargs)

def sm_prediction(obs_name, *args, **kwargs):
    """Get the central value of the Standard Model prediction of an observable.


    - `obs_name`: name of the observable as a string

    Additional arguments are passed to the observable and are necessary,
    depending on the observable (e.g. $q^2$-dependent observables).
    obs = flavio.classes.Observable[obs_name]
    wc_sm = flavio.physics.eft._wc_sm
    return obs.prediction_central(flavio.default_parameters, wc_sm, *args, **kwargs)

def _obs_prediction_par(par, obs_name, wc_obj, *args, **kwargs):
    obs = flavio.classes.Observable.get_instance(obs_name)
    return obs.prediction_par(par, wc_obj, *args, **kwargs)

from functools import partial

def np_uncertainty(obs_name, wc_obj, *args, N=100, threads=1, **kwargs):
    """Get the uncertainty of the prediction of an observable in the presence
    of new physics.


    - `obs_name`: name of the observable as a string
    - `wc_obj`: an instance of `flavio.WilsonCoefficients`
    - `N` (optional): number of random evaluations of the observable.
    The relative accuracy of the uncertainty returned is given by $1/\sqrt{2N}$.
    - `threads` (optional): if bigger than one, number of threads for parallel
    computation of the uncertainty.

    Additional arguments are passed to the observable and are necessary,
    depending on the observable (e.g. $q^2$-dependent observables).
    par_random = flavio.default_parameters.get_random_all(size=N)
    par_random = [{k: v[i] for k, v in par_random.items()} for i in range(N)]
    if threads == 1:
        # not parallel
        all_pred = np.array([_obs_prediction_par(par, obs_name, wc_obj, *args, **kwargs) for par in par_random])
        # parallel
        pool = Pool(threads)
        # convert args to kwargs
        _kwargs = kwargs.copy()
        obs_args = flavio.Observable[obs_name].arguments
        for i, a in enumerate(args):
            _kwargs[obs_args[i]] = a
        all_pred = np.array(
                        obs_name=obs_name, wc_obj=wc_obj, **_kwargs),
    return np.std(all_pred)

def sm_uncertainty(obs_name, *args, N=100, threads=1, **kwargs):
    """Get the uncertainty of the Standard Model prediction of an observable.


    - `obs_name`: name of the observable as a string
    - `N` (optional): number of random evaluations of the observable.
    The relative accuracy of the uncertainty returned is given by $1/\sqrt{2N}$.
    - `threads` (optional): if bigger than one, number of threads for parallel
    computation of the uncertainty.

    Additional arguments are passed to the observable and are necessary,
    depending on the observable (e.g. $q^2$-dependent observables).
    wc_sm = flavio.physics.eft._wc_sm
    return np_uncertainty(obs_name, wc_sm, *args, N=N, threads=threads, **kwargs)

class AwareDict(dict):
    """Generalization of dictionary that adds the key to the
    set `akeys` upon getting an item."""

    def __init__(self, d):
        """Initialize the instance."""
        self.akeys = set()
        self.d = d

    def __getitem__(self, key):
        """Get an item, adding the key to the `pcalled` set."""
        return dict.__getitem__(self, key)

    def __copy__(self):
        cp = type(self)(self.d)
        cp.akeys = self.akeys
        return cp

    def copy(self):
        return self.__copy__()

class AwareWilson(flavio.WilsonCoefficients):
    """Subclass of `flavio.WilsonCoefficients` that adds the arguments of calls
    to its `match_run`  method to `atuples` attribute."""
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        self.atuples = set()

    def match_run(self, scale, eft, basis, sectors='all'):
        self.atuples.add((scale, eft, basis, sectors))
        return super().match_run(scale, eft, basis, sectors)

def get_dependent_parameters_sm(obs_name, *args, **kwargs):
    """Get the set of parameters the SM prediction of the observable depends on."""
    obs = flavio.classes.Observable[obs_name]
    wc_sm = flavio.physics.eft._wc_sm
    par_central = flavio.default_parameters.get_central_all()
    apar_central = AwareDict(par_central)
    obs.prediction_par(apar_central, wc_sm, *args, **kwargs)
    # return all observed keys except the ones that don't actually correspond
    # to existing parameter names (this might happen by user functions modifying
    # the dictionaries)
    return {p for p in apar_central.akeys
            if p in flavio.Parameter.instances.keys()}

def get_dependent_wcs(obs_name, *args, **kwargs):
    """Get the EFT, basis, scale, and sector of Wilson coefficients
    the NP prediction of the observable depends on.

