
flavio.measurements module

Functions for parsing the measurement data files

"""Functions for parsing the measurement data files"""

import yaml
import pkgutil
from flavio.classes import Measurement, Observable
from flavio._parse_errors import constraints_from_string, errors_from_string
from flavio.statistics import probability
import numpy as np
from math import sqrt
import warnings

def _load(obj):
    """Read measurements from a YAML stream or file."""
    measurements = yaml.safe_load(obj)
    for m_name, m_data in measurements.items():
        m = Measurement(m_name)
        for arg in ['inspire', 'hepdata', 'experiment', 'url', 'description']:
            if arg in m_data:
                setattr(m, arg, m_data[arg])
        if 'observables' in m_data:
            # for multivariate constraints
            pd = probability.dict2dist(m_data['values'])
            pd = probability.convolve_distributions(pd)
            # for observables without arguments (i.e. strings), this is trivial;
            obs_list = [obs if isinstance(obs, str)
            # for obs. with arguments, need to convert dict of the form
            # {'name': myname, 'arg1': v1, ...} to a tuple of the form
            # (myname, v1, ...)
                        else tuple(
                              + [obs[arg] for arg in Observable[obs['name']].arguments])
                        for obs in m_data['observables']]
            m.add_constraint(obs_list, pd)
        elif 'correlation' not in m_data:
            # for univariate constraints
            if isinstance(m_data['values'], list):
                for value_dict in m_data['values']:
                    args = Observable[value_dict['name']].arguments
                    # numerical values of arguments, e.g. [1, 6]
                    args_num = [value_dict[a] for a in args]
                    # insert string name in front of argument values and turn it
                    # into a tuple, e.g. ('FL(B0->K*mumu)', 1, 6)
                    args_num.insert(0, value_dict['name'])
                    obs_tuple = tuple(args_num)
                    if isinstance(value_dict['value'], dict):
                        m.set_constraint(obs_tuple, constraint_dict=value_dict['value'])
                        m.set_constraint(obs_tuple, value_dict['value'])
            else: # otherwise, 'values' is a dict just containing name: constraint_string
                for obs, value in m_data['values'].items():
                    if isinstance(value, dict) or isinstance(value, list):
                        m.set_constraint(obs, constraint_dict=value)
                        m.set_constraint(obs, value)
            # for multivariate normal constraints
            observables = []
            central_values = []
            errors = []
            if isinstance(m_data['values'], list):
                for value_dict in m_data['values']:
                    # if "value" is a list, it contains the values of observable
                    # arguments (like q^2)
                    args = Observable[value_dict['name']].arguments
                    args_num = [value_dict[a] for a in args]
                    error_dict = errors_from_string(value_dict['value'])
                    args_num.insert(0, value_dict['name'])
                    obs_tuple = tuple(args_num)
                    squared_error = 0.
                    for sym_err in error_dict['symmetric_errors']:
                        squared_error += sym_err**2
                    for asym_err in error_dict['asymmetric_errors']:
                        squared_error += asym_err[0]*asym_err[1]
            else: # otherwise, 'values' is a dict just containing name: constraint_string
                for obs, value in m_data['values'].items():
                    error_dict = errors_from_string(value)
                    squared_error = 0.
                    for sym_err in error_dict['symmetric_errors']:
                        squared_error += sym_err**2
                    for asym_err in error_dict['asymmetric_errors']:
                        squared_error += asym_err[0]*asym_err[1]
            correlation = _fix_correlation_matrix(m_data['correlation'], len(observables))
            covariance = np.outer(np.asarray(errors), np.asarray(errors))*correlation
            m.add_constraint(observables, probability.MultivariateNormalDistribution(central_values, covariance))
    return list(measurements.keys())

def _load_new(obj):
    """Read measurements from a YAML stream or file that are compatible
    with the format generated by the `get_yaml` method of
    measurements = yaml.safe_load(obj)
    if isinstance(measurements, dict):
        measurements = [Measurement.from_yaml_dict(measurements, pname='observables')]
        measurements = [Measurement.from_yaml_dict(m, pname='observables') for m in measurements]
    return [ for m in measurements]

def _fix_correlation_matrix(corr, n_dim):
    """In the input file, the correlation matrix can be specified as a list
    of lists containing only the upper right of the symmetric correlation
    matrix, e.g. [[1, 0.1, 0.2], [1, 0.3], [1, 0.05]]. This function builds the
    full matrix.

