flavio.physics.bdecays.bllgamma module
Functions for the branching ratio of the leptonic decay $B_q\to\ell^+\ell^-\gamma$, where $q=d$ or $s$ and $\ell=e$, $\mu$ or $\tau$. The branching ratio is taken from hep-ph/0410146
r"""Functions for the branching ratio of the leptonic decay $B_q\to\ell^+\ell^-\gamma$, where $q=d$ or $s$ and $\ell=e$, $\mu$ or $\tau$. The branching ratio is taken from hep-ph/0410146""" import flavio from math import sqrt,pi,atanh from flavio.physics.bdecays.common import meson_quark from flavio.physics import ckm from flavio.classes import AuxiliaryQuantity from flavio.config import config from flavio.physics.running import running from flavio.physics.bdecays.wilsoncoefficients import get_wceff, wctot_dict from flavio.classes import Observable, Prediction import warnings def _Re(z): return z.real def _Im(z): return z.imag def _Co(z): return complex(z).conjugate() ################## # hep-ph/0410146: # - Uses the C7>0, C9<0, C10>0 convention # - has a global minus sign typo in dG12dsMN # - defines f_V instead of f_V^{.e.m} (see 1712.07926 and fix in the code) # - Defines an effective C9 (as for B->P/Vll), for the moment C9 is used, # which means that charmonium is not implemented!! ################## # form factors def get_ff(q2, par, B): return AuxiliaryQuantity['B->gamma form factor'].prediction(par_dict=par, wc_obj=None, q2=q2, B=B) def prefactor(s, par, B, ff, lep, wc): GF = par['GF'] scale = config['renormalization scale']['bllgamma'] alphaem = running.get_alpha(par, scale)['alpha_e'] bq = meson_quark[B] xi_t = ckm.xi('t',bq)(par) return GF**2/(2**10*pi**4)*abs(xi_t)**2*alphaem**3*par['m_'+B]**5 def getfft(s, par, B, ff, ff0, lep, wc): scale = config['renormalization scale']['bllgamma'] mb = running.get_mb(par, scale, nf_out=5) bq = meson_quark[B] a1 = -wc['C1_'+bq]-wc['C2_'+bq]/3 #minus sign comes from WC sign convention fftv = ff['tv']+ff0['tv']+16/3*a1/wc['C7_'+bq]*par['f_'+B]/mb ffta = ff['ta']+ff0['ta'] #Add light meson resonances resonances = {'Bs': ['phi'], 'B0': ['rho0', 'omega']} flavio.citations.register("Kozachuk:2017mdk") fVtofVemfactors = {'phi': -1/3, 'rho0': 1/sqrt(2), 'omega': 1/(3*sqrt(2))} # Given in Sec. 8.A.3 of 1712.07926 #We use the general B->rho and B->omega parameters, hence the isotopic factors resgV = {('Bs','phi'): -par['Bs->phi BSZ a0_T1'], ('B0','rho0'): 1/sqrt(2)*par['B->rho BSZ a0_T1'], ('B0','omega'): -1/sqrt(2)*par['B->omega BSZ a0_T1'],} for V in resonances[B]: gV = resgV[(B, V)] fV = fVtofVemfactors[V]*par['f_'+V] fftv -= 2*fV*gV*par['m_'+B]**2*s/par['m_'+V]/(par['m_'+B]**2*s-par['m_'+V]**2+1j*par['m_'+V]/par['tau_'+V]) ffta -= 2*fV*gV*par['m_'+B]**2*s/par['m_'+V]/(par['m_'+B]**2*s-par['m_'+V]**2+1j*par['m_'+V]/par['tau_'+V]) return (fftv, ffta) def getF1(s, par, B, ff, ff0, lep, wc): flavio.citations.register("Melikhov:2004mk") scale = config['renormalization scale']['bllgamma'] mb = running.get_mb(par, scale, nf_out=5) mbh = mb/par['m_'+B] bq = meson_quark[B] label = bq+lep+lep fftv, ffta = getfft(s, par, B, ff, ff0, lep, wc) return (abs(wc['C9_'+label])**2 + abs(wc['C10_'+label])**2)*ff['v']**2 + 4*mbh**2/s**2*abs(wc['C7_'+bq]*fftv)**2 + 4*mbh/s*ff['v']*_Re(wc['C7_'+bq]*ffta*_Co(wc['C9_'+label])) def getF2(s, par, B, ff, ff0, lep, wc): flavio.citations.register("Melikhov:2004mk") scale = config['renormalization scale']['bllgamma'] mb = running.get_mb(par, scale, nf_out=5) mbh = mb/par['m_'+B] bq = meson_quark[B] label = bq+lep+lep fftv, ffta = getfft(s, par, B, ff, ff0, lep, wc) return (abs(wc['C9_'+label])**2 + abs(wc['C10_'+label])**2)*ff['a']**2 + 4*mbh**2/s**2*abs(wc['C7_'+bq]*ffta)**2 + 4*mbh/s*ff['a']*_Re(wc['C7_'+bq]*ffta*_Co(wc['C9_'+label])) def B10(s, par, B, ff, ff0, lep, wc): flavio.citations.register("Melikhov:2004mk") flavio.citations.register("Guadagnoli:2016erb") F1 = getF1(s, par, B, ff, ff0, lep, wc) F2 = getF2(s, par, B, ff, ff0, lep, wc) mlh = par['m_'+lep]/par['m_'+B] label = meson_quark[B]+lep+lep return (s + 4*mlh**2)*(F1 + F2) - 8*mlh**2*abs(wc['C10_'+label])**2*(ff['v']**2+ff['a']**2) # B11 vanishes for the BR estimation def B12(s, par, B, ff, ff0, lep, wc): flavio.citations.register("Melikhov:2004mk") flavio.citations.register("Guadagnoli:2016erb") F1 = getF1(s, par, B, ff, ff0, lep, wc) F2 = getF2(s, par, B, ff, ff0, lep, wc) return s*(F1+F2) def B120(s, par, B, ff, ff0, lep, wc): flavio.citations.register("Melikhov:2004mk") flavio.citations.register("Guadagnoli:2016erb") scale = config['renormalization scale']['bllgamma'] mb = running.get_mb(par, scale, nf_out=5) mbh = mb/par['m_'+B] mlh = par['m_'+lep]/par['m_'+B] bq = meson_quark[B] label = bq+lep+lep fftv, ffta = getfft(s, par, B, ff, ff0, lep, wc) return -16*mlh**2*(1-s)*(ff['v']*_Re(wc['C9_'+label]*_Co(wc['C10_'+label])) + 2*mbh/s*_Re(_Co(wc['C10_'+label])*fftv*wc['C7_'+bq])) def dG1dsMN(s, par, B, ff, ff0, lep, wc): flavio.citations.register("Melikhov:2004mk") mlh = par['m_'+lep]/par['m_'+B] pref = prefactor(s, par, B, ff, lep, wc)*(1-s)**3*sqrt(1-4*mlh**2/s) return pref*(B10(s, par, B, ff, ff0, lep, wc) + (s - 4*mlh**2)/(3*s)*B12(s, par, B, ff, ff0, lep, wc)) def dG2dsMN(s, par, B, ff, ff0, lep, wc): flavio.citations.register("Melikhov:2004mk") mlh = par['m_'+lep]/par['m_'+B] bq = meson_quark[B] label = bq+lep+lep pref = 16*prefactor(s, par, B, ff, lep, wc)*(par['f_'+B]/par['m_'+B]*abs(wc['C10_'+label])*mlh)**2/(1-s) return pref*(-8*sqrt(s-4*mlh**2)*sqrt(s)+4*atanh(sqrt(1-4*mlh**2/s))*(1+s-mlh**2*(1-s)**2)) def dG12dsMN(s, par, B, ff, ff0, lep, wc): flavio.citations.register("Melikhov:2004mk") mlh = par['m_'+lep]/par['m_'+B] pref = 4*prefactor(s, par, B, ff, lep, wc)*par['f_'+B]/par['m_'+B]*(1-s) return pref*atanh(sqrt(1-4*mlh**2/s))*B120(s, par, B, ff, ff0, lep, wc) def dGdsMN(s, par, B, ff, ff0, lep, wc): return