    Returns a set of tuples of the form
    `(scale, eft, basis, sectors)`,
    where sectors is a tuple of WCxf sectors or 'all'.

    Note that this function simply checks the arguments with which the
    `match_run` method of the underlying `wilson.Wilson` instance is called.
    Thus it is only guaranteed that the Wilson coefficients the observable
    actually depends on are contained in these sectors."""
    awc = AwareWilson()
    # need at least one non-zero WC to make sure match_run is called at all
    awc.set_initial({'G': 1e-30}, 91.1876, 'SMEFT', 'Warsaw')
    np_prediction(obs_name, awc, *args, **kwargs)
    return awc.atuples

def sm_error_budget(obs_name, *args, N=50, **kwargs):
    """Get the *relative* uncertainty of the Standard Model prediction due to
    variation of individual observables.


    - `obs_name`: name of the observable as a string
    - `N` (optional): number of random evaluations of the observable.
    The relative accuracy of the uncertainties returned is given by $1/\sqrt{2N}$.

    Additional arguments are passed to the observable and are necessary,
    depending on the observable (e.g. $q^2$-dependent observables).
    obs = flavio.classes.Observable[obs_name]
    wc_sm = flavio.physics.eft._wc_sm
    par_central = flavio.default_parameters.get_central_all()
    par_random = [flavio.default_parameters.get_random_all() for i in range(N)]
    pred_central = obs.prediction_par(par_central, wc_sm, *args, **kwargs)

    # Step 1: determine the parameters the observable depends on at all.
    dependent_par = get_dependent_parameters_sm(obs_name, *args, **kwargs)

    # Step 2: group parameters if correlated
    par_constraint = {p: id(flavio.default_parameters._parameters[p][1]) for p in dependent_par}
    v = defaultdict(list)
    for key, value in par_constraint.items():
    dependent_par_lists = list(v.values())

    # Step 3: for each of the (groups of) dependent parameters, determine the error
    # analogous to the sm_uncertainty function. Normalize to the central
    # prediction (so relative errors are returned)
    individual_errors = {}
    def make_par_random(keys, par_random):
        par_tmp = par_central.copy()
        for key in keys:
            par_tmp[key] = par_random[key]
        return par_tmp
    for p in dependent_par_lists:
        par_random_p = [make_par_random(p, pr) for pr in par_random]
        all_pred = np.array([
            obs.prediction_par(par, wc_sm, *args, **kwargs)
            for par in par_random_p
        # for the dictionary key, use the list element if there is only 1,
        # otherwise use a tuple (which is hashable)
        if len(p) == 1:
            key = p[0]
            key = tuple(p)
        individual_errors[key] = np.std(all_pred)/abs(pred_central)
    return individual_errors

def _get_prediction_array_sm(par, obs_list):
    wc_sm = flavio.physics.eft._wc_sm
    def get_prediction_sm(obs, par):
        obs_dict = flavio.classes.Observable.argument_format(obs, 'dict')
        obs_obj = flavio.classes.Observable[obs_dict.pop('name')]
        return obs_obj.prediction_par(par, wc_sm, **obs_dict)
    return np.array([get_prediction_sm(obs, par) for obs in obs_list])

def sm_covariance(obs_list, N=100, par_vary='all', par_obj=None, threads=1,
    r"""Get the covariance matrix of the Standard Model predictions for a
    list of observables.


    - `obs_list`: a list of observables that should be given either as a string
    name (for observables that do not depend on any arguments) or as a tuple
    of a string and values for the arguements the observable depends on (e.g.
    the values of `q2min` and `q2max` for a binned observable)
    - `N` (optional): number of random evaluations of the observables.
    The relative accuracy of the uncertainties returned is given
    by $1/\sqrt{2N}$.
    - `par_vary` (optional): a list of parameters to vary. Defaults to 'all', i.e. all
    parameters are varied according to their probability distributions.
    - `par_obj` (optional): an instance of ParameterConstraints, defaults to
    - `threads` (optional): number of CPU threads to use for the computation.
    Defaults to 1, i.e. serial computation.
    par_obj = par_obj or flavio.default_parameters
    par_central_all = par_obj.get_central_all()
    par_random_all = par_obj.get_random_all(size=N)

    def par_random_some(par_random, par_central):
        # take the central values for the parameters not to be varied (N times)
        par1 = {k: np.full(N, v) for k, v in par_central.items() if k not in par_vary}
        # take the random values for the parameters to be varied
        par2 = {k: v for k, v in par_random.items() if k in par_vary}
        par1.update(par2)  # merge them
        return par1

    if par_vary == 'all':
        par_random = par_random_all
        par_random = [{k: v[i] for k, v in par_random.items()} for i in range(N)]
        par_random = par_random_some(par_random_all, par_central_all)
        par_random = [{k: v[i] for k, v in par_random.items()} for i in range(N)]

    func_map = partial(_get_prediction_array_sm, obs_list=obs_list)
    if threads == 1:
        pred_map = map(func_map, par_random)
        pool = Pool(threads)
        pred_map =, par_random)
    all_pred = np.array(list(pred_map))
    return np.cov(all_pred.T)

def combine_measurements(observable, include_measurements=None,
    """Combine all existing measurements of a particular observable.

