flavio.physics.bdecays.bvlnu module
Functions for exclusive $B\to V\ell\nu$ decays.
r"""Functions for exclusive $B\to V\ell\nu$ decays.""" from math import sqrt, pi, cos, sin import flavio from flavio.physics.bdecays.common import lambda_K, meson_quark, meson_ff from flavio.physics.bdecays.wilsoncoefficients import wctot_dict from flavio.physics import ckm from flavio.classes import AuxiliaryQuantity from flavio.config import config from flavio.physics.running import running from flavio.physics.bdecays import angular from flavio.physics.bdecays.wilsoncoefficients import get_wceff_fccc from flavio.classes import Observable, Prediction def get_ff(q2, par, B, V): """Return the form factors""" ff_name = meson_ff[(B,V)] + ' form factor' return AuxiliaryQuantity[ff_name].prediction(par_dict=par, wc_obj=None, q2=q2) def prefactor(q2, par, B, V, lep): """Return the prefactor including constants and CKM elements""" GF = par['GF'] scale = config['renormalization scale']['bvll'] ml = par['m_'+lep] mB = par['m_'+B] mV = par['m_'+V] tauB = par['tau_'+B] laB = lambda_K(mB**2, mV**2, q2) laGa = lambda_K(q2, ml**2, 0.) qi_qj = meson_quark[(B, V)] if qi_qj == 'bu': Vij = ckm.get_ckm(par)[0,2] # V_{ub} for b->u transitions if qi_qj == 'bc': Vij = ckm.get_ckm(par)[1,2] # V_{cb} for b->c transitions if q2 <= ml**2: return 0 return 4*GF/sqrt(2)*Vij def get_angularcoeff(q2, wc_obj, par, B, V, lep): Jlist = [_get_angularcoeff(q2, wc_obj, par, B, V, lep, nu) for nu in ['e', 'mu', 'tau']] J = {} J['1s'] = sum([JJ['1s'] for JJ in Jlist]) J['1c'] = sum([JJ['1c'] for JJ in Jlist]) J['2s'] = sum([JJ['2s'] for JJ in Jlist]) J['2c'] = sum([JJ['2c'] for JJ in Jlist]) J['6s'] = sum([JJ['6s'] for JJ in Jlist]) J['6c'] = sum([JJ['6c'] for JJ in Jlist]) J[3] = sum([JJ[3] for JJ in Jlist]) J[4] = sum([JJ[4] for JJ in Jlist]) J[5] = sum([JJ[5] for JJ in Jlist]) J[7] = sum([JJ[7] for JJ in Jlist]) J[8] = sum([JJ[8] for JJ in Jlist]) J[9] = sum([JJ[9] for JJ in Jlist]) return J def _get_angularcoeff(q2, wc_obj, par, B, V, lep, nu): scale = config['renormalization scale']['bvll'] mb = running.get_mb(par, scale) wc = get_wceff_fccc(wc_obj, par, meson_quark[(B,V)], lep, nu, mb, scale, nf=5) if lep != nu and all(C == 0 for C in wc.values()): # if all WCs vanish, so does the AC! return {k: 0 for k in ['1s', '1c', '2s', '2c', '6s', '6c', 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9]} ml = par['m_'+lep] mB = par['m_'+B] mV = par['m_'+V] qi_qj = meson_quark[(B, V)] if qi_qj == 'bu': mlight = 0. # neglecting the up quark mass if qi_qj == 'bc': mlight = running.get_mc(par, scale) # this is needed for scalar contributions N = prefactor(q2, par, B, V, lep) ff = get_ff(q2, par, B, V) h = angular.helicity_amps_v(q2, mB, mV, mb, mlight, ml, 0, ff, wc, N) J = angular.angularcoeffs_general_v(h, q2, mB, mV, mb, mlight, ml, 0) return J def dGdq2(J): r"""$q^2$-differential branching ratio in terms of angular coefficients.""" return 3/4. * (2 * J['1s'] + J['1c']) - 1/4. * (2 * J['2s'] + J['2c']) def dGdq2_L(J): r"""$q^2$-differential branching ratio to longitudinally polarized vector meson in terms of angular coefficients.""" return 3/4. * J['1c'] - 1/4. * J['2c'] def dGdq2_T(J): r"""$q^2$-differential branching ratio to transversely polarized vector meson in terms of angular coefficients.""" return 3/2. * J['1s'] - 1/2. * J['2s'] # For the angle-differential and binned distributions, the main idea is this: # while the q2-integration has to be done numerically, the angle integration is # trivial to do analytically as the angular dependence is given in terms of # trigonometric functions. So