dG1dsMN(s, par, B, ff, ff0, lep, wc) + dG2dsMN(s, par, B, ff, ff0, lep, wc) + dG12dsMN(s, par, B, ff, ff0, lep, wc) def bllg_dbrdq2(q2, wc_obj, par, B, lep): if q2 >= 8.7 and q2 < 14 and lep != 'tau': warnings.warn("The predictions in the region of narrow charmonium resonances are not meaningful") if q2 >= 0.7 and q2 < 1.1: warnings.warn("Numerical integration in the region of phi, rho and omega resonances may be unreliable.") tauB = par['tau_'+B] ml = par['m_'+lep] mB = par['m_'+B] scale = config['renormalization scale']['bllgamma'] ff = get_ff(q2, par, B) ff0 = get_ff(0, par, B) label = meson_quark[B]+lep+lep wc = wctot_dict(wc_obj, label, scale, par) if q2 <= 4*ml**2 or q2 > mB**2: return 0 else: dBR = tauB * dGdsMN(q2/mB**2, par, B, ff, ff0, lep, wc) return dBR def bllg_dbrdq2_func(B, lep): def fct(wc_obj, par, q2): return bllg_dbrdq2(q2, wc_obj, par, B, lep) return fct def bllg_dbrdq2_int(q2min, q2max, wc_obj, par, B, lep, epsrel=0.005): def obs(q2): return bllg_dbrdq2(q2, wc_obj, par, B, lep) return flavio.math.integrate.nintegrate(obs, q2min, q2max, epsrel=epsrel)/(q2max-q2min) def bllg_dbrdq2_int_func(B, lep): def fct(wc_obj, par, q2min, q2max): return bllg_dbrdq2_int(q2min, q2max, wc_obj, par, B, lep) return fct _tex = {'e': 'e', 'mu': '\mu', 'tau': r'\tau'} _tex_B = {'B0': r'\bar B^0', 'Bs': r'\bar B_s'} _process_taxonomy = r'Process :: $b$ hadron decays :: FCNC decays :: $B\to \ell^+\ell^-\gamma$ :: $' for l in ['e', 'mu']: for B in ['Bs', 'B0']: _process_tex = _tex_B[B]+r"\to" +_tex[l]+r"^+"+_tex[l]+r"^-\gamma" # binned branching ratio _obs_name = "<dBR/dq2>("+B+"->"+l+l+"gamma)" _obs = Observable(name=_obs_name, arguments=['q2min', 'q2max']) _obs.set_description(r"Binned differential branching ratio of $" + _process_tex + r"$") _obs.tex = r"$\langle \frac{d\text{BR}}{dq^2} \rangle(" + _process_tex + r")$" _obs.add_taxonomy(_process_taxonomy + _process_tex + r"$") Prediction(_obs_name, bllg_dbrdq2_int_func(B, l)) # differential branching ratio _obs_name = "dBR/dq2("+B+"->"+l+l+"gamma)" _obs = Observable(name=_obs_name, arguments=['q2']) _obs.set_description(r"Differential branching ratio of $" + _process_tex + r"$") _obs.tex = r"$\frac{d\text{BR}}{dq^2}(" + _process_tex + r")$" _obs.add_taxonomy(_process_taxonomy + _process_tex + r"$") Prediction(_obs_name, bllg_dbrdq2_func(B, l))
Module variables
var B
var config
var l
var meson_quark
var pi
def B10(
s, par, B, ff, ff0, lep, wc)
def B10(s, par, B, ff, ff0, lep, wc): flavio.citations.register("Melikhov:2004mk") flavio.citations.register("Guadagnoli:2016erb") F1 = getF1(s, par, B, ff, ff0, lep, wc) F2 = getF2(s, par, B, ff, ff0, lep, wc) mlh = par['m_'+lep]/par['m_'+B] label = meson_quark[B]+lep+lep return (s + 4*mlh**2)*(F1 + F2) - 8*mlh**2*abs(wc['C10_'+label])**2*(ff['v']**2+ff['a']**2)
def B12(
s, par, B, ff, ff0, lep, wc)