    Returns a one-dimensional instance of `ProbabilityDistribution`.
    Correlations with other obersables are ignored.


    - `observable`: observable name
    - `include_measurements`: iterable of measurement names to be included
      (default: all)

    Observable arguments have to be specified as keyword arguments, e.g.
    `combine_measurements('<dBR/dq2>(B+->Kmumu)', q2min=1, q2max=6)`.

    Note that this function returns inconsistent results (and a corresponding
    warning is issued) if an observable is constrained by more than one
    multivariate measurement.
    if not kwargs:
        obs = observable
        args = flavio.Observable[observable].arguments
        obs = (observable, ) + tuple(kwargs[a] for a in args)
    constraints = []
    _n_multivariate = 0  # number of multivariate constraints
    for name, m in flavio.Measurement.instances.items():
        if name.split(' ')[0] == 'Pseudo-measurement':
        elif include_measurements is not None and name not in include_measurements:
        elif obs not in m.all_parameters:
        num, constraint = m._parameters[obs]
        if not np.isscalar(constraint.central_value):
            _n_multivariate += 1
            # for multivariate PDFs, reduce to 1D PDF
            exclude = tuple([i for i, _ in enumerate(constraint.central_value)
                             if i != num])  # exclude all i but num
            constraint1d = constraint.reduce_dimension(exclude=exclude)
    if _n_multivariate > 1:
        warnings.warn(("{} of the measurements of '{}' are multivariate. "
                       "This can lead to inconsistent results as the other "
                       "observables are profiled over. "
                       "To be consistent, you should perform a multivariate "
                       "combination that is not yet supported by `combine_measurements`."
                       ).format(_n_multivariate, obs))
    if not constraints:
        raise ValueError("No experimental measurements found for this observable.")
    elif len(constraints) == 1:
        return constraints[0]
        return flavio.statistics.probability.combine_distributions(constraints)


def combine_measurements(

observable, include_measurements=None, **kwargs)

Combine all existing measurements of a particular observable.

Returns a one-dimensional instance of ProbabilityDistribution. Correlations with other obersables are ignored.


  • observable: observable name
  • include_measurements: iterable of measurement names to be included (default: all)

Observable arguments have to be specified as keyword arguments, e.g. combine_measurements('<dBR/dq2>(B+->Kmumu)', q2min=1, q2max=6).

Note that this function returns inconsistent results (and a corresponding warning is issued) if an observable is constrained by more than one multivariate measurement.

def combine_measurements(observable, include_measurements=None,
    """Combine all existing measurements of a particular observable.

    Returns a one-dimensional instance of `ProbabilityDistribution`.
    Correlations with other obersables are ignored.


    - `observable`: observable name
    - `include_measurements`: iterable of measurement names to be included
      (default: all)

    Observable arguments have to be specified as keyword arguments, e.g.
    `combine_measurements('<dBR/dq2>(B+->Kmumu)', q2min=1, q2max=6)`.

    Note that this function returns inconsistent results (and a corresponding
    warning is issued) if an observable is constrained by more than one
    multivariate measurement.
    if not kwargs:
        obs = observable
        args = flavio.Observable[observable].arguments
        obs = (observable, ) + tuple(kwargs[a] for a in args)
    constraints = []
    _n_multivariate = 0  # number of multivariate constraints
    for name, m in flavio.Measurement.instances.items():
        if name.split(' ')[0] == 'Pseudo-measurement':
        elif include_measurements is not None and name not in include_measurements:
        elif obs not in m.all_parameters:
        num, constraint = m._parameters[obs]
        if not np.isscalar(constraint.central_value):
            _n_multivariate += 1
            # for multivariate PDFs, reduce to 1D PDF
            exclude = tuple([i for i, _ in enumerate(constraint.central_value)
                             if i != num])  # exclude all i but num
            constraint1d = constraint.reduce_dimension(exclude=exclude)
    if _n_multivariate > 1:
        warnings.warn(("{} of the measurements of '{}' are multivariate. "
                       "This can lead to inconsistent results as the other "
                       "observables are profiled over. "
                       "To be consistent, you should perform a multivariate "
                       "combination that is not yet supported by `combine_measurements`."
                       ).format(_n_multivariate, obs))
    if not constraints:
        raise ValueError("No experimental measurements found for this observable.")
    elif len(constraints) == 1:
        return constraints[0]
        return flavio.statistics.probability.combine_distributions(constraints)

def get_dependent_parameters_sm(

obs_name, *args, **kwargs)

