Top module

Functions to load and dump class instances from and to YAML dictionaries or streams.

"""Functions to load and dump class instances from and to YAML dictionaries
or streams."""

import flavio
import voluptuous as vol
import yaml
from collections import OrderedDict

class YAMLLoadable(object):
    """Base class for objects that can be loaded and dumped from and to
    a dict or YAML stream."""

    # these class attributes should be overwritten by child classes
    _input_schema_dict = {}
    _output_schema_dict = {}

    def input_schema(cls):
        return vol.Schema(cls._input_schema_dict, extra=vol.ALLOW_EXTRA)

    def output_schema(cls):
        return vol.Schema(cls._output_schema_dict, extra=vol.REMOVE_EXTRA)

    def load_dict(cls, d, **kwargs):
        """Instantiate an object from a YAML dictionary."""
        schema = cls.input_schema()
        return cls(**schema(d), **kwargs)

    def load(cls, f, **kwargs):
        """Instantiate an object from a YAML string or stream."""
        d =
        return cls.load_dict(d, **kwargs)

    def get_yaml_dict(self):
        """Dump the object to a YAML dictionary."""
        d = self.__dict__.copy()
        schema = self.output_schema()
        d = schema(d)
        # remove NoneTypes and empty lists
        d = {k: v for k, v in d.items() if v is not None and v != []}
        return d

    def dump(self, stream=None, **kwargs):
        """Dump the objectto a YAML string or stream."""
        d = self.get_yaml_dict(**kwargs)
        return yaml.dump(d, stream=stream, **kwargs)

def coerce_observable_tuple(obs):
    """Force an arbitrary observable representation into the tuple representation."""
    return flavio.Observable.argument_format(obs, format='tuple')

def coerce_observable_dict(obs):
    """Force an arbitrary observable representation into the dict representation."""
    return flavio.Observable.argument_format(obs, format='dict')

def coerce_par_obj(par_obj_dict):
    """Coerce a dictionary of parameter constraints into a `ParameterConstraints`
    instance taking `flavio.default_parameters` as starting point"""
    par_obj = flavio.default_parameters.copy()
    return flavio.ParameterConstraints.from_yaml_dict(par_obj_dict,

def ensurelist(v):
    """Coerce NoneType to empty list, wrap non-list in list."""
    if isinstance(v, list):
        return v
    elif v is None:
        return []
        raise ValueError("Unexpected form of list: {}".format(v))

def get_par_diff(par_obj):
    """Return a dictionary representation of a ParameterConstraints instance
    that only contains constraints that are not identical to ones in
    dict_default = flavio.default_parameters.get_yaml_dict()
    dict_par = par_obj.get_yaml_dict()
    return [c for c in dict_par if c not in dict_default]

def list_deduplicate(lst):
    """Remove duplicate elements from a list but keep the order
    (keep the first occuring element of duplicates). List elements must be
    return list(OrderedDict.fromkeys(lst))


def coerce_observable_dict(


Force an arbitrary observable representation into the dict representation.

def coerce_observable_dict(obs):
    """Force an arbitrary observable representation into the dict representation."""
    return flavio.Observable.argument_format(obs, format='dict')

def coerce_observable_tuple(


Force an arbitrary observable representation into the tuple representation.

def coerce_observable_tuple(obs):
    """Force an arbitrary observable representation into the tuple representation."""
    return flavio.Observable.argument_format(obs, format='tuple')

def coerce_par_obj(


Coerce a dictionary of parameter constraints into a ParameterConstraints instance taking flavio.default_parameters as starting point

def coerce_par_obj(par_obj_dict):
    """Coerce a dictionary of parameter constraints into a `ParameterConstraints`
    instance taking `flavio.default_parameters` as starting point"""
    par_obj = flavio.default_parameters.copy()
    return flavio.ParameterConstraints.from_yaml_dict(par_obj_dict,

def ensurelist(


Coerce NoneType to empty list, wrap non-list in list.