def B12(s, par, B, ff, ff0, lep, wc): flavio.citations.register("Melikhov:2004mk") flavio.citations.register("Guadagnoli:2016erb") F1 = getF1(s, par, B, ff, ff0, lep, wc) F2 = getF2(s, par, B, ff, ff0, lep, wc) return s*(F1+F2)
def B120(
s, par, B, ff, ff0, lep, wc)
def B120(s, par, B, ff, ff0, lep, wc): flavio.citations.register("Melikhov:2004mk") flavio.citations.register("Guadagnoli:2016erb") scale = config['renormalization scale']['bllgamma'] mb = running.get_mb(par, scale, nf_out=5) mbh = mb/par['m_'+B] mlh = par['m_'+lep]/par['m_'+B] bq = meson_quark[B] label = bq+lep+lep fftv, ffta = getfft(s, par, B, ff, ff0, lep, wc) return -16*mlh**2*(1-s)*(ff['v']*_Re(wc['C9_'+label]*_Co(wc['C10_'+label])) + 2*mbh/s*_Re(_Co(wc['C10_'+label])*fftv*wc['C7_'+bq]))
def bllg_dbrdq2(
q2, wc_obj, par, B, lep)
def bllg_dbrdq2(q2, wc_obj, par, B, lep): if q2 >= 8.7 and q2 < 14 and lep != 'tau': warnings.warn("The predictions in the region of narrow charmonium resonances are not meaningful") if q2 >= 0.7 and q2 < 1.1: warnings.warn("Numerical integration in the region of phi, rho and omega resonances may be unreliable.") tauB = par['tau_'+B] ml = par['m_'+lep] mB = par['m_'+B] scale = config['renormalization scale']['bllgamma'] ff = get_ff(q2, par, B) ff0 = get_ff(0, par, B) label = meson_quark[B]+lep+lep wc = wctot_dict(wc_obj, label, scale, par) if q2 <= 4*ml**2 or q2 > mB**2: return 0 else: dBR = tauB * dGdsMN(q2/mB**2, par, B, ff, ff0, lep, wc) return dBR
def bllg_dbrdq2_func(
B, lep)
def bllg_dbrdq2_func(B, lep): def fct(wc_obj, par, q2): return bllg_dbrdq2(q2, wc_obj, par, B, lep) return fct
def bllg_dbrdq2_int(
q2min, q2max, wc_obj, par, B, lep, epsrel=0.005)
def bllg_dbrdq2_int(q2min, q2max, wc_obj, par, B, lep, epsrel=0.005): def obs(q2): return bllg_dbrdq2(q2, wc_obj, par, B, lep) return flavio.math.integrate.nintegrate(obs, q2min, q2max, epsrel=epsrel)/(q2max-q2min)
def bllg_dbrdq2_int_func(
B, lep)
def bllg_dbrdq2_int_func(B, lep): def fct(wc_obj, par, q2min, q2max): return bllg_dbrdq2_int(q2min, q2max, wc_obj, par, B, lep) return fct
def dG12dsMN(
s, par, B, ff, ff0, lep, wc)
def dG12dsMN(s, par, B, ff, ff0, lep, wc): flavio.citations.register("Melikhov:2004mk") mlh = par['m_'+lep]/par['m_'+B] pref = 4*prefactor(s, par, B, ff, lep, wc)*par['f_'+B]/par['m_'+B]*(1-s) return pref*atanh(sqrt(1-4*mlh**2/s))*B120(s, par, B, ff, ff0, lep, wc)
def dG1dsMN(
s, par, B, ff, ff0, lep, wc)
def dG1dsMN(s, par, B, ff, ff0, lep, wc): flavio.citations.register("Melikhov:2004mk") mlh = par['m_'+lep]/par['m_'+B] pref = prefactor(s, par, B, ff, lep, wc)*(1-s)**3*sqrt(1-4*mlh**2/s) return pref*(B10(s, par, B, ff, ff0, lep, wc) + (s - 4*mlh**2)/(3*s)*B12(s, par, B, ff, ff0, lep, wc))
def dG2dsMN(
s, par, B, ff, ff0, lep, wc)
def dG2dsMN(s, par, B, ff, ff0, lep, wc): flavio.citations.register("Melikhov:2004mk") mlh = par['m_'+lep]/par['m_'+B] bq = meson_quark[B] label = bq+lep+lep pref = 16*prefactor(s, par, B, ff, lep, wc)*(par['f_'+B]/par['m_'+B]*abs(wc['C10_'+label])*mlh)**2/(1-s) return pref*(-8*sqrt(s-4*mlh**2)*sqrt(s)+4*atanh(sqrt(1-4*mlh**2/s))*(1+s-mlh**2*(1-s)**2))