Get the set of parameters the SM prediction of the observable depends on.

def get_dependent_parameters_sm(obs_name, *args, **kwargs):
    """Get the set of parameters the SM prediction of the observable depends on."""
    obs = flavio.classes.Observable[obs_name]
    wc_sm = flavio.physics.eft._wc_sm
    par_central = flavio.default_parameters.get_central_all()
    apar_central = AwareDict(par_central)
    obs.prediction_par(apar_central, wc_sm, *args, **kwargs)
    # return all observed keys except the ones that don't actually correspond
    # to existing parameter names (this might happen by user functions modifying
    # the dictionaries)
    return {p for p in apar_central.akeys
            if p in flavio.Parameter.instances.keys()}

def get_dependent_wcs(

obs_name, *args, **kwargs)

Get the EFT, basis, scale, and sector of Wilson coefficients the NP prediction of the observable depends on.

Returns a set of tuples of the form (scale, eft, basis, sectors), where sectors is a tuple of WCxf sectors or 'all'.

Note that this function simply checks the arguments with which the match_run method of the underlying wilson.Wilson instance is called. Thus it is only guaranteed that the Wilson coefficients the observable actually depends on are contained in these sectors.

def get_dependent_wcs(obs_name, *args, **kwargs):
    """Get the EFT, basis, scale, and sector of Wilson coefficients
    the NP prediction of the observable depends on.

    Returns a set of tuples of the form
    `(scale, eft, basis, sectors)`,
    where sectors is a tuple of WCxf sectors or 'all'.

    Note that this function simply checks the arguments with which the
    `match_run` method of the underlying `wilson.Wilson` instance is called.
    Thus it is only guaranteed that the Wilson coefficients the observable
    actually depends on are contained in these sectors."""
    awc = AwareWilson()
    # need at least one non-zero WC to make sure match_run is called at all
    awc.set_initial({'G': 1e-30}, 91.1876, 'SMEFT', 'Warsaw')
    np_prediction(obs_name, awc, *args, **kwargs)
    return awc.atuples

def np_prediction(

obs_name, wc_obj, *args, **kwargs)

Get the central value of the new physics prediction of an observable.


  • obs_name: name of the observable as a string
  • wc_obj: an instance of flavio.WilsonCoefficients

Additional arguments are passed to the observable and are necessary, depending on the observable (e.g. $q^2$-dependent observables).

def np_prediction(obs_name, wc_obj, *args, **kwargs):
    """Get the central value of the new physics prediction of an observable.


    - `obs_name`: name of the observable as a string
    - `wc_obj`: an instance of `flavio.WilsonCoefficients`

    Additional arguments are passed to the observable and are necessary,
    depending on the observable (e.g. $q^2$-dependent observables).
    obs = flavio.classes.Observable[obs_name]
    return obs.prediction_central(flavio.default_parameters, wc_obj, *args, **kwargs)

def np_uncertainty(

obs_name, wc_obj, *args, **kwargs)

Get the uncertainty of the prediction of an observable in the presence of new physics.


  • obs_name: name of the observable as a string
  • wc_obj: an instance of flavio.WilsonCoefficients
  • N (optional): number of random evaluations of the observable. The relative accuracy of the uncertainty returned is given by $1/\sqrt{2N}$.
  • threads (optional): if bigger than one, number of threads for parallel computation of the uncertainty.

Additional arguments are passed to the observable and are necessary, depending on the observable (e.g. $q^2$-dependent observables).

def np_uncertainty(obs_name, wc_obj, *args, N=100, threads=1, **kwargs):
    """Get the uncertainty of the prediction of an observable in the presence
    of new physics.


    - `obs_name`: name of the observable as a string
    - `wc_obj`: an instance of `flavio.WilsonCoefficients`
    - `N` (optional): number of random evaluations of the observable.
    The relative accuracy of the uncertainty returned is given by $1/\sqrt{2N}$.
    - `threads` (optional): if bigger than one, number of threads for parallel
    computation of the uncertainty.