the differential distributions are given as # dictionaries with (q2-dependent) coefficients of these angular functions. # Integration (i.e. binning) in angles then merely amounts to replacing the # angular functions by their respective integrals. def dG_dq2_dcosthl(J): r"""$\cos\theta_\ell$-differential branching ratio in terms of angular coefficients, as dictionary of coefficients of trigonometric functions of $\theta_\ell$.""" return {'1': 3/8. * (J['1c'] + 2*J['1s']), 'c': 3/8. * (J['6c'] + 2*J['6s']), 'c2': 3/8. * (J['2c'] + 2*J['2s']) } def dG_dq2_dcosthV(J): r"""$\cos\theta_V$-differential branching ratio in terms of angular coefficients, as dictionary of coefficients of trigonometric functions of $\theta_V$.""" return {'c^2': -3/8. * (-3*J['1c'] + J['2c']), 's^2': -3/8. * (-3*J['1s'] + J['2s']) } def dG_dq2_dphi(J): r"""$\phi$-differential branching ratio in terms of angular coefficients, as dictionary of coefficients of trigonometric functions of $\phi$.""" return {'1': 1/(8*pi) * (3*J['1c'] + 6*J['1s'] - J['2c'] - 2*J['2s']), 'c2': 1/(2*pi) * J[3], 's2': 1/(2*pi) * J[9] } def _cos_angle_diff(costh): r"""Trigonometric functions for differential distributions in terms of $\cos\theta_{\ell,V}$""" return {'1': 1, 'c': costh, 'c2': 2*costh**2-1, 'c^2': costh**2, 's^2': 1 - costh**2, 's2': 2*costh*sqrt(1-costh**2)} def _cos_angle_int(costh): r"""Integrated trigonometric functions for binned distributions in terms of $\cos\theta_{\ell,V}$""" return {'1': costh, 'c': costh**2/2., 'c2': 2*costh**3/3.-costh, 'c^2': costh**3/3., 's^2': costh - costh**3/3., 's2': -2/3.*(1-costh**2)**(3/2.)} def _angle_diff(phi): r"""Trigonometric functions for differential distributions in terms of $\phi$""" return {'1': 1, 'c2': cos(2*phi), 's2': sin(2*phi)} def _angle_int(phi): r"""Integrated trigonometric functions for binned distributions in terms of $\phi$""" return {'1': phi, 'c2': sin(2*phi)/2., 's2': -cos(2*phi)/2.} def obs_q2int(fct, wc_obj, par, B, V, lep): """q2-integrated observable""" mB = par['m_'+B] mV = par['m_'+V] ml = par['m_'+lep] q2max = (mB-mV)**2 q2min = ml**2 def integrand(q2): return fct(q2) return flavio.math.integrate.nintegrate(integrand, q2min, q2max) def kinem_allowed(q2, par, B, V, lep): """True if q2 is in the kinematically allowed region""" ml = par['m_'+lep] mB = par['m_'+B] mV = par['m_'+V] if q2 < ml**2 or q2 > (mB-mV)**2: return False else: return True def FL_diff(q2, wc_obj, par, B, V, lep): if not kinem_allowed(q2, par, B, V, lep): return 0 J = get_angularcoeff(q2, wc_obj, par, B, V, lep) return dGdq2_L(J) / dGdq2(J) def FL_binned(q2min, q2max, wc_obj, par, B, V, lep): num = flavio.math.integrate.nintegrate(lambda q2: dBRdq2(q2, wc_obj, par, B, V, lep, A='L'), q2min, q2max) if num == 0: return 0 denom = flavio.math.integrate.nintegrate(lambda q2: dBRdq2(q2, wc_obj, par, B, V, lep, A=None), q2min, q2max) return num / denom def Itot_norm(fct_J, wc_obj, par, B, V, lep): def fct(q2): J = get_angularcoeff(q2, wc_obj, par, B, V, lep) return fct_J(J) num = obs_q2int(fct, wc_obj, par, B, V, lep) def fct_den(q2): J = get_angularcoeff(q2, wc_obj, par, B, V, lep) return dGdq2(J) den = obs_q2int(fct_den, wc_obj, par, B, V, lep) return num / den def dBR_dq2_dcosthl_binned(q2, clmin, clmax, wc_obj, par, B, V, lep): if not kinem_allowed(q2, par, B, V, lep): return 0 tauB = par['tau_'+B] J = get_angularcoeff(q2, wc_obj, par, B, V, lep) dG = dG_dq2_dcosthl(J) ang_min = _cos_angle_int(clmin) ang_max = _cos_angle_int(clmax) return BRfac(V) * tauB * sum( [y * (ang_max[a] - ang_min[a]) for a, y in dG.items()]) def BR_binned_costhl(clmin, clmax, wc_obj, par, B, V, lep): def