flavio.physics.bdecays.bvll.observables module
Functions for exclusive $B o V\ell^+\ell^-$ decays.
"""Functions for exclusive $B\to V\ell^+\ell^-$ decays.""" from math import sqrt, log from flavio.physics.bdecays.common import meson_quark from flavio.physics.common import conjugate_par, conjugate_wc from flavio.physics.bdecays.wilsoncoefficients import wctot_dict from flavio.config import config from flavio.physics.running import running from .amplitudes import * from flavio.classes import Observable, Prediction import flavio import warnings def dGdq2(J): return 3/4. * (2 * J['1s'] + J['1c']) - 1/4. * (2 * J['2s'] + J['2c']) def dGdq2_ave(J, J_bar): return ( dGdq2(J) + dGdq2(J_bar) )/2. def dGdq2_diff(J, J_bar): return ( dGdq2(J) - dGdq2(J_bar) )/2. # denominator of S_i and A_i observables def SA_den(J, J_bar): return 2*dGdq2_ave(J, J_bar) # denominator of P_i observables def P_den(J, J_bar): return S_theory_num(J, J_bar, '2s') def S_theory(J, J_bar, i): r"""CP-averaged angular observable $S_i$ in the theory convention.""" return S_theory_num(J, J_bar, i)/SA_den(J, J_bar) # numerator def S_theory_num(J, J_bar, i): return (J[i] + J_bar[i]) def A_theory(J, J_bar, i): r"""Angular CP asymmetry $A_i$ in the theory convention.""" return A_theory_num(J, J_bar, i)/SA_den(J, J_bar) # numerator def A_theory_num(J, J_bar, i): return (J[i] - J_bar[i]) def S_experiment(J, J_bar, i): r"""CP-averaged angular observable $S_i$ in the LHCb convention. See eq. (C.8) of arXiv:1506.03970v2. """ return S_experiment_num(J, J_bar, i)/SA_den(J, J_bar) # numerator def S_experiment_num(J, J_bar, i): if i in [4, '6s', '6c', 7, 9]: return -S_theory_num(J, J_bar, i) return S_theory_num(J, J_bar, i) def A_experiment(J, J_bar, i): r"""Angular CP asymmetry $A_i$ in the LHCb convention. See eq. (C.8) of arXiv:1506.03970v2. """ return A_experiment_num(J, J_bar, i)/SA_den(J, J_bar) # numerator def A_experiment_num(J, J_bar, i): if i in [4, '6s', '6c', 7, 9]: return -A_theory_num(J, J_bar, i) return A_theory_num(J, J_bar, i) def AFB_experiment(J, J_bar): r"""Forward-backward asymmetry in the LHCb convention. See eq. (C.9) of arXiv:1506.03970v2. """ return AFB_experiment_num(J, J_bar)/SA_den(J, J_bar) def AFB_experiment_num(J, J_bar): return 3/4.*S_experiment_num(J, J_bar, '6s') def AFB_theory(J, J_bar): """Forward-backward asymmetry in the original theory convention. """ return AFB_theory_num(J, J_bar)/SA_den(J, J_bar) def AFB_theory_num(J, J_bar): return 3/4.*S_theory_num(J, J_bar, '6s') def FL(J, J_bar): r"""Longitudinal polarization fraction $F_L$""" return FL_num(J, J_bar)/SA_den(J, J_bar) def FL_num(J, J_bar): return -S_theory_num(J, J_bar, '2c') def FLhat(J, J_bar): r"""Modified longitudinal polarization fraction for vanishing lepton masses, $\hat F_L$. See eq. (32) of arXiv:1510.04239. """ return FLhat_num(J, J_bar)/SA_den(J, J_bar) def FLhat_num(J, J_bar): return -S_theory_num(J, J_bar, '1c') class BVllObservable(object): r"""Base class for $B\to V\ell^+\ell^- observable functions that facilitates caching/memoization.""" def __init__(self, B, V, lep, wc_obj, par): """Initialize the class and cache results needed more often.""" self.B = B self.V = V self.lep = lep self.wc_obj = wc_obj self.par = par self.par_conjugate = conjugate_par(par) self.prefactor = prefactor(None, self.par, B, V) self.prefactor_conjugate = prefactor(None, self.par_conjugate, B, V) self.scale = config['renormalization scale']['bvll'] self.label = meson_quark[(B,V)] + lep + lep # e.g. bsmumu, bdtautau self.wctot_dict = wctot_dict(wc_obj, self.label, self.scale, par) self._ff = {} self._wceff = {} self._wceff_bar = {} self._ha = {} self._ha_bar = {} self._j = {} self._j_bar = {} self.ml = par['m_'+lep] self.mB = par['m_'+B] self.mV = par['m_'+V] self.mb = running.get_mb(par, self.scale) def ff(self, q2): """Get form factors. Cache and only recompute if necessary.""" if q2 not in self._ff: self._ff[q2] = get_ff(q2, self.par, self.B, self.V) return self._ff[q2] def wceff(self, q2): """Get effective WCs. Cache and only recompute if necessary.""" if q2 not in self._wceff: self._wceff[q2] = get_wceff(q2, self.wctot_dict, self.par, self.B, self.V, self.lep, self.scale) return self._wceff[q2] def wceff_bar(self, q2): """Get CP conjugate effective WCs. Cache and only recompute if necessary.""" if q2 not in self._wceff_bar: self._wceff_bar[q2] = get_wceff(q2, conjugate_wc(self.wctot_dict), self.par_conjugate, self.B, self.V, self.lep, self.scale) return self._wceff_bar[q2] def helicity_amps_ff(self, q2, cp_conjugate): """Get helicity amps proportional to FFs. Cache and only recompute if necessary.""" if not cp_conjugate: return angular.helicity_amps_v(q2, self.mB, self.mV, self.mb, 0, self.ml, self.ml, self.ff(q2), self.wceff(q2), self.prefactor) else: return angular.helicity_amps_v(q2, self.mB, self.mV, self.mb, 0, self.ml, self.ml, self.ff(q2), self.wceff_bar(q2), self.prefactor_conjugate) def ha(self, q2): """Get full helicity amps. Cache and only recompute if necessary.""" if q2 not in self._ha: self._ha[q2] = add_dict(( self.helicity_amps_ff(q2, cp_conjugate=False), get_ss(q2, self.wc_obj, self.par, self.B, self.V, cp_conjugate=False), get_subleading(q2, self.wc_obj, self.par, self.B, self.V, cp_conjugate=False) )) return self._ha[q2] def ha_bar(self, q2): """Get CP conjugate full helicity amps. Cache and only recompute if necessary.""" if q2 not in self._ha_bar: self._ha_bar[q2] = add_dict(( self.helicity_amps_ff(q2, cp_conjugate=True), get_ss(q2, self.wc_obj, self.par, self.B, self.V, cp_conjugate=True), get_subleading(q2, self.wc_obj, self.par, self.B, self.V, cp_conjugate=True) )) return self._ha_bar[q2] def j(self, q2): """Get angular coeffs. Cache and only recompute if necessary.""" h = self.ha(q2) if q2 not in self._j: self._j[q2] = angular.angularcoeffs_general_v(h, q2, self.mB, self.mV, self.mb, 0, self.ml, self.ml) return self._j[q2] def jbar(self, q2): """Get CP conjugate angular coeffs. Cache and only recompute if necessary.""" hbar = self.ha_bar(q2) if q2 not in self._j_bar: self._j_bar[q2] = angular.angularcoeffs_general_v(hbar, q2, self.mB, self.mV, self.mb, 0, self.ml, self.ml) return self._j_bar[q2] def jfunc(self, function, q2): """Return a function of J and Jbar at one value of q2.""" return function(self.j(q2), self.jbar(q2)) class BVllObservableDifferential(BVllObservable): """Base class for differential observables depending on q2.""" def __init__(self, q2, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.q2 = q2 if q2 < 4 * self.ml**2 or q2 > (self.mB - self.mV)**2: self.allowed = False else: self.allowed = True class BVllObservableBinned(BVllObservable): """Base class for binned observables depending on q2min and q2max.""" def __init__(self, q2min, q2max, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.q2min = q2min self.q2max = q2max self.q2min_allowed = max(4 * self.ml**2, self.q2min) self.q2max_allowed = min((self.mB - self.mV)**2, self.q2max) class BVll_dBRdq2(BVllObservableDifferential): """Differential branching ratio""" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) def __call__(self): if not self.allowed: return 0 tauB = self.par['tau_' + self.B] return tauB * self.jfunc(dGdq2_ave, self.q2) class BVll_obs(BVllObservableDifferential): """Differential function of angular coefficients""" def __init__(self, func, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.func = func def __call__(self): if not self.allowed: return 0 return self.jfunc(self.func, self.q2) class BVll_ratio(BVllObservableDifferential): """Differential ratio of functions of angular coefficients""" def __init__(self, func_num, func_den, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.func_num = func_num self.func_den = func_den def __call__(self): if not self.allowed: return 0 num = self.jfunc(self.func_num, self.q2) if num == 0: return 0 den = self.jfunc(self.func_den, self.q2) return num / den class BVll_pprime(BVllObservableDifferential): r"""Differential $P'$ observables""" def __init__(self, func_num, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.func_num = func_num @staticmethod def func_2s(J, J_bar): return S_experiment_num(J, J_bar, '2s') @staticmethod def func_2c(J, J_bar): return S_experiment_num(J, J_bar, '2c') def __call__(self): if not self.allowed: return 0 num = self.jfunc(self.func_num, self.q2) if num == 0: return 0 den_2s = self.jfunc(self.func_2s, self.q2) den_2c = self.jfunc(self.func_2c, self.q2) den = 2 * sqrt(-den_2s * den_2c) return num / den class BVll_dBRdq2_int(BVllObservableBinned): """Binned branching ratio""" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.epsrel = 0.005 def obs(self, q2): tauB = self.par['tau_' + self.B] return tauB * self.jfunc(dGdq2_ave, q2) def __call__(self): if self.q2max_allowed <= self.q2min_allowed: return 0 return nintegrate_pole(self.obs, self.q2min_allowed, self.q2max_allowed, epsrel=self.epsrel) / (self.q2max - self.q2min) class BVll_obs_int(BVllObservableBinned): """Binned function of angular coefficients""" def __init__(self, func, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.epsrel = 0.005 self.func = func def obs(self, q2): return self.jfunc(self.func, q2) def __call__(self): if self.q2max_allowed <= self.q2min_allowed: return 0 return nintegrate_pole(self.obs, self.q2min_allowed, self.q2max_allowed, epsrel=self.epsrel) / (self.q2max - self.q2min) class BVll_int_ratio(BVllObservableBinned): """Binned ratio of functions if angular coefficients""" def __init__(self, func_num, func_den, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.epsrel = 0.005 self.func_num = func_num self.func_den = func_den def obs_num(self, q2): return self.jfunc(self.func_num, q2) def obs_den(self, q2): return self.jfunc(self.func_den, q2) def __call__(self): if self.q2max_allowed <= self.q2min_allowed: return 0 num = nintegrate_pole(self.obs_num, self.q2min_allowed, self.q2max_allowed, epsrel=self.epsrel) if num == 0: return 0 den = nintegrate_pole(self.obs_den, self.q2min_allowed, self.q2max_allowed, epsrel=self.epsrel) return num / den class BVll_int_pprime(BVllObservableBinned): r"""Binned $P'$ observables""" def __init__(self, func_num, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.epsrel = 0.005 self.func_num = func_num def obs_num(self, q2): return self.jfunc(self.func_num, q2) def obs_2s(self, q2): return self.jfunc(lambda J, J_bar: S_experiment_num(J, J_bar, '2s'), q2) def obs_2c(self, q2): return self.jfunc(lambda J, J_bar: S_experiment_num(J, J_bar, '2c'), q2) def __call__(self): if self.q2max_allowed <= self.q2min_allowed: return 0 num = nintegrate_pole(self.obs_num, self.q2min_allowed, self.q2max_allowed, epsrel=self.epsrel) if num == 0: return 0 den_2s = nintegrate_pole(self.obs_2s, self.q2min_allowed, self.q2max_allowed, epsrel=self.epsrel) den_2c = nintegrate_pole(self.obs_2c, self.q2min_allowed, self.q2max_allowed, epsrel=self.epsrel) den = 2 * sqrt(-den_2s * den_2c) return num / den def nintegrate_pole(function, q2min, q2max, epsrel=0.005): # this is a special integration function to treat the presence of the # photon pole at low q^2. If q2min is below 0.1 GeV^2, it adds and subtracts # the 1/q^2-enhanced pole part to split the integral into a well-behaved part # and one that is trivially solved analytically. # This leads to a huge speed-up. if q2min <= 0.1 and q2min > 0: q20 = q2min f_q20 = function(q20) int_a = flavio.math.integrate.nintegrate(lambda q2: function(q2)-f_q20*q20/q2, q2min, q2max, epsrel=epsrel) int_b = f_q20*q20 * log(q2max/q2min) return int_a + int_b else: return flavio.math.integrate.nintegrate(function, q2min, q2max) # Functions returning functions needed for Prediction instances def bvll_obs_int_ratio_leptonflavour(func, B, V, l1, l2): def fct(wc_obj, par, q2min, q2max): # ignore QCDF warnings for LFU ratios! with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", message="The QCDF corrections should not be trusted .*") numobj = BVll_obs_int(func, q2min, q2max, B, V, l1, wc_obj, par) numobj.epsrel = 0.0005 num = numobj() if num == 0: return 0 denobj = BVll_obs_int(func, q2min, q2max, B, V, l2, wc_obj, par) denobj.epsrel = 0.0005 den = denobj() return num / den return fct def bvll_obs_ratio_leptonflavour(func, B, V, l1, l2): def fct(wc_obj, par, q2): with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", message="The QCDF corrections should not be trusted .*") num = BVll_obs(func, q2, B, V, l1, wc_obj, par)() if num == 0: return 0 den = BVll_obs(func, q2, B, V, l2, wc_obj, par)() return num / den return fct # Observable and Prediction instances _tex = {'e': 'e', 'mu': '\mu', 'tau': r'\tau'} _observables = { 'ACP': {'func_num': dGdq2_diff, 'tex': r'A_\text{CP}', 'desc': 'Direct CP asymmetry'}, 'AFB': {'func_num': AFB_experiment_num, 'tex': r'A_\text{FB}', 'desc': 'forward-backward asymmetry'}, 'FL': {'func_num': FL_num, 'tex': r'F_L', 'desc': 'longitudinal polarization fraction'}, 'S3': {'func_num': lambda J, J_bar: S_experiment_num(J, J_bar, 3), 'tex': r'S_3', 'desc': 'CP-averaged angular observable'}, 'S4': {'func_num': lambda J, J_bar: S_experiment_num(J, J_bar, 4), 'tex': r'S_4', 'desc': 'CP-averaged angular observable'}, 'S5': {'func_num': lambda J, J_bar: S_experiment_num(J, J_bar, 5), 'tex': r'S_5', 'desc': 'CP-averaged angular observable'}, 'S6c': {'func_num': lambda J, J_bar: S_experiment_num(J, J_bar, '6c'), 'tex': r'S_6^c', 'desc': 'CP-averaged angular observable'}, 'S7': {'func_num': lambda J, J_bar: S_experiment_num(J, J_bar, 7), 'tex': r'S_7', 'desc': 'CP-averaged angular observable'}, 'S8': {'func_num': lambda J, J_bar: S_experiment_num(J, J_bar, 8), 'tex': r'S_8', 'desc': 'CP-averaged angular observable'}, 'S9': {'func_num': lambda J, J_bar: S_experiment_num(J, J_bar, 9), 'tex': r'S_9', 'desc': 'CP-averaged angular observable'}, 'A3': {'func_num': lambda J, J_bar: A_experiment_num(J, J_bar, 3), 'tex': r'A_3', 'desc': 'Angular CP asymmetry'}, 'A4': {'func_num': lambda J, J_bar: A_experiment_num(J, J_bar, 4), 'tex': r'A_4', 'desc': 'Angular CP asymmetry'}, 'A5': {'func_num': lambda J, J_bar: A_experiment_num(J, J_bar, 5), 'tex': r'A_5', 'desc': 'Angular CP asymmetry'}, 'A6s': {'func_num': lambda J, J_bar: A_experiment_num(J, J_bar, '6s'), 'tex': r'A_6^s', 'desc': 'Angular CP asymmetry'}, 'A7': {'func_num': lambda J, J_bar: A_experiment_num(J, J_bar, 7), 'tex': r'A_7', 'desc': 'Angular CP asymmetry'}, 'A8': {'func_num': lambda J, J_bar: A_experiment_num(J, J_bar, 8), 'tex': r'A_8', 'desc': 'Angular CP asymmetry'}, 'A9': {'func_num': lambda J, J_bar: A_experiment_num(J, J_bar, 9), 'tex': r'A_9', 'desc': 'Angular CP asymmetry'}, } # for the P observables, the convention of LHCb is used. This differs by a # sign in P_2 and P_3 from the convention in arXiv:1303.5794 _observables_p = { 'P1': {'func_num': lambda J, J_bar: S_experiment_num(J, J_bar, 3)/2., 'tex': r'P_1', 'desc': "CP-averaged \"optimized\" angular observable"}, 'P2': {'func_num': lambda J, J_bar: S_experiment_num(J, J_bar, '6s')/8., 'tex': r'P_2', 'desc': "CP-averaged \"optimized\" angular observable"}, 'P3': {'func_num': lambda J, J_bar: -S_experiment_num(J, J_bar, 9)/4., 'tex': r'P_3', 'desc': "CP-averaged \"optimized\" angular observable"}, 'ATIm': {'func_num': lambda J, J_bar: A_experiment_num(J, J_bar, 9)/2., 'tex': r'A_T^\text{Im}', 'desc': "Transverse CP asymmetry"}, } _observables_pprime = { 'P4p': {'func_num': lambda J, J_bar: S_experiment_num(J, J_bar, 4), 'tex': r'P_4^\prime', 'desc': "CP-averaged \"optimized\" angular observable"}, 'P5p': {'func_num': lambda J, J_bar: S_experiment_num(J, J_bar, 5), 'tex': r'P_5^\prime', 'desc': "CP-averaged \"optimized\" angular observable"}, # yes, P6p depends on J_7, not J_6. Don't ask why. 'P6p': {'func_num': lambda J, J_bar: S_experiment_num(J, J_bar, 7), 'tex': r'P_6^\prime', 'desc': "CP-averaged \"optimized\" angular observable"}, 'P8p': {'func_num': lambda J, J_bar: S_experiment_num(J, J_bar, 8), 'tex': r'P_8^\prime', 'desc': "CP-averaged \"optimized\" angular observable"}, } _hadr = { 'B0->K*': {'tex': r"B^0\to K^{\ast 0}", 'B': 'B0', 'V': 'K*0', }, 'B+->K*': {'tex': r"B^+\to K^{\ast +}", 'B': 'B+', 'V': 'K*+', }, } def make_metadata_binned(M, l, obs, obsdict): _process_tex = _hadr[M]['tex'] +_tex[l]+r"^+"+_tex[l]+r"^-" _process_taxonomy = r'Process :: $b$ hadron decays :: FCNC decays :: $B\to V\ell^+\ell^-$ :: $' + _process_tex + r"$" B = _hadr[M]['B'] V = _hadr[M]['V'] _obs_name = "<" + obs + ">("+M+l+l+")" _obs = Observable(name=_obs_name, arguments=['q2min', 'q2max']) _obs.set_description('Binned ' + obsdict['desc'] + r" in $" + _process_tex + r"$") _obs.tex = r"$\langle " + obsdict['tex'] + r"\rangle(" + _process_tex + r")$" _obs.add_taxonomy(_process_taxonomy) return _obs def make_metadata_differential(M, l, obs, obsdict): _process_tex = _hadr[M]['tex'] +_tex[l]+r"^+"+_tex[l]+r"^-" _process_taxonomy = r'Process :: $b$ hadron decays :: FCNC decays :: $B\to V\ell^+\ell^-$ :: $' + _process_tex + r"$" B = _hadr[M]['B'] V = _hadr[M]['V'] _obs_name = obs + "("+M+l+l+")" _obs = Observable(name=_obs_name, arguments=['q2']) _obs.set_description(obsdict['desc'][0].capitalize() + obsdict['desc'][1:] + r" in $" + _process_tex + r"$") _obs.tex = r"$" + obsdict['tex'] + r"(" + _process_tex + r")$" _obs.add_taxonomy(_process_taxonomy) return _obs def make_obs(M, l, obs, obsdict): B = _hadr[M]['B'] V = _hadr[M]['V'] func_num = obsdict['func_num'] # binned angular observables _obs = make_metadata_binned(M, l, obs, obsdict) func = lambda wc_obj, par, q2min, q2max: BVll_int_ratio(func_num, SA_den, q2min, q2max, B, V, l, wc_obj, par)() Prediction(_obs.name, func) # differential angular observables _obs = make_metadata_differential(M, l, obs, obsdict) func = lambda wc_obj, par, q2: BVll_ratio(func_num, SA_den, q2, B, V, l, wc_obj, par)() Prediction(_obs.name, func) def make_obs_p(M, l, obs, obsdict): B = _hadr[M]['B'] V = _hadr[M]['V'] func_num = obsdict['func_num'] # binned "optimized" angular observables P _obs = make_metadata_binned(M, l, obs, obsdict) func = lambda wc_obj, par, q2min, q2max: BVll_int_ratio(func_num, P_den, q2min, q2max, B, V, l, wc_obj, par)() Prediction(_obs.name, func) # differential "optimized" angular observables _obs = make_metadata_differential(M, l, obs, obsdict) func = lambda wc_obj, par, q2: BVll_ratio(func_num, P_den, q2, B, V, l, wc_obj, par)() Prediction(_obs.name, func) def make_obs_pprime(M, l, obs, obsdict): B = _hadr[M]['B'] V = _hadr[M]['V'] func_num = obsdict['func_num'] # binned "optimized" angular observables _obs = make_metadata_binned(M, l, obs, obsdict) func = lambda wc_obj, par, q2min, q2max: BVll_int_pprime(func_num, q2min, q2max, B, V, l, wc_obj, par)() Prediction(_obs.name, func) # differential "optimized" angular observables _obs = make_metadata_differential(M, l, obs, obsdict) func = lambda wc_obj, par, q2: BVll_pprime(func_num, q2, B, V, l, wc_obj, par)() Prediction(_obs.name, func) def make_obs_br(M, l): """Make observable instances for branching ratios""" _process_tex = _hadr[M]['tex'] +_tex[l]+r"^+"+_tex[l]+r"^-" _process_taxonomy = r'Process :: $b$ hadron decays :: FCNC decays :: $B\to V\ell^+\ell^-$ :: $' + _process_tex + r"$" B = _hadr[M]['B'] V = _hadr[M]['V'] # binned branching ratio _obs_name = "<dBR/dq2>("+M+l+l+")" _obs = Observable(name=_obs_name, arguments=['q2min', 'q2max']) _obs.set_description(r"Binned differential branching ratio of $" + _process_tex + r"$") _obs.tex = r"$\langle \frac{d\text{BR}}{dq^2} \rangle(" + _process_tex + r")$" _obs.add_taxonomy(_process_taxonomy) func = lambda wc_obj, par, q2min, q2max: BVll_dBRdq2_int(q2min, q2max, B, V, l, wc_obj, par)() Prediction(_obs_name, func) # differential branching ratio _obs_name = "dBR/dq2("+M+l+l+")" _obs = Observable(name=_obs_name, arguments=['q2']) _obs.set_description(r"Differential branching ratio of $" + _process_tex + r"$") _obs.tex = r"$\frac{d\text{BR}}{dq^2}(" + _process_tex + r")$" _obs.add_taxonomy(_process_taxonomy) func = lambda wc_obj, par, q2: BVll_dBRdq2(q2, B, V, l, wc_obj, par)() Prediction(_obs_name, func) def make_obs_lfur(M, l): """Make observable instances for lepton flavour ratios""" # binned ratio of BRs _obs_name = "<R"+l[0]+l[1]+">("+M+"ll)" _obs = Observable(name=_obs_name, arguments=['q2min', 'q2max']) _obs.set_description(r"Ratio of partial branching ratios of $" + _hadr[M]['tex'] +_tex[l[0]]+r"^+ "+_tex[l[0]]+r"^-$" + " and " + r"$" + _hadr[M]['tex'] +_tex[l[1]]+r"^+ "+_tex[l[1]]+"^-$") _obs.tex = r"$\langle R_{" + _tex[l[0]] + ' ' + _tex[l[1]] + r"} \rangle(" + _hadr[M]['tex'] + r"\ell^+\ell^-)$" for li in l: # add taxonomy for both processes (e.g. B->Vee and B->Vmumu) _obs.add_taxonomy(r'Process :: $b$ hadron decays :: FCNC decays :: $B\to V\ell^+\ell^-$ :: $' + _hadr[M]['tex'] +_tex[li]+r"^+"+_tex[li]+r"^-$") Prediction(_obs_name, bvll_obs_int_ratio_leptonflavour(dGdq2_ave, _hadr[M]['B'], _hadr[M]['V'], *l)) # differential ratio of BRs _obs_name = "R"+l[0]+l[1]+"("+M+"ll)" _obs = Observable(name=_obs_name, arguments=['q2']) _obs.set_description(r"Ratio of differential branching ratios of $" + _hadr[M]['tex'] +_tex[l[0]]+r"^+ "+_tex[l[0]]+r"^-$" + " and " + r"$" + _hadr[M]['tex'] +_tex[l[1]]+r"^+ "+_tex[l[1]]+"^-$") _obs.tex = r"$R_{" + _tex[l[0]] + ' ' + _tex[l[1]] + r"} (" + _hadr[M]['tex'] + r"\ell^+\ell^-)$" for li in l: # add taxonomy for both processes (e.g. B->Vee and B->Vmumu) _obs.add_taxonomy(r'Process :: $b$ hadron decays :: FCNC decays :: $B\to V\ell^+\ell^-$ :: $' + _hadr[M]['tex'] +_tex[li]+r"^+"+_tex[li]+r"^-$") func = lambda wc_obj, par, q2: BVll_dBRdq2(q2, B, V, l, wc_obj, par)() Prediction(_obs_name, bvll_obs_ratio_leptonflavour(dGdq2_ave, _hadr[M]['B'], _hadr[M]['V'], *l)) # loop over all cases for l in ['e', 'mu', 'tau']: for M in _hadr.keys(): for obs, obsdict in _observables.items(): # angular obs make_obs(M, l, obs, obsdict) for obs, obsdict in _observables_p.items(): # P obs make_obs_p(M, l, obs, obsdict) for obs, obsdict in _observables_pprime.items(): # P' obs make_obs_pprime(M, l, obs, obsdict) # BRs make_obs_br(M, l) # lepton flavour ratios for l in [('mu','e'), ('tau','mu'),]: for M in _hadr.keys(): make_obs_lfur(M, l) # define LFU differences D_P4p,5p and D_AFB def diff(x, y): return x-y for D_obs in ['P4p', 'P5p', 'AFB']: if D_obs in ['AFB']: tex = _observables[D_obs]['tex'] else: tex = _observables_pprime[D_obs]['tex'] obs = Observable.from_function('Dmue_{}(B0->K*ll)'.format(D_obs), ['{}(B0->K*mumu)'.format(D_obs), '{}(B0->K*ee)'.format(D_obs)], diff) obs.set_description(r"Difference of angular observable ${}$ in $B^0\to K^{{\ast 0}}\mu^+\mu^-$ and $B^0\to K^{{\ast 0}}e^+e^-$".format(tex)) obs.tex = r"$D_{{{}}}^{{\mu e}}(B^0\to K^{{\ast 0}}\ell^+\ell^-)$".format(tex) obs.add_taxonomy(r"Process :: $b$ hadron decays :: FCNC decays :: $B\to V\ell^+\ell^-$ :: $B^0\to K^{\ast 0}e^+e^-$") obs.add_taxonomy(r"Process :: $b$ hadron decays :: FCNC decays :: $B\to V\ell^+\ell^-$ :: $B^0\to K^{\ast 0}\mu^+\mu^-$") obs = Observable.from_function('<Dmue_{}>(B0->K*ll)'.format(D_obs), ['<{}>(B0->K*mumu)'.format(D_obs), '<{}>(B0->K*ee)'.format(D_obs)], diff) obs.set_description(r"Binned difference of angular observable ${}$ in $B^0\to K^{{\ast 0}}\mu^+\mu^-$ and $B^0\to K^{{\ast 0}}e^+e^-$".format(tex)) obs.tex = r"$\langle D_{{{}}}^{{\mu e}} \rangle(B^0\to K^{{\ast 0}}\ell^+\ell^-)$".format(tex) obs.add_taxonomy(r"Process :: $b$ hadron decays :: FCNC decays :: $B\to V\ell^+\ell^-$ :: $B^0\to K^{\ast 0}e^+e^-$") obs.add_taxonomy(r"Process :: $b$ hadron decays :: FCNC decays :: $B\to V\ell^+\ell^-$ :: $B^0\to K^{\ast 0}\mu^+\mu^-$")
Module variables
var D_obs
var M
var config
var l
var meson_ff
var meson_quark
var obsdict
var pi
var tex
def AFB_experiment(
J, J_bar)
Forward-backward asymmetry in the LHCb convention.
See eq. (C.9) of arXiv:1506.03970v2.
def AFB_experiment(J, J_bar): r"""Forward-backward asymmetry in the LHCb convention. See eq. (C.9) of arXiv:1506.03970v2. """ return AFB_experiment_num(J, J_bar)/SA_den(J, J_bar)
def AFB_experiment_num(
J, J_bar)
def AFB_experiment_num(J, J_bar): return 3/4.*S_experiment_num(J, J_bar, '6s')
def AFB_theory(
J, J_bar)
Forward-backward asymmetry in the original theory convention.
def AFB_theory(J, J_bar): """Forward-backward asymmetry in the original theory convention. """ return AFB_theory_num(J, J_bar)/SA_den(J, J_bar)
def AFB_theory_num(
J, J_bar)
def AFB_theory_num(J, J_bar): return 3/4.*S_theory_num(J, J_bar, '6s')
def A_experiment(
J, J_bar, i)
Angular CP asymmetry $A_i$ in the LHCb convention.
See eq. (C.8) of arXiv:1506.03970v2.
def A_experiment(J, J_bar, i): r"""Angular CP asymmetry $A_i$ in the LHCb convention. See eq. (C.8) of arXiv:1506.03970v2. """ return A_experiment_num(J, J_bar, i)/SA_den(J, J_bar)
def A_experiment_num(
J, J_bar, i)
def A_experiment_num(J, J_bar, i): if i in [4, '6s', '6c', 7, 9]: return -A_theory_num(J, J_bar, i) return A_theory_num(J, J_bar, i)
def A_theory(
J, J_bar, i)
Angular CP asymmetry $A_i$ in the theory convention.
def A_theory(J, J_bar, i): r"""Angular CP asymmetry $A_i$ in the theory convention.""" return A_theory_num(J, J_bar, i)/SA_den(J, J_bar)
def A_theory_num(
J, J_bar, i)
def A_theory_num(J, J_bar, i): return (J[i] - J_bar[i])
def FL(
J, J_bar)
Longitudinal polarization fraction $F_L$
def FL(J, J_bar): r"""Longitudinal polarization fraction $F_L$""" return FL_num(J, J_bar)/SA_den(J, J_bar)
def FL_num(
J, J_bar)
def FL_num(J, J_bar): return -S_theory_num(J, J_bar, '2c')
def FLhat(
J, J_bar)
Modified longitudinal polarization fraction for vanishing lepton masses, $\hat F_L$.
See eq. (32) of arXiv:1510.04239.
def FLhat(J, J_bar): r"""Modified longitudinal polarization fraction for vanishing lepton masses, $\hat F_L$. See eq. (32) of arXiv:1510.04239. """ return FLhat_num(J, J_bar)/SA_den(J, J_bar)
def FLhat_num(
J, J_bar)
def FLhat_num(J, J_bar): return -S_theory_num(J, J_bar, '1c')
def P_den(
J, J_bar)
def P_den(J, J_bar): return S_theory_num(J, J_bar, '2s')
def SA_den(
J, J_bar)
def SA_den(J, J_bar): return 2*dGdq2_ave(J, J_bar)
def S_experiment(
J, J_bar, i)
CP-averaged angular observable $S_i$ in the LHCb convention.
See eq. (C.8) of arXiv:1506.03970v2.
def S_experiment(J, J_bar, i): r"""CP-averaged angular observable $S_i$ in the LHCb convention. See eq. (C.8) of arXiv:1506.03970v2. """ return S_experiment_num(J, J_bar, i)/SA_den(J, J_bar)
def S_experiment_num(
J, J_bar, i)
def S_experiment_num(J, J_bar, i): if i in [4, '6s', '6c', 7, 9]: return -S_theory_num(J, J_bar, i) return S_theory_num(J, J_bar, i)
def S_theory(
J, J_bar, i)
CP-averaged angular observable $S_i$ in the theory convention.
def S_theory(J, J_bar, i): r"""CP-averaged angular observable $S_i$ in the theory convention.""" return S_theory_num(J, J_bar, i)/SA_den(J, J_bar)
def S_theory_num(
J, J_bar, i)
def S_theory_num(J, J_bar, i): return (J[i] + J_bar[i])
def bvll_obs_int_ratio_leptonflavour(
func, B, V, l1, l2)
def bvll_obs_int_ratio_leptonflavour(func, B, V, l1, l2): def fct(wc_obj, par, q2min, q2max): # ignore QCDF warnings for LFU ratios! with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", message="The QCDF corrections should not be trusted .*") numobj = BVll_obs_int(func, q2min, q2max, B, V, l1, wc_obj, par) numobj.epsrel = 0.0005 num = numobj() if num == 0: return 0 denobj = BVll_obs_int(func, q2min, q2max, B, V, l2, wc_obj, par) denobj.epsrel = 0.0005 den = denobj() return num / den return fct
def bvll_obs_ratio_leptonflavour(
func, B, V, l1, l2)
def bvll_obs_ratio_leptonflavour(func, B, V, l1, l2): def fct(wc_obj, par, q2): with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", message="The QCDF corrections should not be trusted .*") num = BVll_obs(func, q2, B, V, l1, wc_obj, par)() if num == 0: return 0 den = BVll_obs(func, q2, B, V, l2, wc_obj, par)() return num / den return fct
def dGdq2(
def dGdq2(J): return 3/4. * (2 * J['1s'] + J['1c']) - 1/4. * (2 * J['2s'] + J['2c'])
def dGdq2_ave(
J, J_bar)
def dGdq2_ave(J, J_bar): return ( dGdq2(J) + dGdq2(J_bar) )/2.
def dGdq2_diff(
J, J_bar)
def dGdq2_diff(J, J_bar): return ( dGdq2(J) - dGdq2(J_bar) )/2.
