
flavio.physics.bdecays.bvll.qcdf_interpolate module

Functions for interpolated version of the QCDF spectator scattering corrections.

Rationale for this is that a) The QCDF corrections are very small, in fact smaller than hadronic uncertainties for most observables (except maybe isospin asymmetries) b) They are very costly computing-wise as they involve numerical integrals over light-cone distribution amplitudes.

Interpolating them leads to a drastic speed-up at the cost of some (unnecessary) precision.

"""Functions for interpolated version of the QCDF spectator scattering

Rationale for this is that
a) The QCDF corrections are very small, in fact smaller than hadronic uncertainties
for most observables (except maybe isospin asymmetries)
b) They are very costly computing-wise as they involve numerical integrals
over light-cone distribution amplitudes.

Interpolating them leads to a drastic speed-up at the cost of some (unnecessary)

import flavio
import numpy as np
import pkgutil
import pkg_resources
import scipy.interpolate
import math
import warnings

q2_arr = np.arange(0 + 1e-6, 9 + 1e-6, 0.1)

data = np.load(pkg_resources.resource_filename('flavio.physics', 'data/qcdf_interpolate/qcdf_interpolate.npz'))

interpolating_function_dict = {}
for process, hel_amps in data.items():
    interpolating_function_dict[process] = {}
    interpolating_function_dict[process] = scipy.interpolate.interp1d(q2_arr, hel_amps.view(float), axis=0)

def helicity_amps_qcdf(q2, par, B, V, cp_conjugate=False, contribution='all'):
    if q2 > 6:
        warnings.warn("The QCDF corrections should not be trusted for q2 above 6 GeV^2")
    # ml = par['m_'+lep]
    # if lep == 'tau' or q2 < 4*ml**2 or q2 > 9:
    #     return {('0' ,'V'): 0, ('pl' ,'V'): 0, ('mi' ,'V'): 0}
    process = B + '->' + V # e.g. B0->K*0mumu
    if cp_conjugate:
        array_name = process + ' CP conjugate ' + contribution
        array_name = process + ' ' + contribution
    ha = {}
    ha_arr = interpolating_function_dict[array_name](q2).view(complex)
    # dividing the q^2 poles back in
    ha[('pl','V')] = ha_arr[0] / q2
    ha[('mi','V')] = ha_arr[1] / q2
    ha[('0','V')]  = ha_arr[2] / math.sqrt(q2)
    return ha

Module variables

var data

var hel_amps

var interpolating_function_dict

var process

var q2_arr


def helicity_amps_qcdf(

q2, par, B, V, cp_conjugate=False, contribution='all')

def helicity_amps_qcdf(q2, par, B, V, cp_conjugate=False, contribution='all'):
    if q2 > 6:
        warnings.warn("The QCDF corrections should not be trusted for q2 above 6 GeV^2")
    # ml = par['m_'+lep]
    # if lep == 'tau' or q2 < 4*ml**2 or q2 > 9:
    #     return {('0' ,'V'): 0, ('pl' ,'V'): 0, ('mi' ,'V'): 0}
    process = B + '->' + V # e.g. B0->K*0mumu
    if cp_conjugate:
        array_name = process + ' CP conjugate ' + contribution
        array_name = process + ' ' + contribution
    ha = {}
    ha_arr = interpolating_function_dict[array_name](q2).view(complex)
    # dividing the q^2 poles back in
    ha[('pl','V')] = ha_arr[0] / q2
    ha[('mi','V')] = ha_arr[1] / q2
    ha[('0','V')]  = ha_arr[2] / math.sqrt(q2)
    return ha