fct(q2): return dBR_dq2_dcosthl_binned(q2, clmin, clmax, wc_obj, par, B, V, lep) return obs_q2int(fct, wc_obj, par, B, V, lep) def dBR_dq2_dcosthl(q2, cl, wc_obj, par, B, V, lep): if not kinem_allowed(q2, par, B, V, lep): return 0 tauB = par['tau_'+B] J = get_angularcoeff(q2, wc_obj, par, B, V, lep) dG = dG_dq2_dcosthl(J) ang = _cos_angle_diff(cl) return BRfac(V) * tauB * sum( [y * ang[a] for a, y in dG.items()]) def dBR_dcosthl(cl, wc_obj, par, B, V, lep): def fct(q2): return dBR_dq2_dcosthl(q2, cl, wc_obj, par, B, V, lep) return obs_q2int(fct, wc_obj, par, B, V, lep) def dBR_dq2_dcosthV_binned(q2, cVmin, cVmax, wc_obj, par, B, V, lep): if not kinem_allowed(q2, par, B, V, lep): return 0 tauB = par['tau_'+B] J = get_angularcoeff(q2, wc_obj, par, B, V, lep) dG = dG_dq2_dcosthV(J) ang_min = _cos_angle_int(cVmin) ang_max = _cos_angle_int(cVmax) return BRfac(V) * tauB * sum( [y * (ang_max[a] - ang_min[a]) for a, y in dG.items()]) def BR_binned_costhV(cVmin, cVmax, wc_obj, par, B, V, lep): def fct(q2): return dBR_dq2_dcosthV_binned(q2, cVmin, cVmax, wc_obj, par, B, V, lep) return obs_q2int(fct, wc_obj, par, B, V, lep) def dBR_dq2_dcosthV(q2, cV, wc_obj, par, B, V, lep): if not kinem_allowed(q2, par, B, V, lep): return 0 tauB = par['tau_'+B] J = get_angularcoeff(q2, wc_obj, par, B, V, lep) dG = dG_dq2_dcosthV(J) ang = _cos_angle_diff(cV) return BRfac(V) * tauB * sum( [y * ang[a] for a, y in dG.items()]) def dBR_dcosthV(cV, wc_obj, par, B, V, lep): def fct(q2): return dBR_dq2_dcosthV(q2, cV, wc_obj, par, B, V, lep) return obs_q2int(fct, wc_obj, par, B, V, lep) def dBR_dq2_dphi_binned(q2, phimin, phimax, wc_obj, par, B, V, lep): if not kinem_allowed(q2, par, B, V, lep): return 0 tauB = par['tau_'+B] J = get_angularcoeff(q2, wc_obj, par, B, V, lep) dG = dG_dq2_dphi(J) ang_min = _angle_int(phimin) ang_max = _angle_int(phimax) return BRfac(V) * tauB * sum( [y * (ang_max[a] - ang_min[a]) for a, y in dG.items()]) def BR_binned_phi(phimin, phimax, wc_obj, par, B, V, lep): def fct(q2): return dBR_dq2_dphi_binned(q2, phimin, phimax, wc_obj, par, B, V, lep) return obs_q2int(fct, wc_obj, par, B, V, lep) def dBR_dq2_dphi(q2, phi, wc_obj, par, B, V, lep): if not kinem_allowed(q2, par, B, V, lep): return 0 tauB = par['tau_'+B] J = get_angularcoeff(q2, wc_obj, par, B, V, lep) dG = dG_dq2_dphi(J) ang = _angle_diff(phi) return BRfac(V) * tauB * sum( [y * ang[a] for a, y in dG.items()]) def dBR_dphi(phi, wc_obj, par, B, V, lep): def fct(q2): return dBR_dq2_dphi(q2, phi, wc_obj, par, B, V, lep) return obs_q2int(fct, wc_obj, par, B, V, lep) def BRfac(V): if V == 'rho0' or V == 'omega': # factor of 1/2 for neutral rho due to rho = (uubar-ddbar)/sqrt(2) # and also for omega = (uubar+ddbar)/sqrt(2) return 1/2. else: return 1 def dBRdq2_lep(q2, wc_obj, par, B, V, lep, A): if not kinem_allowed(q2, par, B, V, lep): return 0 tauB = par['tau_'+B] J = get_angularcoeff(q2, wc_obj, par, B, V, lep) if A is None: return tauB * dGdq2(J) * BRfac(V) elif A == 'L': return tauB * dGdq2_L(J) * BRfac(V) elif A == 'T': return tauB * dGdq2_T(J) * BRfac(V) def dBRdq2(q2, wc_obj, par, B, V, lep, A): if lep == 'l': # average of e and mu! return (dBRdq2_lep(q2, wc_obj, par, B, V, 'e', A) + dBRdq2_lep(q2, wc_obj, par, B, V, 'mu', A))/2 else: return dBRdq2_lep(q2, wc_obj, par, B, V, lep, A) def dBRdq2_function(B, V, lep, A): return lambda wc_obj, par, q2: dBRdq2(q2, wc_obj, par, B, V, lep, A) def BR_binned(q2min, q2max, wc_obj, par, B, V, lep, A): def integrand(q2): return dBRdq2(q2, wc_obj, par, B, V, lep, A) return flavio.math.integrate.nintegrate(integrand, q2min, q2max) def