def diff(
x, y)
def diff(x, y): return x-y
def make_metadata_binned(
M, l, obs, obsdict)
def make_metadata_binned(M, l, obs, obsdict): _process_tex = _hadr[M]['tex'] +_tex[l]+r"^+"+_tex[l]+r"^-" _process_taxonomy = r'Process :: $b$ hadron decays :: FCNC decays :: $B\to V\ell^+\ell^-$ :: $' + _process_tex + r"$" B = _hadr[M]['B'] V = _hadr[M]['V'] _obs_name = "<" + obs + ">("+M+l+l+")" _obs = Observable(name=_obs_name, arguments=['q2min', 'q2max']) _obs.set_description('Binned ' + obsdict['desc'] + r" in $" + _process_tex + r"$") _obs.tex = r"$\langle " + obsdict['tex'] + r"\rangle(" + _process_tex + r")$" _obs.add_taxonomy(_process_taxonomy) return _obs
def make_metadata_differential(
M, l, obs, obsdict)
def make_metadata_differential(M, l, obs, obsdict): _process_tex = _hadr[M]['tex'] +_tex[l]+r"^+"+_tex[l]+r"^-" _process_taxonomy = r'Process :: $b$ hadron decays :: FCNC decays :: $B\to V\ell^+\ell^-$ :: $' + _process_tex + r"$" B = _hadr[M]['B'] V = _hadr[M]['V'] _obs_name = obs + "("+M+l+l+")" _obs = Observable(name=_obs_name, arguments=['q2']) _obs.set_description(obsdict['desc'][0].capitalize() + obsdict['desc'][1:] + r" in $" + _process_tex + r"$") _obs.tex = r"$" + obsdict['tex'] + r"(" + _process_tex + r")$" _obs.add_taxonomy(_process_taxonomy) return _obs
def make_obs(
M, l, obs, obsdict)
def make_obs(M, l, obs, obsdict): B = _hadr[M]['B'] V = _hadr[M]['V'] func_num = obsdict['func_num'] # binned angular observables _obs = make_metadata_binned(M, l, obs, obsdict) func = lambda wc_obj, par, q2min, q2max: BVll_int_ratio(func_num, SA_den, q2min, q2max, B, V, l, wc_obj, par)() Prediction(_obs.name, func) # differential angular observables _obs = make_metadata_differential(M, l, obs, obsdict) func = lambda wc_obj, par, q2: BVll_ratio(func_num, SA_den, q2, B, V, l, wc_obj, par)() Prediction(_obs.name, func)
def make_obs_br(
M, l)
Make observable instances for branching ratios
def make_obs_br(M, l): """Make observable instances for branching ratios""" _process_tex = _hadr[M]['tex'] +_tex[l]+r"^+"+_tex[l]+r"^-" _process_taxonomy = r'Process :: $b$ hadron decays :: FCNC decays :: $B\to V\ell^+\ell^-$ :: $' + _process_tex + r"$" B = _hadr[M]['B'] V = _hadr[M]['V'] # binned branching ratio _obs_name = "<dBR/dq2>("+M+l+l+")" _obs = Observable(name=_obs_name, arguments=['q2min', 'q2max']) _obs.set_description(r"Binned differential branching ratio of $" + _process_tex + r"$") _obs.tex = r"$\langle \frac{d\text{BR}}{dq^2} \rangle(" + _process_tex + r")$" _obs.add_taxonomy(_process_taxonomy) func = lambda wc_obj, par, q2min, q2max: BVll_dBRdq2_int(q2min, q2max, B, V, l, wc_obj, par)() Prediction(_obs_name, func) # differential branching ratio _obs_name = "dBR/dq2("+M+l+l+")" _obs = Observable(name=_obs_name, arguments=['q2']) _obs.set_description(r"Differential branching ratio of $" + _process_tex + r"$") _obs.tex = r"$\frac{d\text{BR}}{dq^2}(" + _process_tex + r")$" _obs.add_taxonomy(_process_taxonomy) func = lambda wc_obj, par, q2: BVll_dBRdq2(q2, B, V, l, wc_obj, par)() Prediction(_obs_name, func)
def make_obs_lfur(
M, l)
Make observable instances for lepton flavour ratios
def make_obs_lfur(M, l): """Make observable instances for lepton flavour ratios""" # binned ratio of BRs _obs_name = "<R"+l[0]+l[1]+">("+M+"ll)" _obs = Observable(name=_obs_name, arguments=['q2min', 'q2max']) _obs.set_description(r"Ratio of partial branching ratios of $" + _hadr[M]['tex'] +_tex[l[0]]+r"^+ "+_tex[l[0]]+r"^-$" + " and " + r"$" + _hadr[M]['tex'] +_tex[l[1]]+r"^+ "+_tex[l[1]]+"^-$") _obs.tex = r"$\langle R_{" + _tex[l[0]] + ' ' + _tex[l[1]] + r"} \rangle(" + _hadr[M]['tex'] + r"\ell^+\ell^-)$" for li in l: # add taxonomy for both processes (e.g. B->Vee and B->Vmumu) _obs.add_taxonomy(r'Process :: $b$ hadron decays :: FCNC decays :: $B\to V\ell^+\ell^-$ :: $' + _hadr[M]['tex'] +_tex[li]+r"^+"+_tex[li]+r"^-$") Prediction(_obs_name, bvll_obs_int_ratio_leptonflavour(dGdq2_ave, _hadr[M]['B'], _hadr[M]['V'], *l)) # differential ratio of BRs _obs_name = "R"+l[0]+l[1]+"("+M+"ll)" _obs = Observable(name=_obs_name, arguments=['q2']) _obs.set_description(r"Ratio of differential branching ratios of $" + _hadr[M]['tex'] +_tex[l[0]]+r"^+ "+_tex[l[0]]+r"^-$" + " and " + r"$" + _hadr[M]['tex'] +_tex[l[1]]+r"^+ "+_tex[l[1]]+"^-$") _obs.tex = r"$R_{" + _tex[l[0]] + ' ' + _tex[l[1]] + r"} (" + _hadr[M]['tex'] + r"\ell^+\ell^-)$" for li in l: # add taxonomy for both processes (e.g. B->Vee and B->Vmumu) _obs.add_taxonomy(r'Process :: $b$ hadron decays :: FCNC decays :: $B\to V\ell^+\ell^-$ :: $' + _hadr[M]['tex'] +_tex[li]+r"^+"+_tex[li]+r"^-$") func = lambda wc_obj, par, q2: BVll_dBRdq2(q2, B, V, l, wc_obj, par)() Prediction(_obs_name, bvll_obs_ratio_leptonflavour(dGdq2_ave, _hadr[M]['B'], _hadr[M]['V'], *l))
def make_obs_p(
M, l, obs, obsdict)
def make_obs_p(M, l, obs, obsdict): B = _hadr[M]['B'] V = _hadr[M]['V'] func_num = obsdict['func_num'] # binned "optimized" angular observables P _obs = make_metadata_binned(M, l, obs, obsdict) func = lambda wc_obj, par, q2min, q2max: BVll_int_ratio(func_num, P_den, q2min, q2max, B, V, l, wc_obj, par)() Prediction(_obs.name, func) # differential "optimized" angular observables _obs = make_metadata_differential(M, l, obs, obsdict) func = lambda wc_obj, par, q2: BVll_ratio(func_num, P_den, q2, B, V, l, wc_obj, par)() Prediction(_obs.name, func)
def make_obs_pprime(
M, l, obs, obsdict)
def make_obs_pprime(M, l, obs, obsdict): B = _hadr[M]['B'] V = _hadr[M]['V'] func_num = obsdict['func_num'] # binned "optimized" angular observables _obs = make_metadata_binned(M, l, obs, obsdict) func = lambda wc_obj, par, q2min, q2max: BVll_int_pprime(func_num, q2min, q2max, B, V, l, wc_obj, par)() Prediction(_obs.name, func) # differential "optimized" angular observables _obs = make_metadata_differential(M, l, obs, obsdict) func = lambda wc_obj, par, q2: BVll_pprime(func_num, q2, B, V, l, wc_obj, par)() Prediction(_obs.name, func)
def nintegrate_pole(
function, q2min, q2max, epsrel=0.005)
def nintegrate_pole(function, q2min, q2max, epsrel=0.005): # this is a special integration function to treat the presence of the # photon pole at low q^2. If q2min is below 0.1 GeV^2, it adds and subtracts # the 1/q^2-enhanced pole part to split the integral into a well-behaved part # and one that is trivially solved analytically. # This leads to a huge speed-up. if q2min <= 0.1 and q2min > 0: q20 = q2min f_q20 = function(q20) int_a = flavio.math.integrate.nintegrate(lambda q2: function(q2)-f_q20*q20/q2, q2min, q2max, epsrel=epsrel) int_b = f_q20*q20 * log(q2max/q2min) return int_a + int_b else: return flavio.math.integrate.nintegrate(function, q2min, q2max)
class BVllObservable
Base class for $B\to V\ell^+\ell^- observable functions that facilitates caching/memoization.
class BVllObservable(object): r"""Base class for $B\to V\ell^+\ell^- observable functions that facilitates caching/memoization.""" def __init__(self, B, V, lep, wc_obj, par): """Initialize the class and cache results needed more often.""" self.B = B self.V = V self.lep = lep self.wc_obj = wc_obj self.par = par self.par_conjugate = conjugate_par(par) self.prefactor = prefactor(None, self.par, B, V) self.prefactor_conjugate = prefactor(None, self.par_conjugate, B, V) self.scale = config['renormalization scale']['bvll'] self.label = meson_quark[(B,V)] + lep + lep # e.g. bsmumu, bdtautau self.wctot_dict = wctot_dict(wc_obj, self.label, self.scale, par) self._ff = {} self._wceff = {} self._wceff_bar = {} self._ha = {} self._ha_bar = {} self._j = {} self._j_bar = {} self.ml = par['m_'+lep] self.mB = par['m_'+B] self.mV = par['m_'+V] self.mb = running.get_mb(par, self.scale) def ff(self, q2): """Get form factors. Cache and only recompute if necessary.""" if q2 not in self._ff: self._ff[q2] = get_ff(q2, self.par, self.B, self.V) return self._ff[q2] def wceff(self, q2): """Get effective WCs. Cache and only recompute if necessary.""" if q2 not in self._wceff: self._wceff[q2] = get_wceff(q2, self.wctot_dict, self.par, self.B, self.V, self.lep, self.scale) return self._wceff[q2] def wceff_bar(self, q2): """Get CP conjugate effective WCs. Cache and only recompute if necessary.""" if q2 not in self._wceff_bar: self._wceff_bar[q2] = get_wceff(q2, conjugate_wc(self.wctot_dict), self.par_conjugate, self.B, self.V, self.lep, self.scale) return self._wceff_bar[q2] def helicity_amps_ff(self, q2, cp_conjugate): """Get helicity amps proportional to FFs. Cache and only recompute if necessary.""" if not cp_conjugate: return angular.helicity_amps_v(q2, self.mB, self.mV, self.mb, 0, self.ml, self.ml, self.ff(q2), self.wceff(q2), self.prefactor) else: return angular.helicity_amps_v(q2, self.mB, self.mV, self.mb, 0, self.ml, self.ml, self.ff(q2), self.wceff_bar(q2), self.prefactor_conjugate) def ha(self, q2): """Get full helicity amps. Cache and only recompute if necessary.""" if q2 not in self._ha: self._ha[q2] = add_dict(( self.helicity_amps_ff(q2, cp_conjugate=False), get_ss(q2, self.wc_obj, self.par, self.B, self.V, cp_conjugate=False), get_subleading(q2, self.wc_obj, self.par, self.B, self.V, cp_conjugate=False) )) return self._ha[q2] def ha_bar(self, q2): """Get CP conjugate full helicity amps. Cache and only recompute if necessary.""" if q2 not in self._ha_bar: self._ha_bar[q2] = add_dict(( self.helicity_amps_ff(q2, cp_conjugate=True), get_ss(q2, self.wc_obj, self.par, self.B, self.V, cp_conjugate=True), get_subleading(q2, self.wc_obj, self.par, self.B, self.V, cp_conjugate=True) )) return self._ha_bar[q2] def j(self, q2): """Get angular coeffs. Cache and only recompute if necessary.""" h = self.ha(q2) if q2 not in self._j: self._j[q2] = angular.angularcoeffs_general_v(h, q2, self.mB, self.mV, self.mb, 0, self.ml, self.ml) return self._j[q2] def jbar(self, q2): """Get CP conjugate angular coeffs. Cache and only recompute if necessary.""" hbar = self.ha_bar(q2) if q2 not in self._j_bar: self._j_bar[q2] = angular.angularcoeffs_general_v(hbar, q2, self.mB, self.mV, self.mb, 0, self.ml, self.ml) return self._j_bar[q2] def jfunc(self, function, q2): """Return a function of J and Jbar at one value of q2.""" return function(self.j(q2), self.jbar(q2))
Ancestors (in MRO)
- BVllObservable
- builtins.object
Static methods
def __init__(
self, B, V, lep, wc_obj, par)
Initialize the class and cache results needed more often.
def __init__(self, B, V, lep, wc_obj, par): """Initialize the class and cache results needed more often.""" self.B = B self.V = V self.lep = lep self.wc_obj = wc_obj self.par = par self.par_conjugate = conjugate_par(par) self.prefactor = prefactor(None, self.par, B, V) self.prefactor_conjugate = prefactor(None, self.par_conjugate, B, V) self.scale = config['renormalization scale']['bvll'] self.label = meson_quark[(B,V)] + lep + lep # e.g. bsmumu, bdtautau self.wctot_dict = wctot_dict(wc_obj, self.label, self.scale, par) self._ff = {} self._wceff = {} self._wceff_bar = {} self._ha = {} self._ha_bar = {} self._j = {} self._j_bar = {} self.ml = par['m_'+lep] self.mB = par['m_'+B] self.mV = par['m_'+V] self.mb = running.get_mb(par, self.scale)
def ff(
self, q2)
Get form factors. Cache and only recompute if necessary.
def ff(self, q2): """Get form factors. Cache and only recompute if necessary.""" if q2 not in self._ff: self._ff[q2] = get_ff(q2, self.par, self.B, self.V) return self._ff[q2]
def ha(
self, q2)
Get full helicity amps. Cache and only recompute if necessary.
def ha(self, q2): """Get full helicity amps. Cache and only recompute if necessary.""" if q2 not in self._ha: self._ha[q2] = add_dict(( self.helicity_amps_ff(q2, cp_conjugate=False), get_ss(q2, self.wc_obj, self.par, self.B, self.V, cp_conjugate=False), get_subleading(q2, self.wc_obj, self.par, self.B, self.V, cp_conjugate=False) )) return self._ha[q2]
def ha_bar(
self, q2)
Get CP conjugate full helicity amps. Cache and only recompute if necessary.
def ha_bar(self, q2): """Get CP conjugate full helicity amps. Cache and only recompute if necessary.""" if q2 not in self._ha_bar: self._ha_bar[q2] = add_dict(( self.helicity_amps_ff(q2, cp_conjugate=True), get_ss(q2, self.wc_obj, self.par, self.B, self.V, cp_conjugate=True), get_subleading(q2, self.wc_obj, self.par, self.B, self.V, cp_conjugate=True) )) return self._ha_bar[q2]
def helicity_amps_ff(
self, q2, cp_conjugate)
Get helicity amps proportional to FFs. Cache and only recompute if necessary.