    Additional arguments are passed to the observable and are necessary,
    depending on the observable (e.g. $q^2$-dependent observables).
    par_random = flavio.default_parameters.get_random_all(size=N)
    par_random = [{k: v[i] for k, v in par_random.items()} for i in range(N)]
    if threads == 1:
        # not parallel
        all_pred = np.array([_obs_prediction_par(par, obs_name, wc_obj, *args, **kwargs) for par in par_random])
        # parallel
        pool = Pool(threads)
        # convert args to kwargs
        _kwargs = kwargs.copy()
        obs_args = flavio.Observable[obs_name].arguments
        for i, a in enumerate(args):
            _kwargs[obs_args[i]] = a
        all_pred = np.array(
                        obs_name=obs_name, wc_obj=wc_obj, **_kwargs),
    return np.std(all_pred)

def sm_covariance(

obs_list, N=100, par_vary='all', par_obj=None, threads=1, **kwargs)

Get the covariance matrix of the Standard Model predictions for a list of observables.


  • obs_list: a list of observables that should be given either as a string name (for observables that do not depend on any arguments) or as a tuple of a string and values for the arguements the observable depends on (e.g. the values of q2min and q2max for a binned observable)
  • N (optional): number of random evaluations of the observables. The relative accuracy of the uncertainties returned is given by $1/\sqrt{2N}$.
  • par_vary (optional): a list of parameters to vary. Defaults to 'all', i.e. all parameters are varied according to their probability distributions.
  • par_obj (optional): an instance of ParameterConstraints, defaults to flavio.default_parameters.
  • threads (optional): number of CPU threads to use for the computation. Defaults to 1, i.e. serial computation.
def sm_covariance(obs_list, N=100, par_vary='all', par_obj=None, threads=1,
    r"""Get the covariance matrix of the Standard Model predictions for a
    list of observables.


    - `obs_list`: a list of observables that should be given either as a string
    name (for observables that do not depend on any arguments) or as a tuple
    of a string and values for the arguements the observable depends on (e.g.
    the values of `q2min` and `q2max` for a binned observable)
    - `N` (optional): number of random evaluations of the observables.
    The relative accuracy of the uncertainties returned is given
    by $1/\sqrt{2N}$.
    - `par_vary` (optional): a list of parameters to vary. Defaults to 'all', i.e. all
    parameters are varied according to their probability distributions.
    - `par_obj` (optional): an instance of ParameterConstraints, defaults to
    - `threads` (optional): number of CPU threads to use for the computation.
    Defaults to 1, i.e. serial computation.
    par_obj = par_obj or flavio.default_parameters
    par_central_all = par_obj.get_central_all()
    par_random_all = par_obj.get_random_all(size=N)

    def par_random_some(par_random, par_central):
        # take the central values for the parameters not to be varied (N times)
        par1 = {k: np.full(N, v) for k, v in par_central.items() if k not in par_vary}
        # take the random values for the parameters to be varied
        par2 = {k: v for k, v in par_random.items() if k in par_vary}
        par1.update(par2)  # merge them
        return par1

    if par_vary == 'all':
        par_random = par_random_all
        par_random = [{k: v[i] for k, v in par_random.items()} for i in range(N)]
        par_random = par_random_some(par_random_all, par_central_all)
        par_random = [{k: v[i] for k, v in par_random.items()} for i in range(N)]

    func_map = partial(_get_prediction_array_sm, obs_list=obs_list)
    if threads == 1:
        pred_map = map(func_map, par_random)
        pool = Pool(threads)
        pred_map =, par_random)
    all_pred = np.array(list(pred_map))
    return np.cov(all_pred.T)

def sm_error_budget(

obs_name, *args, **kwargs)

Get the relative uncertainty of the Standard Model prediction due to variation of individual observables.


  • obs_name: name of the observable as a string
  • N (optional): number of random evaluations of the observable. The relative accuracy of the uncertainties returned is given by $1/\sqrt{2N}$.

Additional arguments are passed to the observable and are necessary, depending on the observable (e.g. $q^2$-dependent observables).

def sm_error_budget(obs_name, *args, N=50, **kwargs):
    """Get the *relative* uncertainty of the Standard Model prediction due to
    variation of individual observables.


    - `obs_name`: name of the observable as a string
    - `N` (optional): number of random evaluations of the observable.
    The relative accuracy of the uncertainties returned is given by $1/\sqrt{2N}$.