BR_binned_function(B, V, lep, A): return lambda wc_obj, par, q2min, q2max: BR_binned(q2min, q2max, wc_obj, par, B, V, lep, A) def BR_binned_tot_function(B, V, lep, A): def f(wc_obj, par, q2min, q2max): num = BR_binned(q2min, q2max, wc_obj, par, B, V, lep, A) if num == 0: return 0 den = BR_tot(wc_obj, par, B, V, lep, A) return num / den return f def FL_function(B, V, lep): return lambda wc_obj, par, q2: FL_diff(q2, wc_obj, par, B, V, lep) def FL_binned_function(B, V, lep): return lambda wc_obj, par, q2min, q2max: FL_binned(q2min, q2max, wc_obj, par, B, V, lep) def FL_tot_function(B, V, lep): def f(wc_obj, par): mB = par['m_'+B] mV = par['m_'+V] ml = par['m_'+lep] q2max = (mB-mV)**2 q2min = ml**2 return FL_binned(q2min, q2max, wc_obj, par, B, V, lep) return f def FLt_tot_function(B, V, lep): def f(wc_obj, par): def fct_J(J): return -J['2c'] return Itot_norm(fct_J, wc_obj, par, B, V, lep) return f def AFB_tot_function(B, V, lep): def f(wc_obj, par): def fct_J(J): return 3 / 8 * (2 * J['6s'] + J['6c']) return Itot_norm(fct_J, wc_obj, par, B, V, lep) return f def I3_tot_function(B, V, lep): def f(wc_obj, par): def fct_J(J): return J[3] return Itot_norm(fct_J, wc_obj, par, B, V, lep) return f def BR_binned_costhl_function(B, V, lep): if lep == 'l': return lambda wc_obj, par, clmin, clmax: ( BR_binned_costhl(clmin, clmax, wc_obj, par, B, V, 'e') + BR_binned_costhl(clmin, clmax, wc_obj, par, B, V, 'mu'))/2. return lambda wc_obj, par, clmin, clmax: BR_binned_costhl(clmin, clmax, wc_obj, par, B, V, lep) def BR_binned_costhV_function(B, V, lep): if lep == 'l': return lambda wc_obj, par, cVmin, cVmax: ( BR_binned_costhV(cVmin, cVmax, wc_obj, par, B, V, 'e') + BR_binned_costhV(cVmin, cVmax, wc_obj, par, B, V, 'mu'))/2. return lambda wc_obj, par, cVmin, cVmax: BR_binned_costhV(cVmin, cVmax, wc_obj, par, B, V, lep) def BR_binned_phi_function(B, V, lep): if lep == 'l': return lambda wc_obj, par, phimin, phimax: ( BR_binned_phi(phimin, phimax, wc_obj, par, B, V, 'e') + BR_binned_phi(phimin, phimax, wc_obj, par, B, V, 'mu'))/2. return lambda wc_obj, par, phimin, phimax: BR_binned_phi(phimin, phimax, wc_obj, par, B, V, lep) def dBR_dcosthl_function(B, V, lep): if lep == 'l': return lambda wc_obj, par, cl: ( dBR_dcosthl(cl, wc_obj, par, B, V, 'e') + dBR_dcosthl(cl, wc_obj, par, B, V, 'mu'))/2. return lambda wc_obj, par, cl: dBR_dcosthl(cl, wc_obj, par, B, V, lep) def dBR_dcosthV_function(B, V, lep): if lep == 'l': return lambda wc_obj, par, cV: ( dBR_dcosthV(cV, wc_obj, par, B, V, 'e') + dBR_dcosthV(cV, wc_obj, par, B, V, 'mu'))/2. return lambda wc_obj, par, cV: dBR_dcosthV(cV, wc_obj, par, B, V, lep) def dBR_dphi_function(B, V, lep): if lep == 'l': return lambda wc_obj, par, phi: ( dBR_dphi(phi, wc_obj, par, B, V, 'e') + dBR_dphi(phi, wc_obj, par, B, V, 'mu'))/2. return lambda wc_obj, par, phi: dBR_dphi(phi, wc_obj, par, B, V, lep) def _BR_tot(wc_obj, par, B, V, lep, A): mB = par['m_'+B] mV = par['m_'+V] ml = par['m_'+lep] q2max = (mB-mV)**2 q2min = ml**2 return BR_binned(q2min, q2max, wc_obj, par, B, V, lep, A) def BR_tot(wc_obj, par, B, V, lep, A): if lep == 'l': # average of e and mu! return (_BR_tot(wc_obj, par, B, V, 'e', A)+_BR_tot(wc_obj, par, B, V, 'mu', A))/2. else: return _BR_tot(wc_obj, par, B, V, lep, A) def BR_tot_function(B, V, lep, A): return lambda wc_obj, par: BR_tot(wc_obj, par, B, V, lep, A) def BR_binned_leptonflavour(q2min, q2max, wc_obj, par, B, V, lnum, lden, A): num = BR_binned(q2min, q2max, wc_obj, par, B, V, lnum, A) if num == 0: return 0 den = BR_binned(q2min, q2max, wc_obj, par, B, V, lden, A) return num/den def