    Alternatively, if only a number x is given, the correlation matrix is
    reconstructed as [[1, x, x, ...], ..., [..., x, x, 1]]"""
    except TypeError:
        # if it's not a number, go on below
        # if it's a number, return delta_ij + (1-delta_ij)*x
        return np.eye(n_dim) + (np.ones((n_dim, n_dim))-np.eye(n_dim))*float(corr)
    if not isinstance(corr, list):
        raise TypeError("Correlation matrix must be of type list")
    if len(corr) != n_dim:
        raise ValueError("The correlation matrix has inappropriate number of dimensions")
    corr_out = np.zeros((n_dim, n_dim))
    for i, line in enumerate(corr):
        if len(line) == n_dim:
            if line[i] != 1:
                raise ValueError("The correlation matrix must have 1.0 on the diagonal")
            corr_out[i] = line
        elif len(line) == n_dim - i:
            if line[0] != 1:
                raise ValueError("The correlation matrix must have 1.0 on the diagonal")
            corr_out[i,i:] = line
            raise ValueError("Correlation matrix not understood")
    if not np.allclose(corr_out, corr_out.T):
        # if the covariance is not symmetric, it is assumed that only the values above the diagonal are present.
        # then: M -> M + M^T - diag(M)
        corr_out = corr_out + corr_out.T - np.diag(np.diag(corr_out))
    return corr_out

def write_file(filename, measurements):
    """Write measurements to a YAML file.

    measurements can be a list of string names or a list of measurement
    measurement_instances = [m if isinstance(m, Measurement)
                             else Measurement[m] for m in measurements]
    with open(filename, 'w') as f:
                   for m in measurement_instances], f)

def read_file(filename):
    """Read measurements from a YAML file."""
    with open(filename, 'r') as f:
            return _load_new(f)
   # rewind
            return _load(f)

def read_url(url):
    """Read measurements from a URL."""
        import requests
        raise ImportError("You need to install the python requests module to load measurements from a URL.")
    res = requests.get(url)
    return _load(res.text)

def load(obj):
    """Alias for `read_file` for backwards compatibility. Don't use."""
    warnings.warn("The function `flavio.measurements.load` was replaced "
                  "by `flavio.measurements.read_file` in v0.13 "
                  "and might be removed in the future. "
                  "Please update your code.", FutureWarning)
    return read_file(obj)

def read_default():
    """Read all measurements from `data/measurements.yml`.

    This function is invoked once when the package is loaded."""
    return _load(pkgutil.get_data('flavio', 'data/measurements.yml'))



def load(


Alias for read_file for backwards compatibility. Don't use.

def load(obj):
    """Alias for `read_file` for backwards compatibility. Don't use."""
    warnings.warn("The function `flavio.measurements.load` was replaced "
                  "by `flavio.measurements.read_file` in v0.13 "
                  "and might be removed in the future. "
                  "Please update your code.", FutureWarning)
    return read_file(obj)

def read_default(


Read all measurements from data/measurements.yml.

This function is invoked once when the package is loaded.

def read_default():
    """Read all measurements from `data/measurements.yml`.

    This function is invoked once when the package is loaded."""
    return _load(pkgutil.get_data('flavio', 'data/measurements.yml'))

def read_file(


Read measurements from a YAML file.

def read_file(filename):
    """Read measurements from a YAML file."""
    with open(filename, 'r') as f:
            return _load_new(f)
   # rewind
            return _load(f)

def read_url(


Read measurements from a URL.

def read_url(url):
    """Read measurements from a URL."""
        import requests
        raise ImportError("You need to install the python requests module to load measurements from a URL.")
    res = requests.get(url)
    return _load(res.text)

def write_file(

filename, measurements)

Write measurements to a YAML file.

measurements can be a list of string names or a list of measurement instances.

def write_file(filename, measurements):
    """Write measurements to a YAML file.

    measurements can be a list of string names or a list of measurement
    measurement_instances = [m if isinstance(m, Measurement)
                             else Measurement[m] for m in measurements]
    with open(filename, 'w') as f:
                   for m in measurement_instances], f)