    Additional arguments are passed to the observable and are necessary,
    depending on the observable (e.g. $q^2$-dependent observables).
    obs = flavio.classes.Observable[obs_name]
    wc_sm = flavio.physics.eft._wc_sm
    par_central = flavio.default_parameters.get_central_all()
    par_random = [flavio.default_parameters.get_random_all() for i in range(N)]
    pred_central = obs.prediction_par(par_central, wc_sm, *args, **kwargs)

    # Step 1: determine the parameters the observable depends on at all.
    dependent_par = get_dependent_parameters_sm(obs_name, *args, **kwargs)

    # Step 2: group parameters if correlated
    par_constraint = {p: id(flavio.default_parameters._parameters[p][1]) for p in dependent_par}
    v = defaultdict(list)
    for key, value in par_constraint.items():
    dependent_par_lists = list(v.values())

    # Step 3: for each of the (groups of) dependent parameters, determine the error
    # analogous to the sm_uncertainty function. Normalize to the central
    # prediction (so relative errors are returned)
    individual_errors = {}
    def make_par_random(keys, par_random):
        par_tmp = par_central.copy()
        for key in keys:
            par_tmp[key] = par_random[key]
        return par_tmp
    for p in dependent_par_lists:
        par_random_p = [make_par_random(p, pr) for pr in par_random]
        all_pred = np.array([
            obs.prediction_par(par, wc_sm, *args, **kwargs)
            for par in par_random_p
        # for the dictionary key, use the list element if there is only 1,
        # otherwise use a tuple (which is hashable)
        if len(p) == 1:
            key = p[0]
            key = tuple(p)
        individual_errors[key] = np.std(all_pred)/abs(pred_central)
    return individual_errors

def sm_prediction(

obs_name, *args, **kwargs)

Get the central value of the Standard Model prediction of an observable.


  • obs_name: name of the observable as a string

Additional arguments are passed to the observable and are necessary, depending on the observable (e.g. $q^2$-dependent observables).

def sm_prediction(obs_name, *args, **kwargs):
    """Get the central value of the Standard Model prediction of an observable.


    - `obs_name`: name of the observable as a string

    Additional arguments are passed to the observable and are necessary,
    depending on the observable (e.g. $q^2$-dependent observables).
    obs = flavio.classes.Observable[obs_name]
    wc_sm = flavio.physics.eft._wc_sm
    return obs.prediction_central(flavio.default_parameters, wc_sm, *args, **kwargs)

def sm_uncertainty(

obs_name, *args, **kwargs)

Get the uncertainty of the Standard Model prediction of an observable.


  • obs_name: name of the observable as a string
  • N (optional): number of random evaluations of the observable. The relative accuracy of the uncertainty returned is given by $1/\sqrt{2N}$.
  • threads (optional): if bigger than one, number of threads for parallel computation of the uncertainty.

Additional arguments are passed to the observable and are necessary, depending on the observable (e.g. $q^2$-dependent observables).

def sm_uncertainty(obs_name, *args, N=100, threads=1, **kwargs):
    """Get the uncertainty of the Standard Model prediction of an observable.


    - `obs_name`: name of the observable as a string
    - `N` (optional): number of random evaluations of the observable.
    The relative accuracy of the uncertainty returned is given by $1/\sqrt{2N}$.
    - `threads` (optional): if bigger than one, number of threads for parallel
    computation of the uncertainty.

    Additional arguments are passed to the observable and are necessary,
    depending on the observable (e.g. $q^2$-dependent observables).
    wc_sm = flavio.physics.eft._wc_sm
    return np_uncertainty(obs_name, wc_sm, *args, N=N, threads=threads, **kwargs)


class AwareDict

Generalization of dictionary that adds the key to the set akeys upon getting an item.

class AwareDict(dict):
    """Generalization of dictionary that adds the key to the
    set `akeys` upon getting an item."""

    def __init__(self, d):
        """Initialize the instance."""
        self.akeys = set()
        self.d = d

    def __getitem__(self, key):
        """Get an item, adding the key to the `pcalled` set."""
        return dict.__getitem__(self, key)

    def __copy__(self):
        cp = type(self)(self.d)
        cp.akeys = self.akeys
        return cp

    def copy(self):
        return self.__copy__()

Ancestors (in MRO)

Static methods

def __init__(

self, d)

Initialize the instance.

def __init__(self, d):
    """Initialize the instance."""
    self.akeys = set()
    self.d = d

def copy(


D.copy() -> a shallow copy of D

def copy(self):
    return self.__copy__()

Instance variables

var akeys

var d

class AwareWilson

Subclass of flavio.WilsonCoefficients that adds the arguments of calls to its match_run method to atuples attribute.