BR_tot_leptonflavour(wc_obj, par, B, V, lnum, lden, A): num = BR_tot(wc_obj, par, B, V, lnum, A) if num == 0: return 0 den = BR_tot(wc_obj, par, B, V, lden, A) return num/den def BR_tot_leptonflavour_function(B, V, lnum, lden, A): return lambda wc_obj, par: BR_tot_leptonflavour(wc_obj, par, B, V, lnum, lden, A) def BR_binned_leptonflavour_function(B, V, lnum, lden, A): return lambda wc_obj, par, q2min, q2max: BR_binned_leptonflavour(q2min, q2max, wc_obj, par, B, V, lnum, lden, A) # Observable and Prediction instances _tex = {'e': 'e', 'mu': '\mu', 'tau': r'\tau', 'l': r'\ell'} _A = {'dBR/dq2': None, 'BR': None, '<BR>': None, 'dBR_L/dq2': 'L', 'BR_L': 'L', '<BR_L>': 'L', 'dBR_T/dq2': 'T', 'BR_T': 'T', '<BR_T>': 'T', } _func = {'dBR/dq2': dBRdq2_function, 'BR': BR_tot_function, '<BR>': BR_binned_function, 'dBR_L/dq2': dBRdq2_function, 'BR_L': BR_tot_function, '<BR_L>': BR_binned_function, 'dBR_T/dq2': dBRdq2_function, 'BR_T': BR_tot_function, '<BR_T>': BR_binned_function, '<BR>/<cl>': BR_binned_costhl_function, '<BR>/<cV>': BR_binned_costhV_function, '<BR>/<phi>': BR_binned_phi_function, 'dBR/dcl': dBR_dcosthl_function, 'dBR/dcV': dBR_dcosthV_function, 'dBR/dphi': dBR_dphi_function, 'FL': FL_function, '<FL>': FL_binned_function, 'FLtot': FL_tot_function, 'FLttot': FLt_tot_function, 'AFBtot': AFB_tot_function, 'I3tot': I3_tot_function, } _desc = {'dBR/dq2': r'$q^2$-differential', 'BR': 'Total', '<BR>': '$q^2$-binned', 'dBR_L/dq2': 'Differential longitudinal', 'BR_L': 'Total longitudinal', '<BR_L>': 'Binned longitudinal', 'dBR_T/dq2': 'Differential transverse', 'BR_T': 'Total transverse', '<BR_T>': 'Binned transverse', '<BR>/<cl>': r'$\cos\theta_l$-binned', '<BR>/<cV>': r'$\cos\theta_V$-binned', '<BR>/<phi>': r'$\phi$-binned', 'dBR/dcl': r'$\cos\theta_l$-differential', 'dBR/dcV':r'$\cos\theta_V$-differential ', 'dBR/dphi': r'$\phi$-differential', 'FL': r'Differential longitudinal polarization fraction', '<FL>': r'Binned longitudinal polarization fraction', 'FLtot': r'Total longitudinal polarization fraction', 'FLttot': r'Total longitudinal polarization fraction', 'AFBtot': r'Total forward-backward asymmetry', 'I3tot': r'$q^2$-integrated angular coefficient $I_3$', } _tex_br = {'dBR/dq2': r'\frac{d\text{BR}}{dq^2}', 'BR': r'\text{BR}', '<BR>': r'\langle\text{BR}\rangle', 'dBR_L/dq2': r'\frac{d\text{BR}_L}{dq^2}', 'BR_L': r'\text{BR}_L', '<BR_L>': r'\langle\text{BR}_L\rangle', 'dBR_T/dq2': r'\frac{d\text{BR}_T}{dq^2}', 'BR_T': r'\text{BR}_T', '<BR_T>': r'\langle\text{BR}_T\rangle', '<BR>/<cl>': r'\langle\text{BR}\rangle/\Delta\cos\theta_l', '<BR>/<cV>': r'\langle\text{BR}\rangle/\Delta\cos\theta_V', '<BR>/<phi>': r'\langle\text{BR}\rangle/\Delta\phi', 'dBR/dcl': r'\frac{d\text{BR}}{d\cos\theta_l}', 'dBR/dcV': r'\frac{d\text{BR}}{d\cos\theta_V}', 'dBR/dphi': r'\frac{d\text{BR}}{d\phi}', 'FL': r'F_L', '<FL>': r'\langle F_L\rangle', 'FLtot': r'F_L', 'FLttot': r'\widetilde{F}_L', 'AFBtot': r'A_\text{FB}', 'I3tot': r'I_3', } _args = {'dBR/dq2': ['q2'], 'BR': None, '<BR>': ['q2min', 'q2max'], 'dBR_L/dq2': ['q2'], 'BR_L': None, '<BR_L>': ['q2min', 'q2max'], 'dBR_T/dq2': ['q2'], 'BR_T': None, '<BR_T>': ['q2min', 'q2max'], '<BR>/<cl>': ['clmin', 'clmax'], '<BR>/<cV>': ['cVmin', 'cVmax'], '<BR>/<phi>': ['phimin', 'phimax'], 'dBR/dcl': ['cl'], 'dBR/dcV': ['cV'], 'dBR/dphi': ['phi'], 'FL': ['q2'], '<FL>': ['q2min', 'q2max'], 'FLtot': None, 'FLttot': None, 'AFBtot': None, 'I3tot': None, } _hadr = { 'B0->D*': {'tex': r"B^0\to D^{\ast -}", 'B': 'B0', 'V': 'D*+', }, 'B+->D*': {'tex': r"B^+\to D^{\ast 0}", 'B': 'B+', 'V': 'D*0', }, 'B0->rho': {'tex': r"B^0\to \rho^-", 'B': 