def helicity_amps_ff(self, q2, cp_conjugate): """Get helicity amps proportional to FFs. Cache and only recompute if necessary.""" if not cp_conjugate: return angular.helicity_amps_v(q2, self.mB, self.mV, self.mb, 0, self.ml, self.ml, self.ff(q2), self.wceff(q2), self.prefactor) else: return angular.helicity_amps_v(q2, self.mB, self.mV, self.mb, 0, self.ml, self.ml, self.ff(q2), self.wceff_bar(q2), self.prefactor_conjugate)
def j(
self, q2)
Get angular coeffs. Cache and only recompute if necessary.
def j(self, q2): """Get angular coeffs. Cache and only recompute if necessary.""" h = self.ha(q2) if q2 not in self._j: self._j[q2] = angular.angularcoeffs_general_v(h, q2, self.mB, self.mV, self.mb, 0, self.ml, self.ml) return self._j[q2]
def jbar(
self, q2)
Get CP conjugate angular coeffs. Cache and only recompute if necessary.
def jbar(self, q2): """Get CP conjugate angular coeffs. Cache and only recompute if necessary.""" hbar = self.ha_bar(q2) if q2 not in self._j_bar: self._j_bar[q2] = angular.angularcoeffs_general_v(hbar, q2, self.mB, self.mV, self.mb, 0, self.ml, self.ml) return self._j_bar[q2]
def jfunc(
self, function, q2)
Return a function of J and Jbar at one value of q2.
def jfunc(self, function, q2): """Return a function of J and Jbar at one value of q2.""" return function(self.j(q2), self.jbar(q2))
def wceff(
self, q2)
Get effective WCs. Cache and only recompute if necessary.
def wceff(self, q2): """Get effective WCs. Cache and only recompute if necessary.""" if q2 not in self._wceff: self._wceff[q2] = get_wceff(q2, self.wctot_dict, self.par, self.B, self.V, self.lep, self.scale) return self._wceff[q2]
def wceff_bar(
self, q2)
Get CP conjugate effective WCs. Cache and only recompute if necessary.
def wceff_bar(self, q2): """Get CP conjugate effective WCs. Cache and only recompute if necessary.""" if q2 not in self._wceff_bar: self._wceff_bar[q2] = get_wceff(q2, conjugate_wc(self.wctot_dict), self.par_conjugate, self.B, self.V, self.lep, self.scale) return self._wceff_bar[q2]
Instance variables
var B
var V
var label
var lep
var mB
var mV
var mb
var ml
var par
var par_conjugate
var prefactor
var prefactor_conjugate
var scale
var wc_obj
var wctot_dict
class BVllObservableBinned
Base class for binned observables depending on q2min and q2max.
class BVllObservableBinned(BVllObservable): """Base class for binned observables depending on q2min and q2max.""" def __init__(self, q2min, q2max, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.q2min = q2min self.q2max = q2max self.q2min_allowed = max(4 * self.ml**2, self.q2min) self.q2max_allowed = min((self.mB - self.mV)**2, self.q2max)
Ancestors (in MRO)
- BVllObservableBinned
- BVllObservable
- builtins.object
Static methods
def __init__(
self, q2min, q2max, *args, **kwargs)
Initialize the class and cache results needed more often.
def __init__(self, q2min, q2max, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.q2min = q2min self.q2max = q2max self.q2min_allowed = max(4 * self.ml**2, self.q2min) self.q2max_allowed = min((self.mB - self.mV)**2, self.q2max)
def ff(
self, q2)
Get form factors. Cache and only recompute if necessary.
def ff(self, q2): """Get form factors. Cache and only recompute if necessary.""" if q2 not in self._ff: self._ff[q2] = get_ff(q2, self.par, self.B, self.V) return self._ff[q2]
def ha(
self, q2)
Get full helicity amps. Cache and only recompute if necessary.
def ha(self, q2): """Get full helicity amps. Cache and only recompute if necessary.""" if q2 not in self._ha: self._ha[q2] = add_dict(( self.helicity_amps_ff(q2, cp_conjugate=False), get_ss(q2, self.wc_obj, self.par, self.B, self.V, cp_conjugate=False), get_subleading(q2, self.wc_obj, self.par, self.B, self.V, cp_conjugate=False) )) return self._ha[q2]
def ha_bar(
self, q2)
Get CP conjugate full helicity amps. Cache and only recompute if necessary.
def ha_bar(self, q2): """Get CP conjugate full helicity amps. Cache and only recompute if necessary.""" if q2 not in self._ha_bar: self._ha_bar[q2] = add_dict(( self.helicity_amps_ff(q2, cp_conjugate=True), get_ss(q2, self.wc_obj, self.par, self.B, self.V, cp_conjugate=True), get_subleading(q2, self.wc_obj, self.par, self.B, self.V, cp_conjugate=True) )) return self._ha_bar[q2]
def helicity_amps_ff(
self, q2, cp_conjugate)
Get helicity amps proportional to FFs. Cache and only recompute if necessary.
def helicity_amps_ff(self, q2, cp_conjugate): """Get helicity amps proportional to FFs. Cache and only recompute if necessary.""" if not cp_conjugate: return angular.helicity_amps_v(q2, self.mB, self.mV, self.mb, 0, self.ml, self.ml, self.ff(q2), self.wceff(q2), self.prefactor) else: return angular.helicity_amps_v(q2, self.mB, self.mV, self.mb, 0, self.ml, self.ml, self.ff(q2), self.wceff_bar(q2), self.prefactor_conjugate)
def j(
self, q2)
Get angular coeffs. Cache and only recompute if necessary.
def j(self, q2): """Get angular coeffs. Cache and only recompute if necessary.""" h = self.ha(q2) if q2 not in self._j: self._j[q2] = angular.angularcoeffs_general_v(h, q2, self.mB, self.mV, self.mb, 0, self.ml, self.ml) return self._j[q2]
def jbar(
self, q2)
Get CP conjugate angular coeffs. Cache and only recompute if necessary.
def jbar(self, q2): """Get CP conjugate angular coeffs. Cache and only recompute if necessary.""" hbar = self.ha_bar(q2) if q2 not in self._j_bar: self._j_bar[q2] = angular.angularcoeffs_general_v(hbar, q2, self.mB, self.mV, self.mb, 0, self.ml, self.ml) return self._j_bar[q2]
def jfunc(
self, function, q2)
Return a function of J and Jbar at one value of q2.
def jfunc(self, function, q2): """Return a function of J and Jbar at one value of q2.""" return function(self.j(q2), self.jbar(q2))
def wceff(
self, q2)
Get effective WCs. Cache and only recompute if necessary.
def wceff(self, q2): """Get effective WCs. Cache and only recompute if necessary.""" if q2 not in self._wceff: self._wceff[q2] = get_wceff(q2, self.wctot_dict, self.par, self.B, self.V, self.lep, self.scale) return self._wceff[q2]
def wceff_bar(
self, q2)
Get CP conjugate effective WCs. Cache and only recompute if necessary.
def wceff_bar(self, q2): """Get CP conjugate effective WCs. Cache and only recompute if necessary.""" if q2 not in self._wceff_bar: self._wceff_bar[q2] = get_wceff(q2, conjugate_wc(self.wctot_dict), self.par_conjugate, self.B, self.V, self.lep, self.scale) return self._wceff_bar[q2]
Instance variables
var q2max
var q2max_allowed
var q2min
var q2min_allowed
class BVllObservableDifferential
Base class for differential observables depending on q2.
class BVllObservableDifferential(BVllObservable): """Base class for differential observables depending on q2.""" def __init__(self, q2, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.q2 = q2 if q2 < 4 * self.ml**2 or q2 > (self.mB - self.mV)**2: self.allowed = False else: self.allowed = True
Ancestors (in MRO)
- BVllObservableDifferential
- BVllObservable
- builtins.object
Static methods
def __init__(
self, q2, *args, **kwargs)
Initialize the class and cache results needed more often.
def __init__(self, q2, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.q2 = q2 if q2 < 4 * self.ml**2 or q2 > (self.mB - self.mV)**2: self.allowed = False else: self.allowed = True
def ff(
self, q2)
Get form factors. Cache and only recompute if necessary.
def ff(self, q2): """Get form factors. Cache and only recompute if necessary.""" if q2 not in self._ff: self._ff[q2] = get_ff(q2, self.par, self.B, self.V) return self._ff[q2]
def ha(
self, q2)
Get full helicity amps. Cache and only recompute if necessary.
def ha(self, q2): """Get full helicity amps. Cache and only recompute if necessary.""" if q2 not in self._ha: self._ha[q2] = add_dict(( self.helicity_amps_ff(q2, cp_conjugate=False), get_ss(q2, self.wc_obj, self.par, self.B, self.V, cp_conjugate=False), get_subleading(q2, self.wc_obj, self.par, self.B, self.V, cp_conjugate=False) )) return self._ha[q2]
def ha_bar(
self, q2)
Get CP conjugate full helicity amps. Cache and only recompute if necessary.
def ha_bar(self, q2): """Get CP conjugate full helicity amps. Cache and only recompute if necessary.""" if q2 not in self._ha_bar: self._ha_bar[q2] = add_dict(( self.helicity_amps_ff(q2, cp_conjugate=True), get_ss(q2, self.wc_obj, self.par, self.B, self.V, cp_conjugate=True), get_subleading(q2, self.wc_obj, self.par, self.B, self.V, cp_conjugate=True) )) return self._ha_bar[q2]
def helicity_amps_ff(
self, q2, cp_conjugate)
Get helicity amps proportional to FFs. Cache and only recompute if necessary.
def helicity_amps_ff(self, q2, cp_conjugate): """Get helicity amps proportional to FFs. Cache and only recompute if necessary.""" if not cp_conjugate: return angular.helicity_amps_v(q2, self.mB, self.mV, self.mb, 0, self.ml, self.ml, self.ff(q2), self.wceff(q2), self.prefactor) else: return angular.helicity_amps_v(q2, self.mB, self.mV, self.mb, 0, self.ml, self.ml, self.ff(q2), self.wceff_bar(q2), self.prefactor_conjugate)
def j(
self, q2)
Get angular coeffs. Cache and only recompute if necessary.
def j(self, q2): """Get angular coeffs. Cache and only recompute if necessary.""" h = self.ha(q2) if q2 not in self._j: self._j[q2] = angular.angularcoeffs_general_v(h, q2, self.mB, self.mV, self.mb, 0, self.ml, self.ml) return self._j[q2]
def jbar(
self, q2)
Get CP conjugate angular coeffs. Cache and only recompute if necessary.
def jbar(self, q2): """Get CP conjugate angular coeffs. Cache and only recompute if necessary.""" hbar = self.ha_bar(q2) if q2 not in self._j_bar: self._j_bar[q2] = angular.angularcoeffs_general_v(hbar, q2, self.mB, self.mV, self.mb, 0, self.ml, self.ml) return self._j_bar[q2]
def jfunc(
self, function, q2)
Return a function of J and Jbar at one value of q2.
def jfunc(self, function, q2): """Return a function of J and Jbar at one value of q2.""" return function(self.j(q2), self.jbar(q2))
def wceff(
self, q2)
Get effective WCs. Cache and only recompute if necessary.
def wceff(self, q2): """Get effective WCs. Cache and only recompute if necessary.""" if q2 not in self._wceff: self._wceff[q2] = get_wceff(q2, self.wctot_dict, self.par, self.B, self.V, self.lep, self.scale) return self._wceff[q2]
def wceff_bar(
self, q2)
Get CP conjugate effective WCs. Cache and only recompute if necessary.
def wceff_bar(self, q2): """Get CP conjugate effective WCs. Cache and only recompute if necessary.""" if q2 not in self._wceff_bar: self._wceff_bar[q2] = get_wceff(q2, conjugate_wc(self.wctot_dict), self.par_conjugate, self.B, self.V, self.lep, self.scale) return self._wceff_bar[q2]
Instance variables
var q2
class BVll_dBRdq2
Differential branching ratio
class BVll_dBRdq2(BVllObservableDifferential): """Differential branching ratio""" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) def __call__(self): if not self.allowed: return 0 tauB = self.par['tau_' + self.B] return tauB * self.jfunc(dGdq2_ave, self.q2)
Ancestors (in MRO)
- BVll_dBRdq2
- BVllObservableDifferential
- BVllObservable
- builtins.object
Static methods
def __init__(
self, *args, **kwargs)
Initialize the class and cache results needed more often.