class AwareWilson(flavio.WilsonCoefficients):
    """Subclass of `flavio.WilsonCoefficients` that adds the arguments of calls
    to its `match_run`  method to `atuples` attribute."""
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        self.atuples = set()

    def match_run(self, scale, eft, basis, sectors='all'):
        self.atuples.add((scale, eft, basis, sectors))
        return super().match_run(scale, eft, basis, sectors)

Ancestors (in MRO)

  • AwareWilson
  • flavio.physics.eft.WilsonCoefficients
  • wilson.classes.Wilson
  • wilson.classes.ConfigurableClass
  • builtins.object

Static methods

def __init__(

self, *args, **kwargs)

Initialize the Wilson class.


  • wcdict: dictionary of Wilson coefficient values at the input scale. The keys must exist as Wilson coefficients in the WCxf basis file. The values must be real or complex numbers (not dictionaries with key 'Re'/'Im'!)
  • scale: input scale in GeV
  • eft: input EFT
  • basis: input basis
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
    super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
    self.atuples = set()

def clear_cache(


def clear_cache(self):
    self._cache = {}

def get_option(

self, key)

Return the current value of the option key (string).

Instance method, only refers to current instance.

def get_option(self, key):
    """Return the current value of the option `key` (string).
    Instance method, only refers to current instance."""
    return self._options.get(key, self._default_options[key])

def get_wc(

self, sector, scale, par, eft='WET', basis='flavio', nf_out=None)

Get the values of the Wilson coefficients belonging to a specific sector (e.g. bsmumu) at a given scale.

Returns a dictionary of WC values.


  • sector: string name of the sector as defined in the WCxf EFT instance
  • scale: $\overline{ ext{MS}}$ renormalization scale
  • par: dictionary of parameters
  • eft: name of the EFT at the output scale
  • basis: name of the output basis
def get_wc(self, sector, scale, par, eft='WET', basis='flavio', nf_out=None):
    """Get the values of the Wilson coefficients belonging to a specific
    sector (e.g. `bsmumu`) at a given scale.
    Returns a dictionary of WC values.
    - sector: string name of the sector as defined in the WCxf EFT instance
    - scale: $\overline{\text{MS}}$ renormalization scale
    - par: dictionary of parameters
    - eft: name of the EFT at the output scale
    - basis: name of the output basis
    wcxf_basis = wcxf.Basis[eft, basis]
    if sector == 'all':
        coeffs = wcxf_basis.all_wcs
        # translate from legacy flavio to wcxf sector if necessary
        wcxf_sector = sectors_flavio2wcxf.get(sector, sector)
        coeffs = wcxf_basis.sectors[wcxf_sector].keys()
    wc_sm = dict.fromkeys(coeffs, 0)
    if not self.wc or not any(self.wc.values.values()):
        return wc_sm
    wc_out = self.get_wcxf(sector, scale, par, eft, basis, nf_out)
    wc_out_dict = wc_sm  # initialize with zeros
    wc_out_dict.update(wc_out.dict)  # overwrite non-zero entries
    return wc_out_dict

def get_wcxf(

self, sector, scale, par, eft='WET', basis='flavio', nf_out=None)

Get the values of the Wilson coefficients belonging to a specific sector (e.g. bsmumu) at a given scale.

Returns a WCxf.WC instance.


  • sector: string name of the sector as defined in the WCxf EFT instance
  • scale: $\overline{ ext{MS}}$ renormalization scale
  • par: dictionary of parameters
  • eft: name of the EFT at the output scale
  • basis: name of the output basis
def get_wcxf(self, sector, scale, par, eft='WET', basis='flavio', nf_out=None):
    """Get the values of the Wilson coefficients belonging to a specific
    sector (e.g. `bsmumu`) at a given scale.
    Returns a WCxf.WC instance.
    - sector: string name of the sector as defined in the WCxf EFT instance
    - scale: $\overline{\text{MS}}$ renormalization scale
    - par: dictionary of parameters
    - eft: name of the EFT at the output scale
    - basis: name of the output basis
    # nf_out is only present to preserve backwards compatibility
    if nf_out == 5:
        eft = 'WET'
    elif nf_out == 4:
        eft = 'WET-4'
    elif nf_out == 3:
        eft = 'WET-3'
    elif nf_out is not None:
        raise ValueError("Invalid value: nf_out=".format(nf_out))
    if sector == 'all':
        mr_sectors = 'all'
        # translate from legacy flavio to wcxf sector if necessary
        wcxf_sector = sectors_flavio2wcxf.get(sector, sector)
        mr_sectors = (wcxf_sector,)
    if not self.wc:
        return wcxf.WC(eft=eft, basis=basis, scale=scale, values={})
    return self.match_run(scale=scale, eft=eft, basis=basis, sectors=mr_sectors)

def match_run(

self, scale, eft, basis, sectors='all')

Run the Wilson coefficients to a different scale (and possibly different EFT) and return them as wcxf.WC instance.