'B0', 'V': 'rho+', }, 'B+->rho': {'tex': r"B^+\to \rho^0", 'B': 'B+', 'V': 'rho0', }, 'B+->omega': {'tex': r"B^+\to \omega ", 'B': 'B+', 'V': 'omega', }, 'Bs->K*': {'tex': r"B_s\to K^{* -} ", 'B': 'Bs', 'V': 'K*+', }, } # for LF ratios we don't distinguish B+ and B0 (but take B0 because we have to choose sth) _hadr_l = { 'B->D*': {'tex': r"B\to D^{\ast}", 'B': 'B0', 'V': 'D*+', 'decays': ['B0->D*', 'B+->D*'],}, 'B->rho': {'tex': r"B\to \rho", 'B': 'B0', 'V': 'rho+', 'decays': ['B0->rho', 'B+->rho'],}, 'B+->omega': {'tex': r"B^+\to \omega ", 'B': 'B+', 'V': 'omega', 'decays': ['B+->omega'],}, 'Bs->K*': {'tex': r"B_s\to K^{* -} ", 'B': 'Bs', 'V': 'K*+', 'decays': ['Bs->K*'],}, } _process_taxonomy = r'Process :: $b$ hadron decays :: Semi-leptonic tree-level decays :: $B\to V\ell\nu$ :: $' for l in ['e', 'mu', 'tau', 'l']: for br in ['dBR/dq2', 'BR', '<BR>', 'dBR_L/dq2', 'BR_L', '<BR_L>', 'dBR_T/dq2', 'BR_T', '<BR_T>', '<BR>/<cl>', '<BR>/<cV>', '<BR>/<phi>', 'dBR/dcl', 'dBR/dcV', 'dBR/dphi', '<FL>', 'FL', 'FLtot', 'FLttot', 'AFBtot', 'I3tot']: for M in _hadr.keys(): _process_tex = _hadr[M]['tex']+_tex[l]+r"^+\nu_"+_tex[l] _obs_name = br + "("+M+l+"nu)" _obs = Observable(_obs_name) _obs.set_description(_desc[br] + r" branching ratio of $" + _process_tex + "$") _obs.tex = r'$' + _tex_br[br] + r"(" +_process_tex + ")$" _obs.arguments = _args[br] _obs.add_taxonomy(_process_taxonomy + _process_tex + r'$') if br in _A: # for dBR/dq2, need to distinguish between total, L, and T Prediction(_obs_name, _func[br](_hadr[M]['B'], _hadr[M]['V'], l, A=_A[br])) else: # for other observables not Prediction(_obs_name, _func[br](_hadr[M]['B'], _hadr[M]['V'], l)) # Lepton flavour ratios for l in [('mu','e'), ('tau','mu'), ('tau', 'l')]: for M in _hadr_l.keys(): # binned ratio of BRs _obs_name = "<R"+l[0]+l[1]+">("+M+"lnu)" _obs = Observable(name=_obs_name, arguments=['q2min', 'q2max']) _obs.set_description(r"Ratio of partial branching ratios of $" + _hadr_l[M]['tex'] +_tex[l[0]]+r"^+ \nu_"+_tex[l[0]]+r"$" + " and " + r"$" + _hadr_l[M]['tex'] +_tex[l[1]]+r"^+ \nu_"+_tex[l[1]]+r"$") _obs.tex = r"$\langle R_{" + _tex[l[0]] + ' ' + _tex[l[1]] + r"} \rangle(" + _hadr_l[M]['tex'] + r"\ell^+\nu)$" for li in l: for N in _hadr_l[M]['decays']: # add taxonomy for both processes (e.g. B->Venu and B->Vmunu) and for charged and neutral _obs.add_taxonomy(_process_taxonomy + _hadr[N]['tex'] + _tex[li]+r"^+\nu_"+_tex[li]+r"$") Prediction(_obs_name, BR_binned_leptonflavour_function(_hadr_l[M]['B'], _hadr_l[M]['V'], l[0], l[1], A=None)) # ratio of total BRs _obs_name = "R"+l[0]+l[1]+"("+M+"lnu)" _obs = Observable(name=_obs_name) _obs.set_description(r"Ratio of total branching ratios of $" + _hadr_l[M]['tex'] +_tex[l[0]]+r"^+ \nu_"+_tex[l[0]]+r"$" + " and " + r"$" + _hadr_l[M]['tex'] +_tex[l[1]]+r"^+ \nu_"+_tex[l[1]]+r"$") _obs.tex = r"$R_{" + _tex[l[0]] + ' ' + _tex[l[1]] + r"}(" + _hadr_l[M]['tex'] + r"\ell^+\nu)$" for li in l: for N in _hadr_l[M]['decays']: # add taxonomy for both processes (e.g. B->Venu and B->Vmunu) and for charged and neutral _obs.add_taxonomy(_process_taxonomy + _hadr[N]['tex'] +_tex[li]+r"^+\nu_"+_tex[li]+r"$") Prediction(_obs_name, BR_tot_leptonflavour_function(_hadr_l[M]['B'], _hadr_l[M]['V'], l[0], l[1], A=None)) # B->D*taunu normalized binned BR _obs_name = "<BR>/BR(B->D*taunu)" _obs = Observable(name=_obs_name, arguments=['q2min', 'q2max']) _obs.set_description(r"Relative partial branching ratio of $B\to D^\ast\tau^+\nu$") _obs.tex = r"$\frac{\langle \text{BR} \rangle}{\text{BR}}(B\to D^\ast\tau^+\nu)$" for M in ['B+->D*', 'B0->D*']: _process_tex = _hadr[M]['tex'] + r"\tau^+\nu" _obs.add_taxonomy(_process_taxonomy + _process_tex + r"$") Prediction(_obs_name, BR_binned_tot_function('B0', 'D*+', 'tau', A=None))