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
def ff(
self, q2)
Get form factors. Cache and only recompute if necessary.
def ff(self, q2): """Get form factors. Cache and only recompute if necessary.""" if q2 not in self._ff: self._ff[q2] = get_ff(q2, self.par, self.B, self.V) return self._ff[q2]
def ha(
self, q2)
Get full helicity amps. Cache and only recompute if necessary.
def ha(self, q2): """Get full helicity amps. Cache and only recompute if necessary.""" if q2 not in self._ha: self._ha[q2] = add_dict(( self.helicity_amps_ff(q2, cp_conjugate=False), get_ss(q2, self.wc_obj, self.par, self.B, self.V, cp_conjugate=False), get_subleading(q2, self.wc_obj, self.par, self.B, self.V, cp_conjugate=False) )) return self._ha[q2]
def ha_bar(
self, q2)
Get CP conjugate full helicity amps. Cache and only recompute if necessary.
def ha_bar(self, q2): """Get CP conjugate full helicity amps. Cache and only recompute if necessary.""" if q2 not in self._ha_bar: self._ha_bar[q2] = add_dict(( self.helicity_amps_ff(q2, cp_conjugate=True), get_ss(q2, self.wc_obj, self.par, self.B, self.V, cp_conjugate=True), get_subleading(q2, self.wc_obj, self.par, self.B, self.V, cp_conjugate=True) )) return self._ha_bar[q2]
def helicity_amps_ff(
self, q2, cp_conjugate)
Get helicity amps proportional to FFs. Cache and only recompute if necessary.
def helicity_amps_ff(self, q2, cp_conjugate): """Get helicity amps proportional to FFs. Cache and only recompute if necessary.""" if not cp_conjugate: return angular.helicity_amps_v(q2, self.mB, self.mV, self.mb, 0, self.ml, self.ml, self.ff(q2), self.wceff(q2), self.prefactor) else: return angular.helicity_amps_v(q2, self.mB, self.mV, self.mb, 0, self.ml, self.ml, self.ff(q2), self.wceff_bar(q2), self.prefactor_conjugate)
def j(
self, q2)
Get angular coeffs. Cache and only recompute if necessary.
def j(self, q2): """Get angular coeffs. Cache and only recompute if necessary.""" h = self.ha(q2) if q2 not in self._j: self._j[q2] = angular.angularcoeffs_general_v(h, q2, self.mB, self.mV, self.mb, 0, self.ml, self.ml) return self._j[q2]
def jbar(
self, q2)
Get CP conjugate angular coeffs. Cache and only recompute if necessary.
def jbar(self, q2): """Get CP conjugate angular coeffs. Cache and only recompute if necessary.""" hbar = self.ha_bar(q2) if q2 not in self._j_bar: self._j_bar[q2] = angular.angularcoeffs_general_v(hbar, q2, self.mB, self.mV, self.mb, 0, self.ml, self.ml) return self._j_bar[q2]
def jfunc(
self, function, q2)
Return a function of J and Jbar at one value of q2.
def jfunc(self, function, q2): """Return a function of J and Jbar at one value of q2.""" return function(self.j(q2), self.jbar(q2))
def wceff(
self, q2)
Get effective WCs. Cache and only recompute if necessary.
def wceff(self, q2): """Get effective WCs. Cache and only recompute if necessary.""" if q2 not in self._wceff: self._wceff[q2] = get_wceff(q2, self.wctot_dict, self.par, self.B, self.V, self.lep, self.scale) return self._wceff[q2]
def wceff_bar(
self, q2)
Get CP conjugate effective WCs. Cache and only recompute if necessary.
def wceff_bar(self, q2): """Get CP conjugate effective WCs. Cache and only recompute if necessary.""" if q2 not in self._wceff_bar: self._wceff_bar[q2] = get_wceff(q2, conjugate_wc(self.wctot_dict), self.par_conjugate, self.B, self.V, self.lep, self.scale) return self._wceff_bar[q2]
class BVll_dBRdq2_int
Binned branching ratio
class BVll_dBRdq2_int(BVllObservableBinned): """Binned branching ratio""" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.epsrel = 0.005 def obs(self, q2): tauB = self.par['tau_' + self.B] return tauB * self.jfunc(dGdq2_ave, q2) def __call__(self): if self.q2max_allowed <= self.q2min_allowed: return 0 return nintegrate_pole(self.obs, self.q2min_allowed, self.q2max_allowed, epsrel=self.epsrel) / (self.q2max - self.q2min)
Ancestors (in MRO)
- BVll_dBRdq2_int
- BVllObservableBinned
- BVllObservable
- builtins.object
Static methods
def __init__(
self, *args, **kwargs)
Initialize the class and cache results needed more often.
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.epsrel = 0.005
def ff(
self, q2)
Get form factors. Cache and only recompute if necessary.
def ff(self, q2): """Get form factors. Cache and only recompute if necessary.""" if q2 not in self._ff: self._ff[q2] = get_ff(q2, self.par, self.B, self.V) return self._ff[q2]
def ha(
self, q2)
Get full helicity amps. Cache and only recompute if necessary.
def ha(self, q2): """Get full helicity amps. Cache and only recompute if necessary.""" if q2 not in self._ha: self._ha[q2] = add_dict(( self.helicity_amps_ff(q2, cp_conjugate=False), get_ss(q2, self.wc_obj, self.par, self.B, self.V, cp_conjugate=False), get_subleading(q2, self.wc_obj, self.par, self.B, self.V, cp_conjugate=False) )) return self._ha[q2]
def ha_bar(
self, q2)
Get CP conjugate full helicity amps. Cache and only recompute if necessary.
def ha_bar(self, q2): """Get CP conjugate full helicity amps. Cache and only recompute if necessary.""" if q2 not in self._ha_bar: self._ha_bar[q2] = add_dict(( self.helicity_amps_ff(q2, cp_conjugate=True), get_ss(q2, self.wc_obj, self.par, self.B, self.V, cp_conjugate=True), get_subleading(q2, self.wc_obj, self.par, self.B, self.V, cp_conjugate=True) )) return self._ha_bar[q2]
def helicity_amps_ff(
self, q2, cp_conjugate)
Get helicity amps proportional to FFs. Cache and only recompute if necessary.
def helicity_amps_ff(self, q2, cp_conjugate): """Get helicity amps proportional to FFs. Cache and only recompute if necessary.""" if not cp_conjugate: return angular.helicity_amps_v(q2, self.mB, self.mV, self.mb, 0, self.ml, self.ml, self.ff(q2), self.wceff(q2), self.prefactor) else: return angular.helicity_amps_v(q2, self.mB, self.mV, self.mb, 0, self.ml, self.ml, self.ff(q2), self.wceff_bar(q2), self.prefactor_conjugate)
def j(
self, q2)
Get angular coeffs. Cache and only recompute if necessary.
def j(self, q2): """Get angular coeffs. Cache and only recompute if necessary.""" h = self.ha(q2) if q2 not in self._j: self._j[q2] = angular.angularcoeffs_general_v(h, q2, self.mB, self.mV, self.mb, 0, self.ml, self.ml) return self._j[q2]
def jbar(
self, q2)
Get CP conjugate angular coeffs. Cache and only recompute if necessary.
def jbar(self, q2): """Get CP conjugate angular coeffs. Cache and only recompute if necessary.""" hbar = self.ha_bar(q2) if q2 not in self._j_bar: self._j_bar[q2] = angular.angularcoeffs_general_v(hbar, q2, self.mB, self.mV, self.mb, 0, self.ml, self.ml) return self._j_bar[q2]
def jfunc(
self, function, q2)
Return a function of J and Jbar at one value of q2.
def jfunc(self, function, q2): """Return a function of J and Jbar at one value of q2.""" return function(self.j(q2), self.jbar(q2))
def obs(
self, q2)
def obs(self, q2): tauB = self.par['tau_' + self.B] return tauB * self.jfunc(dGdq2_ave, q2)
def wceff(
self, q2)
Get effective WCs. Cache and only recompute if necessary.
def wceff(self, q2): """Get effective WCs. Cache and only recompute if necessary.""" if q2 not in self._wceff: self._wceff[q2] = get_wceff(q2, self.wctot_dict, self.par, self.B, self.V, self.lep, self.scale) return self._wceff[q2]
def wceff_bar(
self, q2)
Get CP conjugate effective WCs. Cache and only recompute if necessary.
def wceff_bar(self, q2): """Get CP conjugate effective WCs. Cache and only recompute if necessary.""" if q2 not in self._wceff_bar: self._wceff_bar[q2] = get_wceff(q2, conjugate_wc(self.wctot_dict), self.par_conjugate, self.B, self.V, self.lep, self.scale) return self._wceff_bar[q2]
Instance variables
var epsrel
class BVll_int_pprime
Binned $P'$ observables
class BVll_int_pprime(BVllObservableBinned): r"""Binned $P'$ observables""" def __init__(self, func_num, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.epsrel = 0.005 self.func_num = func_num def obs_num(self, q2): return self.jfunc(self.func_num, q2) def obs_2s(self, q2): return self.jfunc(lambda J, J_bar: S_experiment_num(J, J_bar, '2s'), q2) def obs_2c(self, q2): return self.jfunc(lambda J, J_bar: S_experiment_num(J, J_bar, '2c'), q2) def __call__(self): if self.q2max_allowed <= self.q2min_allowed: return 0 num = nintegrate_pole(self.obs_num, self.q2min_allowed, self.q2max_allowed, epsrel=self.epsrel) if num == 0: return 0 den_2s = nintegrate_pole(self.obs_2s, self.q2min_allowed, self.q2max_allowed, epsrel=self.epsrel) den_2c = nintegrate_pole(self.obs_2c, self.q2min_allowed, self.q2max_allowed, epsrel=self.epsrel) den = 2 * sqrt(-den_2s * den_2c) return num / den
Ancestors (in MRO)
- BVll_int_pprime
- BVllObservableBinned
- BVllObservable
- builtins.object
Static methods
def __init__(
self, func_num, *args, **kwargs)
Initialize the class and cache results needed more often.
def __init__(self, func_num, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.epsrel = 0.005 self.func_num = func_num
def ff(
self, q2)
Get form factors. Cache and only recompute if necessary.
def ff(self, q2): """Get form factors. Cache and only recompute if necessary.""" if q2 not in self._ff: self._ff[q2] = get_ff(q2, self.par, self.B, self.V) return self._ff[q2]
def ha(
self, q2)
Get full helicity amps. Cache and only recompute if necessary.
def ha(self, q2): """Get full helicity amps. Cache and only recompute if necessary.""" if q2 not in self._ha: self._ha[q2] = add_dict(( self.helicity_amps_ff(q2, cp_conjugate=False), get_ss(q2, self.wc_obj, self.par, self.B, self.V, cp_conjugate=False), get_subleading(q2, self.wc_obj, self.par, self.B, self.V, cp_conjugate=False) )) return self._ha[q2]
def ha_bar(
self, q2)
Get CP conjugate full helicity amps. Cache and only recompute if necessary.
def ha_bar(self, q2): """Get CP conjugate full helicity amps. Cache and only recompute if necessary.""" if q2 not in self._ha_bar: self._ha_bar[q2] = add_dict(( self.helicity_amps_ff(q2, cp_conjugate=True), get_ss(q2, self.wc_obj, self.par, self.B, self.V, cp_conjugate=True), get_subleading(q2, self.wc_obj, self.par, self.B, self.V, cp_conjugate=True) )) return self._ha_bar[q2]
def helicity_amps_ff(
self, q2, cp_conjugate)
Get helicity amps proportional to FFs. Cache and only recompute if necessary.
def helicity_amps_ff(self, q2, cp_conjugate): """Get helicity amps proportional to FFs. Cache and only recompute if necessary.""" if not cp_conjugate: return angular.helicity_amps_v(q2, self.mB, self.mV, self.mb, 0, self.ml, self.ml, self.ff(q2), self.wceff(q2), self.prefactor) else: return angular.helicity_amps_v(q2, self.mB, self.mV, self.mb, 0, self.ml, self.ml, self.ff(q2), self.wceff_bar(q2), self.prefactor_conjugate)
def j(
self, q2)
Get angular coeffs. Cache and only recompute if necessary.
def j(self, q2): """Get angular coeffs. Cache and only recompute if necessary.""" h = self.ha(q2) if q2 not in self._j: self._j[q2] = angular.angularcoeffs_general_v(h, q2, self.mB, self.mV, self.mb, 0, self.ml, self.ml) return self._j[q2]
def jbar(
self, q2)
Get CP conjugate angular coeffs. Cache and only recompute if necessary.
def jbar(self, q2): """Get CP conjugate angular coeffs. Cache and only recompute if necessary.""" hbar = self.ha_bar(q2) if q2 not in self._j_bar: self._j_bar[q2] = angular.angularcoeffs_general_v(hbar, q2, self.mB, self.mV, self.mb, 0, self.ml, self.ml) return self._j_bar[q2]
def jfunc(
self, function, q2)
Return a function of J and Jbar at one value of q2.