  • scale: output scale in GeV
  • eft: output EFT
  • basis: output basis
  • sectors: in the case of WET (or WET-4 or WET-3), a tuple of sector names can be optionally provided. In this case, only the Wilson coefficients from this sector(s) will be returned and all others discareded. This can speed up the computation significantly if only a small number of sectors is of interest. The sector names are defined in the WCxf basis file.
def match_run(self, scale, eft, basis, sectors='all'):
    self.atuples.add((scale, eft, basis, sectors))
    return super().match_run(scale, eft, basis, sectors)

def run_wcxf(

*args, **kwargs)

def run_wcxf(*args, **kwargs):
    raise ValueError("The method run_wcxf has been removed. Please use the match_run method of wilson.Wilson instead.")

def set_initial(

self, wc_dict, scale, eft='WET', basis='flavio')

Set initial values of Wilson coefficients.


  • wc_dict: dictionary where keys are Wilson coefficient name strings and values are Wilson coefficient NP contribution values
  • scale: $\overline{ ext{MS}}$ renormalization scale
def set_initial(self, wc_dict, scale, eft='WET', basis='flavio'):
    """Set initial values of Wilson coefficients.
    - wc_dict: dictionary where keys are Wilson coefficient name strings and
      values are Wilson coefficient NP contribution values
    - scale: $\overline{\text{MS}}$ renormalization scale
    super().__init__(wcdict=wc_dict, scale=scale, eft=eft, basis=basis)

def set_initial_wcxf(

self, wc)

Set initial values of Wilson coefficients from a WCxf WC instance.

If the instance is given in a basis other than the flavio basis, the translation is performed automatically, if implemented in the wcxf package.

def set_initial_wcxf(self, wc):
    """Set initial values of Wilson coefficients from a WCxf WC instance.
    If the instance is given in a basis other than the flavio basis,
    the translation is performed automatically, if implemented in the
    `wcxf` package."""
    super().__init__(wcdict=wc.dict, scale=wc.scale, eft=wc.eft, basis=wc.basis)

def set_option(

self, key, value)

Set the option key (string) to value.

Instance method, affects only current instance. This will clear the cache.

def set_option(self, key, value):
    """Set the option `key` (string) to `value`.
    Instance method, affects only current instance.
    This will clear the cache."""
    self._options.update(self._option_schema({key: value}))

Instance variables

var atuples

var get_initial_wcxf

Return a wcxf.WC instance in the flavio basis containing the initial values of the Wilson coefficients.

var matching_parameters

Parameters to be used for the SMEFT->WET matching.

var parameters

Parameters to be used for running and translation.


def from_wc(

cls, wc)

Return a Wilson instance initialized by a wcxf.WC instance

def from_wc(cls, wc):
    """Return a `Wilson` instance initialized by a `wcxf.WC` instance"""
    return cls(wcdict=wc.dict, scale=wc.scale, eft=wc.eft, basis=wc.basis)

def from_wilson(

cls, w, par_dict)

def from_wilson(cls, w, par_dict):
    if w is None:
        return None
    if isinstance(w, cls):
        return w
    fwc = cls()
    fwc._cache = w._cache
    fwc._options = w._options
    _ckm_options = {k: par_dict[k] for k in ['Vus', 'Vcb', 'Vub', 'delta']}
    if fwc.get_option('parameters') != _ckm_options:
        fwc.set_option('parameters', _ckm_options)
    return fwc

def load_wc(

cls, stream)

Return a Wilson instance initialized by a WCxf file-like object

def load_wc(cls, stream):
    """Return a `Wilson` instance initialized by a WCxf file-like object"""
    wc = wcxf.WC.load(stream)
    return cls.from_wc(wc)

def set_default_option(

cls, key, value)

Class method. Set the default value of the option key (string) to value for all future instances of the class.

Note that this does not affect existing instances or the instance called from.

def set_default_option(cls, key, value):
    """Class method. Set the default value of the option `key` (string)
    to `value` for all future instances of the class.
    Note that this does not affect existing instances or the instance
    called from."""
    cls._default_options.update(cls._option_schema({key: value}))