Module variables
var M
var N
var br
var config
var l
var li
var meson_ff
var meson_quark
var pi
def AFB_tot_function(
B, V, lep)
def AFB_tot_function(B, V, lep): def f(wc_obj, par): def fct_J(J): return 3 / 8 * (2 * J['6s'] + J['6c']) return Itot_norm(fct_J, wc_obj, par, B, V, lep) return f
def BR_binned(
q2min, q2max, wc_obj, par, B, V, lep, A)
def BR_binned(q2min, q2max, wc_obj, par, B, V, lep, A): def integrand(q2): return dBRdq2(q2, wc_obj, par, B, V, lep, A) return flavio.math.integrate.nintegrate(integrand, q2min, q2max)
def BR_binned_costhV(
cVmin, cVmax, wc_obj, par, B, V, lep)
def BR_binned_costhV(cVmin, cVmax, wc_obj, par, B, V, lep): def fct(q2): return dBR_dq2_dcosthV_binned(q2, cVmin, cVmax, wc_obj, par, B, V, lep) return obs_q2int(fct, wc_obj, par, B, V, lep)
def BR_binned_costhV_function(
B, V, lep)
def BR_binned_costhV_function(B, V, lep): if lep == 'l': return lambda wc_obj, par, cVmin, cVmax: ( BR_binned_costhV(cVmin, cVmax, wc_obj, par, B, V, 'e') + BR_binned_costhV(cVmin, cVmax, wc_obj, par, B, V, 'mu'))/2. return lambda wc_obj, par, cVmin, cVmax: BR_binned_costhV(cVmin, cVmax, wc_obj, par, B, V, lep)
def BR_binned_costhl(
clmin, clmax, wc_obj, par, B, V, lep)
def BR_binned_costhl(clmin, clmax, wc_obj, par, B, V, lep): def fct(q2): return dBR_dq2_dcosthl_binned(q2, clmin, clmax, wc_obj, par, B, V, lep) return obs_q2int(fct, wc_obj, par, B, V, lep)
def BR_binned_costhl_function(
B, V, lep)
def BR_binned_costhl_function(B, V, lep): if lep == 'l': return lambda wc_obj, par, clmin, clmax: ( BR_binned_costhl(clmin, clmax, wc_obj, par, B, V, 'e') + BR_binned_costhl(clmin, clmax, wc_obj, par, B, V, 'mu'))/2. return lambda wc_obj, par, clmin, clmax: BR_binned_costhl(clmin, clmax, wc_obj, par, B, V, lep)
def BR_binned_function(
B, V, lep, A)
def BR_binned_function(B, V, lep, A): return lambda wc_obj, par, q2min, q2max: BR_binned(q2min, q2max, wc_obj, par, B, V, lep, A)
def BR_binned_leptonflavour(
q2min, q2max, wc_obj, par, B, V, lnum, lden, A)
def BR_binned_leptonflavour(q2min, q2max, wc_obj, par, B, V, lnum, lden, A): num = BR_binned(q2min, q2max, wc_obj, par, B, V, lnum, A) if num == 0: return 0 den = BR_binned(q2min, q2max, wc_obj, par, B, V, lden, A) return num/den
def BR_binned_leptonflavour_function(
B, V, lnum, lden, A)
def BR_binned_leptonflavour_function(B, V, lnum, lden, A): return lambda wc_obj, par, q2min, q2max: BR_binned_leptonflavour(q2min, q2max, wc_obj, par, B, V, lnum, lden, A)
def BR_binned_phi(
phimin, phimax, wc_obj, par, B, V, lep)
def BR_binned_phi(phimin, phimax, wc_obj, par, B, V, lep): def fct(q2): return dBR_dq2_dphi_binned(q2, phimin, phimax, wc_obj, par, B, V, lep) return obs_q2int(fct, wc_obj, par, B, V, lep)
def BR_binned_phi_function(
B, V, lep)
def BR_binned_phi_function(B, V, lep): if lep == 'l': return lambda wc_obj, par, phimin, phimax: ( BR_binned_phi(phimin, phimax, wc_obj, par, B, V, 'e') + BR_binned_phi(phimin, phimax, wc_obj, par, B, V, 'mu'))/2. return lambda wc_obj, par, phimin, phimax: BR_binned_phi(phimin, phimax, wc_obj, par, B, V, lep)
def BR_binned_tot_function(
B, V, lep, A)
def BR_binned_tot_function(B, V, lep, A): def f(wc_obj, par, q2min, q2max): num = BR_binned(q2min, q2max, wc_obj, par, B, V, lep, A) if num == 0: return 0 den = BR_tot(wc_obj, par, B, V, lep, A) return num / den return f
def BR_tot(
wc_obj, par, B, V, lep, A)