def ensurelist(v):
    """Coerce NoneType to empty list, wrap non-list in list."""
    if isinstance(v, list):
        return v
    elif v is None:
        return []
        raise ValueError("Unexpected form of list: {}".format(v))

def get_par_diff(


Return a dictionary representation of a ParameterConstraints instance that only contains constraints that are not identical to ones in default_parameters.

def get_par_diff(par_obj):
    """Return a dictionary representation of a ParameterConstraints instance
    that only contains constraints that are not identical to ones in
    dict_default = flavio.default_parameters.get_yaml_dict()
    dict_par = par_obj.get_yaml_dict()
    return [c for c in dict_par if c not in dict_default]

def list_deduplicate(


Remove duplicate elements from a list but keep the order (keep the first occuring element of duplicates). List elements must be hashable.

def list_deduplicate(lst):
    """Remove duplicate elements from a list but keep the order
    (keep the first occuring element of duplicates). List elements must be
    return list(OrderedDict.fromkeys(lst))


class YAMLLoadable

Base class for objects that can be loaded and dumped from and to a dict or YAML stream.

class YAMLLoadable(object):
    """Base class for objects that can be loaded and dumped from and to
    a dict or YAML stream."""

    # these class attributes should be overwritten by child classes
    _input_schema_dict = {}
    _output_schema_dict = {}

    def input_schema(cls):
        return vol.Schema(cls._input_schema_dict, extra=vol.ALLOW_EXTRA)

    def output_schema(cls):
        return vol.Schema(cls._output_schema_dict, extra=vol.REMOVE_EXTRA)

    def load_dict(cls, d, **kwargs):
        """Instantiate an object from a YAML dictionary."""
        schema = cls.input_schema()
        return cls(**schema(d), **kwargs)

    def load(cls, f, **kwargs):
        """Instantiate an object from a YAML string or stream."""
        d =
        return cls.load_dict(d, **kwargs)

    def get_yaml_dict(self):
        """Dump the object to a YAML dictionary."""
        d = self.__dict__.copy()
        schema = self.output_schema()
        d = schema(d)
        # remove NoneTypes and empty lists
        d = {k: v for k, v in d.items() if v is not None and v != []}
        return d

    def dump(self, stream=None, **kwargs):
        """Dump the objectto a YAML string or stream."""
        d = self.get_yaml_dict(**kwargs)
        return yaml.dump(d, stream=stream, **kwargs)

Ancestors (in MRO)

Static methods

def dump(

self, stream=None, **kwargs)

Dump the objectto a YAML string or stream.

def dump(self, stream=None, **kwargs):
    """Dump the objectto a YAML string or stream."""
    d = self.get_yaml_dict(**kwargs)
    return yaml.dump(d, stream=stream, **kwargs)

def get_yaml_dict(


Dump the object to a YAML dictionary.

def get_yaml_dict(self):
    """Dump the object to a YAML dictionary."""
    d = self.__dict__.copy()
    schema = self.output_schema()
    d = schema(d)
    # remove NoneTypes and empty lists
    d = {k: v for k, v in d.items() if v is not None and v != []}
    return d


def input_schema(


def input_schema(cls):
    return vol.Schema(cls._input_schema_dict, extra=vol.ALLOW_EXTRA)

def load(

cls, f, **kwargs)

Instantiate an object from a YAML string or stream.

def load(cls, f, **kwargs):
    """Instantiate an object from a YAML string or stream."""
    d =
    return cls.load_dict(d, **kwargs)

def load_dict(

cls, d, **kwargs)

Instantiate an object from a YAML dictionary.

def load_dict(cls, d, **kwargs):
    """Instantiate an object from a YAML dictionary."""
    schema = cls.input_schema()
    return cls(**schema(d), **kwargs)

def output_schema(


def output_schema(cls):
    return vol.Schema(cls._output_schema_dict, extra=vol.REMOVE_EXTRA)