def dGdsMN(
s, par, B, ff, ff0, lep, wc)
def dGdsMN(s, par, B, ff, ff0, lep, wc): return dG1dsMN(s, par, B, ff, ff0, lep, wc) + dG2dsMN(s, par, B, ff, ff0, lep, wc) + dG12dsMN(s, par, B, ff, ff0, lep, wc)
def getF1(
s, par, B, ff, ff0, lep, wc)
def getF1(s, par, B, ff, ff0, lep, wc): flavio.citations.register("Melikhov:2004mk") scale = config['renormalization scale']['bllgamma'] mb = running.get_mb(par, scale, nf_out=5) mbh = mb/par['m_'+B] bq = meson_quark[B] label = bq+lep+lep fftv, ffta = getfft(s, par, B, ff, ff0, lep, wc) return (abs(wc['C9_'+label])**2 + abs(wc['C10_'+label])**2)*ff['v']**2 + 4*mbh**2/s**2*abs(wc['C7_'+bq]*fftv)**2 + 4*mbh/s*ff['v']*_Re(wc['C7_'+bq]*ffta*_Co(wc['C9_'+label]))
def getF2(
s, par, B, ff, ff0, lep, wc)
def getF2(s, par, B, ff, ff0, lep, wc): flavio.citations.register("Melikhov:2004mk") scale = config['renormalization scale']['bllgamma'] mb = running.get_mb(par, scale, nf_out=5) mbh = mb/par['m_'+B] bq = meson_quark[B] label = bq+lep+lep fftv, ffta = getfft(s, par, B, ff, ff0, lep, wc) return (abs(wc['C9_'+label])**2 + abs(wc['C10_'+label])**2)*ff['a']**2 + 4*mbh**2/s**2*abs(wc['C7_'+bq]*ffta)**2 + 4*mbh/s*ff['a']*_Re(wc['C7_'+bq]*ffta*_Co(wc['C9_'+label]))
def get_ff(
q2, par, B)
def get_ff(q2, par, B): return AuxiliaryQuantity['B->gamma form factor'].prediction(par_dict=par, wc_obj=None, q2=q2, B=B)
def getfft(
s, par, B, ff, ff0, lep, wc)
def getfft(s, par, B, ff, ff0, lep, wc): scale = config['renormalization scale']['bllgamma'] mb = running.get_mb(par, scale, nf_out=5) bq = meson_quark[B] a1 = -wc['C1_'+bq]-wc['C2_'+bq]/3 #minus sign comes from WC sign convention fftv = ff['tv']+ff0['tv']+16/3*a1/wc['C7_'+bq]*par['f_'+B]/mb ffta = ff['ta']+ff0['ta'] #Add light meson resonances resonances = {'Bs': ['phi'], 'B0': ['rho0', 'omega']} flavio.citations.register("Kozachuk:2017mdk") fVtofVemfactors = {'phi': -1/3, 'rho0': 1/sqrt(2), 'omega': 1/(3*sqrt(2))} # Given in Sec. 8.A.3 of 1712.07926 #We use the general B->rho and B->omega parameters, hence the isotopic factors resgV = {('Bs','phi'): -par['Bs->phi BSZ a0_T1'], ('B0','rho0'): 1/sqrt(2)*par['B->rho BSZ a0_T1'], ('B0','omega'): -1/sqrt(2)*par['B->omega BSZ a0_T1'],} for V in resonances[B]: gV = resgV[(B, V)] fV = fVtofVemfactors[V]*par['f_'+V] fftv -= 2*fV*gV*par['m_'+B]**2*s/par['m_'+V]/(par['m_'+B]**2*s-par['m_'+V]**2+1j*par['m_'+V]/par['tau_'+V]) ffta -= 2*fV*gV*par['m_'+B]**2*s/par['m_'+V]/(par['m_'+B]**2*s-par['m_'+V]**2+1j*par['m_'+V]/par['tau_'+V]) return (fftv, ffta)
def prefactor(
s, par, B, ff, lep, wc)
def prefactor(s, par, B, ff, lep, wc): GF = par['GF'] scale = config['renormalization scale']['bllgamma'] alphaem = running.get_alpha(par, scale)['alpha_e'] bq = meson_quark[B] xi_t = ckm.xi('t',bq)(par) return GF**2/(2**10*pi**4)*abs(xi_t)**2*alphaem**3*par['m_'+B]**5