def jfunc(self, function, q2): """Return a function of J and Jbar at one value of q2.""" return function(self.j(q2), self.jbar(q2))
def obs_2c(
self, q2)
def obs_2c(self, q2): return self.jfunc(lambda J, J_bar: S_experiment_num(J, J_bar, '2c'), q2)
def obs_2s(
self, q2)
def obs_2s(self, q2): return self.jfunc(lambda J, J_bar: S_experiment_num(J, J_bar, '2s'), q2)
def obs_num(
self, q2)
def obs_num(self, q2): return self.jfunc(self.func_num, q2)
def wceff(
self, q2)
Get effective WCs. Cache and only recompute if necessary.
def wceff(self, q2): """Get effective WCs. Cache and only recompute if necessary.""" if q2 not in self._wceff: self._wceff[q2] = get_wceff(q2, self.wctot_dict, self.par, self.B, self.V, self.lep, self.scale) return self._wceff[q2]
def wceff_bar(
self, q2)
Get CP conjugate effective WCs. Cache and only recompute if necessary.
def wceff_bar(self, q2): """Get CP conjugate effective WCs. Cache and only recompute if necessary.""" if q2 not in self._wceff_bar: self._wceff_bar[q2] = get_wceff(q2, conjugate_wc(self.wctot_dict), self.par_conjugate, self.B, self.V, self.lep, self.scale) return self._wceff_bar[q2]
Instance variables
var epsrel
var func_num
class BVll_int_ratio
Binned ratio of functions if angular coefficients
class BVll_int_ratio(BVllObservableBinned): """Binned ratio of functions if angular coefficients""" def __init__(self, func_num, func_den, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.epsrel = 0.005 self.func_num = func_num self.func_den = func_den def obs_num(self, q2): return self.jfunc(self.func_num, q2) def obs_den(self, q2): return self.jfunc(self.func_den, q2) def __call__(self): if self.q2max_allowed <= self.q2min_allowed: return 0 num = nintegrate_pole(self.obs_num, self.q2min_allowed, self.q2max_allowed, epsrel=self.epsrel) if num == 0: return 0 den = nintegrate_pole(self.obs_den, self.q2min_allowed, self.q2max_allowed, epsrel=self.epsrel) return num / den
Ancestors (in MRO)
- BVll_int_ratio
- BVllObservableBinned
- BVllObservable
- builtins.object
Static methods
def __init__(
self, func_num, func_den, *args, **kwargs)
Initialize the class and cache results needed more often.
def __init__(self, func_num, func_den, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.epsrel = 0.005 self.func_num = func_num self.func_den = func_den
def ff(
self, q2)
Get form factors. Cache and only recompute if necessary.
def ff(self, q2): """Get form factors. Cache and only recompute if necessary.""" if q2 not in self._ff: self._ff[q2] = get_ff(q2, self.par, self.B, self.V) return self._ff[q2]
def ha(
self, q2)
Get full helicity amps. Cache and only recompute if necessary.
def ha(self, q2): """Get full helicity amps. Cache and only recompute if necessary.""" if q2 not in self._ha: self._ha[q2] = add_dict(( self.helicity_amps_ff(q2, cp_conjugate=False), get_ss(q2, self.wc_obj, self.par, self.B, self.V, cp_conjugate=False), get_subleading(q2, self.wc_obj, self.par, self.B, self.V, cp_conjugate=False) )) return self._ha[q2]
def ha_bar(
self, q2)
Get CP conjugate full helicity amps. Cache and only recompute if necessary.
def ha_bar(self, q2): """Get CP conjugate full helicity amps. Cache and only recompute if necessary.""" if q2 not in self._ha_bar: self._ha_bar[q2] = add_dict(( self.helicity_amps_ff(q2, cp_conjugate=True), get_ss(q2, self.wc_obj, self.par, self.B, self.V, cp_conjugate=True), get_subleading(q2, self.wc_obj, self.par, self.B, self.V, cp_conjugate=True) )) return self._ha_bar[q2]
def helicity_amps_ff(
self, q2, cp_conjugate)
Get helicity amps proportional to FFs. Cache and only recompute if necessary.
def helicity_amps_ff(self, q2, cp_conjugate): """Get helicity amps proportional to FFs. Cache and only recompute if necessary.""" if not cp_conjugate: return angular.helicity_amps_v(q2, self.mB, self.mV, self.mb, 0, self.ml, self.ml, self.ff(q2), self.wceff(q2), self.prefactor) else: return angular.helicity_amps_v(q2, self.mB, self.mV, self.mb, 0, self.ml, self.ml, self.ff(q2), self.wceff_bar(q2), self.prefactor_conjugate)
def j(
self, q2)
Get angular coeffs. Cache and only recompute if necessary.
def j(self, q2): """Get angular coeffs. Cache and only recompute if necessary.""" h = self.ha(q2) if q2 not in self._j: self._j[q2] = angular.angularcoeffs_general_v(h, q2, self.mB, self.mV, self.mb, 0, self.ml, self.ml) return self._j[q2]
def jbar(
self, q2)
Get CP conjugate angular coeffs. Cache and only recompute if necessary.
def jbar(self, q2): """Get CP conjugate angular coeffs. Cache and only recompute if necessary.""" hbar = self.ha_bar(q2) if q2 not in self._j_bar: self._j_bar[q2] = angular.angularcoeffs_general_v(hbar, q2, self.mB, self.mV, self.mb, 0, self.ml, self.ml) return self._j_bar[q2]
def jfunc(
self, function, q2)
Return a function of J and Jbar at one value of q2.
def jfunc(self, function, q2): """Return a function of J and Jbar at one value of q2.""" return function(self.j(q2), self.jbar(q2))
def obs_den(
self, q2)
def obs_den(self, q2): return self.jfunc(self.func_den, q2)
def obs_num(
self, q2)
def obs_num(self, q2): return self.jfunc(self.func_num, q2)
def wceff(
self, q2)
Get effective WCs. Cache and only recompute if necessary.
def wceff(self, q2): """Get effective WCs. Cache and only recompute if necessary.""" if q2 not in self._wceff: self._wceff[q2] = get_wceff(q2, self.wctot_dict, self.par, self.B, self.V, self.lep, self.scale) return self._wceff[q2]
def wceff_bar(
self, q2)
Get CP conjugate effective WCs. Cache and only recompute if necessary.
def wceff_bar(self, q2): """Get CP conjugate effective WCs. Cache and only recompute if necessary.""" if q2 not in self._wceff_bar: self._wceff_bar[q2] = get_wceff(q2, conjugate_wc(self.wctot_dict), self.par_conjugate, self.B, self.V, self.lep, self.scale) return self._wceff_bar[q2]
Instance variables
var epsrel
var func_den
var func_num
class BVll_obs
Differential function of angular coefficients
class BVll_obs(BVllObservableDifferential): """Differential function of angular coefficients""" def __init__(self, func, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.func = func def __call__(self): if not self.allowed: return 0 return self.jfunc(self.func, self.q2)
Ancestors (in MRO)
- BVll_obs
- BVllObservableDifferential
- BVllObservable
- builtins.object
Static methods
def __init__(
self, func, *args, **kwargs)
Initialize the class and cache results needed more often.
def __init__(self, func, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.func = func
def ff(
self, q2)
Get form factors. Cache and only recompute if necessary.
def ff(self, q2): """Get form factors. Cache and only recompute if necessary.""" if q2 not in self._ff: self._ff[q2] = get_ff(q2, self.par, self.B, self.V) return self._ff[q2]
def ha(
self, q2)
Get full helicity amps. Cache and only recompute if necessary.
def ha(self, q2): """Get full helicity amps. Cache and only recompute if necessary.""" if q2 not in self._ha: self._ha[q2] = add_dict(( self.helicity_amps_ff(q2, cp_conjugate=False), get_ss(q2, self.wc_obj, self.par, self.B, self.V, cp_conjugate=False), get_subleading(q2, self.wc_obj, self.par, self.B, self.V, cp_conjugate=False) )) return self._ha[q2]
def ha_bar(
self, q2)
Get CP conjugate full helicity amps. Cache and only recompute if necessary.
def ha_bar(self, q2): """Get CP conjugate full helicity amps. Cache and only recompute if necessary.""" if q2 not in self._ha_bar: self._ha_bar[q2] = add_dict(( self.helicity_amps_ff(q2, cp_conjugate=True), get_ss(q2, self.wc_obj, self.par, self.B, self.V, cp_conjugate=True), get_subleading(q2, self.wc_obj, self.par, self.B, self.V, cp_conjugate=True) )) return self._ha_bar[q2]
def helicity_amps_ff(
self, q2, cp_conjugate)
Get helicity amps proportional to FFs. Cache and only recompute if necessary.
def helicity_amps_ff(self, q2, cp_conjugate): """Get helicity amps proportional to FFs. Cache and only recompute if necessary.""" if not cp_conjugate: return angular.helicity_amps_v(q2, self.mB, self.mV, self.mb, 0, self.ml, self.ml, self.ff(q2), self.wceff(q2), self.prefactor) else: return angular.helicity_amps_v(q2, self.mB, self.mV, self.mb, 0, self.ml, self.ml, self.ff(q2), self.wceff_bar(q2), self.prefactor_conjugate)
def j(
self, q2)
Get angular coeffs. Cache and only recompute if necessary.
def j(self, q2): """Get angular coeffs. Cache and only recompute if necessary.""" h = self.ha(q2) if q2 not in self._j: self._j[q2] = angular.angularcoeffs_general_v(h, q2, self.mB, self.mV, self.mb, 0, self.ml, self.ml) return self._j[q2]
def jbar(
self, q2)
Get CP conjugate angular coeffs. Cache and only recompute if necessary.
def jbar(self, q2): """Get CP conjugate angular coeffs. Cache and only recompute if necessary.""" hbar = self.ha_bar(q2) if q2 not in self._j_bar: self._j_bar[q2] = angular.angularcoeffs_general_v(hbar, q2, self.mB, self.mV, self.mb, 0, self.ml, self.ml) return self._j_bar[q2]
def jfunc(
self, function, q2)
Return a function of J and Jbar at one value of q2.
def jfunc(self, function, q2): """Return a function of J and Jbar at one value of q2.""" return function(self.j(q2), self.jbar(q2))
def wceff(
self, q2)
Get effective WCs. Cache and only recompute if necessary.
def wceff(self, q2): """Get effective WCs. Cache and only recompute if necessary.""" if q2 not in self._wceff: self._wceff[q2] = get_wceff(q2, self.wctot_dict, self.par, self.B, self.V, self.lep, self.scale) return self._wceff[q2]
def wceff_bar(
self, q2)
Get CP conjugate effective WCs. Cache and only recompute if necessary.
def wceff_bar(self, q2): """Get CP conjugate effective WCs. Cache and only recompute if necessary.""" if q2 not in self._wceff_bar: self._wceff_bar[q2] = get_wceff(q2, conjugate_wc(self.wctot_dict), self.par_conjugate, self.B, self.V, self.lep, self.scale) return self._wceff_bar[q2]
Instance variables
var func
class BVll_obs_int
Binned function of angular coefficients
class BVll_obs_int(BVllObservableBinned): """Binned function of angular coefficients""" def __init__(self, func, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.epsrel = 0.005 self.func = func def obs(self, q2): return self.jfunc(self.func, q2) def __call__(self): if self.q2max_allowed <= self.q2min_allowed: return 0 return nintegrate_pole(self.obs, self.q2min_allowed, self.q2max_allowed, epsrel=self.epsrel) / (self.q2max - self.q2min)
Ancestors (in MRO)
- BVll_obs_int
- BVllObservableBinned
- BVllObservable
- builtins.object
Static methods
def __init__(
self, func, *args, **kwargs)
Initialize the class and cache results needed more often.
def __init__(self, func, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.epsrel = 0.005 self.func = func
def ff(
self, q2)
Get form factors. Cache and only recompute if necessary.
def ff(self, q2): """Get form factors. Cache and only recompute if necessary.""" if q2 not in self._ff: self._ff[q2] = get_ff(q2, self.par, self.B, self.V) return self._ff[q2]
def ha(
self, q2)
Get full helicity amps. Cache and only recompute if necessary.
def ha(self, q2): """Get full helicity amps. Cache and only recompute if necessary.""" if q2 not in self._ha: self._ha[q2] = add_dict(( self.helicity_amps_ff(q2, cp_conjugate=False), get_ss(q2, self.wc_obj, self.par, self.B, self.V, cp_conjugate=False), get_subleading(q2, self.wc_obj, self.par, self.B, self.V, cp_conjugate=False) )) return self._ha[q2]
def ha_bar(
self, q2)
Get CP conjugate full helicity amps. Cache and only recompute if necessary.
def ha_bar(self, q2): """Get CP conjugate full helicity amps. Cache and only recompute if necessary.""" if q2 not in self._ha_bar: self._ha_bar[q2] = add_dict(( self.helicity_amps_ff(q2, cp_conjugate=True), get_ss(q2, self.wc_obj, self.par, self.B, self.V, cp_conjugate=True), get_subleading(q2, self.wc_obj, self.par, self.B, self.V, cp_conjugate=True) )) return self._ha_bar[q2]
def helicity_amps_ff(
self, q2, cp_conjugate)
Get helicity amps proportional to FFs. Cache and only recompute if necessary.
def helicity_amps_ff(self, q2, cp_conjugate): """Get helicity amps proportional to FFs. Cache and only recompute if necessary.""" if not cp_conjugate: return angular.helicity_amps_v(q2, self.mB, self.mV, self.mb, 0, self.ml, self.ml, self.ff(q2), self.wceff(q2), self.prefactor) else: return angular.helicity_amps_v(q2, self.mB, self.mV, self.mb, 0, self.ml, self.ml, self.ff(q2), self.wceff_bar(q2), self.prefactor_conjugate)
def j(
self, q2)
Get angular coeffs. Cache and only recompute if necessary.
def j(self, q2): """Get angular coeffs. Cache and only recompute if necessary.""" h = self.ha(q2) if q2 not in self._j: self._j[q2] = angular.angularcoeffs_general_v(h, q2, self.mB, self.mV, self.mb, 0, self.ml, self.ml) return self._j[q2]
def jbar(
self, q2)
Get CP conjugate angular coeffs. Cache and only recompute if necessary.
def jbar(self, q2): """Get CP conjugate angular coeffs. Cache and only recompute if necessary.""" hbar = self.ha_bar(q2) if q2 not in self._j_bar: self._j_bar[q2] = angular.angularcoeffs_general_v(hbar, q2, self.mB, self.mV, self.mb, 0, self.ml, self.ml) return self._j_bar[q2]
def jfunc(
self, function, q2)
Return a function of J and Jbar at one value of q2.
def jfunc(self, function, q2): """Return a function of J and Jbar at one value of q2.""" return function(self.j(q2), self.jbar(q2))
def obs(
self, q2)
def obs(self, q2): return self.jfunc(self.func, q2)
def wceff(
self, q2)
Get effective WCs. Cache and only recompute if necessary.
def wceff(self, q2): """Get effective WCs. Cache and only recompute if necessary.""" if q2 not in self._wceff: self._wceff[q2] = get_wceff(q2, self.wctot_dict, self.par, self.B, self.V, self.lep, self.scale) return self._wceff[q2]
def wceff_bar(
self, q2)
Get CP conjugate effective WCs. Cache and only recompute if necessary.
def wceff_bar(self, q2): """Get CP conjugate effective WCs. Cache and only recompute if necessary.""" if q2 not in self._wceff_bar: self._wceff_bar[q2] = get_wceff(q2, conjugate_wc(self.wctot_dict), self.par_conjugate, self.B, self.V, self.lep, self.scale) return self._wceff_bar[q2]
Instance variables
var epsrel
var func
class BVll_pprime
Differential $P'$ observables
class BVll_pprime(BVllObservableDifferential): r"""Differential $P'$ observables""" def __init__(self, func_num, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.func_num = func_num @staticmethod def func_2s(J, J_bar): return S_experiment_num(J, J_bar, '2s') @staticmethod def func_2c(J, J_bar): return S_experiment_num(J, J_bar, '2c') def __call__(self): if not self.allowed: return 0 num = self.jfunc(self.func_num, self.q2) if num == 0: return 0 den_2s = self.jfunc(self.func_2s, self.q2) den_2c = self.jfunc(self.func_2c, self.q2) den = 2 * sqrt(-den_2s * den_2c) return num / den
Ancestors (in MRO)
- BVll_pprime
- BVllObservableDifferential
- BVllObservable
- builtins.object
Static methods
def __init__(
self, func_num, *args, **kwargs)
Initialize the class and cache results needed more often.
def __init__(self, func_num, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.func_num = func_num
def ff(
self, q2)
Get form factors. Cache and only recompute if necessary.
def ff(self, q2): """Get form factors. Cache and only recompute if necessary.""" if q2 not in self._ff: self._ff[q2] = get_ff(q2, self.par, self.B, self.V) return self._ff[q2]
def func_2c(
J, J_bar)
@staticmethod def func_2c(J, J_bar): return S_experiment_num(J, J_bar, '2c')
def func_2s(
J, J_bar)
@staticmethod def func_2s(J, J_bar): return S_experiment_num(J, J_bar, '2s')
def ha(
self, q2)
Get full helicity amps. Cache and only recompute if necessary.
def ha(self, q2): """Get full helicity amps. Cache and only recompute if necessary.""" if q2 not in self._ha: self._ha[q2] = add_dict(( self.helicity_amps_ff(q2, cp_conjugate=False), get_ss(q2, self.wc_obj, self.par, self.B, self.V, cp_conjugate=False), get_subleading(q2, self.wc_obj, self.par, self.B, self.V, cp_conjugate=False) )) return self._ha[q2]
def ha_bar(
self, q2)
Get CP conjugate full helicity amps. Cache and only recompute if necessary.
def ha_bar(self, q2): """Get CP conjugate full helicity amps. Cache and only recompute if necessary.""" if q2 not in self._ha_bar: self._ha_bar[q2] = add_dict(( self.helicity_amps_ff(q2, cp_conjugate=True), get_ss(q2, self.wc_obj, self.par, self.B, self.V, cp_conjugate=True), get_subleading(q2, self.wc_obj, self.par, self.B, self.V, cp_conjugate=True) )) return self._ha_bar[q2]
def helicity_amps_ff(
self, q2, cp_conjugate)
Get helicity amps proportional to FFs. Cache and only recompute if necessary.
def helicity_amps_ff(self, q2, cp_conjugate): """Get helicity amps proportional to FFs. Cache and only recompute if necessary.""" if not cp_conjugate: return angular.helicity_amps_v(q2, self.mB, self.mV, self.mb, 0, self.ml, self.ml, self.ff(q2), self.wceff(q2), self.prefactor) else: return angular.helicity_amps_v(q2, self.mB, self.mV, self.mb, 0, self.ml, self.ml, self.ff(q2), self.wceff_bar(q2), self.prefactor_conjugate)
def j(
self, q2)
Get angular coeffs. Cache and only recompute if necessary.
def j(self, q2): """Get angular coeffs. Cache and only recompute if necessary.""" h = self.ha(q2) if q2 not in self._j: self._j[q2] = angular.angularcoeffs_general_v(h, q2, self.mB, self.mV, self.mb, 0, self.ml, self.ml) return self._j[q2]
def jbar(
self, q2)
Get CP conjugate angular coeffs. Cache and only recompute if necessary.
def jbar(self, q2): """Get CP conjugate angular coeffs. Cache and only recompute if necessary.""" hbar = self.ha_bar(q2) if q2 not in self._j_bar: self._j_bar[q2] = angular.angularcoeffs_general_v(hbar, q2, self.mB, self.mV, self.mb, 0, self.ml, self.ml) return self._j_bar[q2]
def jfunc(
self, function, q2)
Return a function of J and Jbar at one value of q2.
def jfunc(self, function, q2): """Return a function of J and Jbar at one value of q2.""" return function(self.j(q2), self.jbar(q2))
def wceff(
self, q2)
Get effective WCs. Cache and only recompute if necessary.
def wceff(self, q2): """Get effective WCs. Cache and only recompute if necessary.""" if q2 not in self._wceff: self._wceff[q2] = get_wceff(q2, self.wctot_dict, self.par, self.B, self.V, self.lep, self.scale) return self._wceff[q2]
def wceff_bar(
self, q2)
Get CP conjugate effective WCs. Cache and only recompute if necessary.
def wceff_bar(self, q2): """Get CP conjugate effective WCs. Cache and only recompute if necessary.""" if q2 not in self._wceff_bar: self._wceff_bar[q2] = get_wceff(q2, conjugate_wc(self.wctot_dict), self.par_conjugate, self.B, self.V, self.lep, self.scale) return self._wceff_bar[q2]
Instance variables
var func_num
class BVll_ratio
Differential ratio of functions of angular coefficients
class BVll_ratio(BVllObservableDifferential): """Differential ratio of functions of angular coefficients""" def __init__(self, func_num, func_den, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.func_num = func_num self.func_den = func_den def __call__(self): if not self.allowed: return 0 num = self.jfunc(self.func_num, self.q2) if num == 0: return 0 den = self.jfunc(self.func_den, self.q2) return num / den
Ancestors (in MRO)
- BVll_ratio
- BVllObservableDifferential
- BVllObservable
- builtins.object
Static methods
def __init__(
self, func_num, func_den, *args, **kwargs)
Initialize the class and cache results needed more often.
def __init__(self, func_num, func_den, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.func_num = func_num self.func_den = func_den
def ff(
self, q2)
Get form factors. Cache and only recompute if necessary.
def ff(self, q2): """Get form factors. Cache and only recompute if necessary.""" if q2 not in self._ff: self._ff[q2] = get_ff(q2, self.par, self.B, self.V) return self._ff[q2]
def ha(
self, q2)
Get full helicity amps. Cache and only recompute if necessary.
def ha(self, q2): """Get full helicity amps. Cache and only recompute if necessary.""" if q2 not in self._ha: self._ha[q2] = add_dict(( self.helicity_amps_ff(q2, cp_conjugate=False), get_ss(q2, self.wc_obj, self.par, self.B, self.V, cp_conjugate=False), get_subleading(q2, self.wc_obj, self.par, self.B, self.V, cp_conjugate=False) )) return self._ha[q2]
def ha_bar(
self, q2)
Get CP conjugate full helicity amps. Cache and only recompute if necessary.
def ha_bar(self, q2): """Get CP conjugate full helicity amps. Cache and only recompute if necessary.""" if q2 not in self._ha_bar: self._ha_bar[q2] = add_dict(( self.helicity_amps_ff(q2, cp_conjugate=True), get_ss(q2, self.wc_obj, self.par, self.B, self.V, cp_conjugate=True), get_subleading(q2, self.wc_obj, self.par, self.B, self.V, cp_conjugate=True) )) return self._ha_bar[q2]
def helicity_amps_ff(
self, q2, cp_conjugate)
Get helicity amps proportional to FFs. Cache and only recompute if necessary.
def helicity_amps_ff(self, q2, cp_conjugate): """Get helicity amps proportional to FFs. Cache and only recompute if necessary.""" if not cp_conjugate: return angular.helicity_amps_v(q2, self.mB, self.mV, self.mb, 0, self.ml, self.ml, self.ff(q2), self.wceff(q2), self.prefactor) else: return angular.helicity_amps_v(q2, self.mB, self.mV, self.mb, 0, self.ml, self.ml, self.ff(q2), self.wceff_bar(q2), self.prefactor_conjugate)
def j(
self, q2)
Get angular coeffs. Cache and only recompute if necessary.
def j(self, q2): """Get angular coeffs. Cache and only recompute if necessary.""" h = self.ha(q2) if q2 not in self._j: self._j[q2] = angular.angularcoeffs_general_v(h, q2, self.mB, self.mV, self.mb, 0, self.ml, self.ml) return self._j[q2]
def jbar(
self, q2)
Get CP conjugate angular coeffs. Cache and only recompute if necessary.
def jbar(self, q2): """Get CP conjugate angular coeffs. Cache and only recompute if necessary.""" hbar = self.ha_bar(q2) if q2 not in self._j_bar: self._j_bar[q2] = angular.angularcoeffs_general_v(hbar, q2, self.mB, self.mV, self.mb, 0, self.ml, self.ml) return self._j_bar[q2]
def jfunc(
self, function, q2)
Return a function of J and Jbar at one value of q2.
def jfunc(self, function, q2): """Return a function of J and Jbar at one value of q2.""" return function(self.j(q2), self.jbar(q2))
def wceff(
self, q2)
Get effective WCs. Cache and only recompute if necessary.
def wceff(self, q2): """Get effective WCs. Cache and only recompute if necessary.""" if q2 not in self._wceff: self._wceff[q2] = get_wceff(q2, self.wctot_dict, self.par, self.B, self.V, self.lep, self.scale) return self._wceff[q2]
def wceff_bar(
self, q2)
Get CP conjugate effective WCs. Cache and only recompute if necessary.
def wceff_bar(self, q2): """Get CP conjugate effective WCs. Cache and only recompute if necessary.""" if q2 not in self._wceff_bar: self._wceff_bar[q2] = get_wceff(q2, conjugate_wc(self.wctot_dict), self.par_conjugate, self.B, self.V, self.lep, self.scale) return self._wceff_bar[q2]
Instance variables
var func_den
var func_num