def BR_tot(wc_obj, par, B, V, lep, A): if lep == 'l': # average of e and mu! return (_BR_tot(wc_obj, par, B, V, 'e', A)+_BR_tot(wc_obj, par, B, V, 'mu', A))/2. else: return _BR_tot(wc_obj, par, B, V, lep, A)
def BR_tot_function(
B, V, lep, A)
def BR_tot_function(B, V, lep, A): return lambda wc_obj, par: BR_tot(wc_obj, par, B, V, lep, A)
def BR_tot_leptonflavour(
wc_obj, par, B, V, lnum, lden, A)
def BR_tot_leptonflavour(wc_obj, par, B, V, lnum, lden, A): num = BR_tot(wc_obj, par, B, V, lnum, A) if num == 0: return 0 den = BR_tot(wc_obj, par, B, V, lden, A) return num/den
def BR_tot_leptonflavour_function(
B, V, lnum, lden, A)
def BR_tot_leptonflavour_function(B, V, lnum, lden, A): return lambda wc_obj, par: BR_tot_leptonflavour(wc_obj, par, B, V, lnum, lden, A)
def BRfac(
def BRfac(V): if V == 'rho0' or V == 'omega': # factor of 1/2 for neutral rho due to rho = (uubar-ddbar)/sqrt(2) # and also for omega = (uubar+ddbar)/sqrt(2) return 1/2. else: return 1
def FL_binned(
q2min, q2max, wc_obj, par, B, V, lep)
def FL_binned(q2min, q2max, wc_obj, par, B, V, lep): num = flavio.math.integrate.nintegrate(lambda q2: dBRdq2(q2, wc_obj, par, B, V, lep, A='L'), q2min, q2max) if num == 0: return 0 denom = flavio.math.integrate.nintegrate(lambda q2: dBRdq2(q2, wc_obj, par, B, V, lep, A=None), q2min, q2max) return num / denom
def FL_binned_function(
B, V, lep)
def FL_binned_function(B, V, lep): return lambda wc_obj, par, q2min, q2max: FL_binned(q2min, q2max, wc_obj, par, B, V, lep)
def FL_diff(
q2, wc_obj, par, B, V, lep)
def FL_diff(q2, wc_obj, par, B, V, lep): if not kinem_allowed(q2, par, B, V, lep): return 0 J = get_angularcoeff(q2, wc_obj, par, B, V, lep) return dGdq2_L(J) / dGdq2(J)
def FL_function(
B, V, lep)
def FL_function(B, V, lep): return lambda wc_obj, par, q2: FL_diff(q2, wc_obj, par, B, V, lep)
def FL_tot_function(
B, V, lep)
def FL_tot_function(B, V, lep): def f(wc_obj, par): mB = par['m_'+B] mV = par['m_'+V] ml = par['m_'+lep] q2max = (mB-mV)**2 q2min = ml**2 return FL_binned(q2min, q2max, wc_obj, par, B, V, lep) return f
def FLt_tot_function(
B, V, lep)
def FLt_tot_function(B, V, lep): def f(wc_obj, par): def fct_J(J): return -J['2c'] return Itot_norm(fct_J, wc_obj, par, B, V, lep) return f
def I3_tot_function(
B, V, lep)
def I3_tot_function(B, V, lep): def f(wc_obj, par): def fct_J(J): return J[3] return Itot_norm(fct_J, wc_obj, par, B, V, lep) return f
def Itot_norm(
fct_J, wc_obj, par, B, V, lep)
def Itot_norm(fct_J, wc_obj, par, B, V, lep): def fct(q2): J = get_angularcoeff(q2, wc_obj, par, B, V, lep) return fct_J(J) num = obs_q2int(fct, wc_obj, par, B, V, lep) def fct_den(q2): J = get_angularcoeff(q2, wc_obj, par, B, V, lep) return dGdq2(J) den = obs_q2int(fct_den, wc_obj, par, B, V, lep) return num / den
def dBR_dcosthV(
cV, wc_obj, par, B, V, lep)
def dBR_dcosthV(cV, wc_obj, par, B, V, lep): def fct(q2): return dBR_dq2_dcosthV(q2, cV, wc_obj, par, B, V, lep) return obs_q2int(fct, wc_obj, par, B, V, lep)
def dBR_dcosthV_function(
B, V, lep)
def dBR_dcosthV_function(B, V, lep): if lep == 'l': return lambda wc_obj, par, cV: ( dBR_dcosthV(cV, wc_obj, par, B, V, 'e') + dBR_dcosthV(cV, wc_obj, par, B, V, 'mu'))/2. return lambda wc_obj, par, cV: dBR_dcosthV(cV, wc_obj, par, B, V, lep)
def dBR_dcosthl(
cl, wc_obj, par, B, V, lep)
def dBR_dcosthl(cl, wc_obj, par, B, V, lep): def fct(q2): return dBR_dq2_dcosthl(q2, cl, wc_obj, par, B, V, lep) return obs_q2int(fct, wc_obj, par, B, V, lep)
def dBR_dcosthl_function(
B, V, lep)
def dBR_dcosthl_function(B, V, lep): if lep == 'l': return lambda wc_obj, par, cl: ( dBR_dcosthl(cl, wc_obj, par, B, V, 'e') + dBR_dcosthl(cl, wc_obj, par, B, V, 'mu'))/2. return lambda wc_obj, par, cl: dBR_dcosthl(cl, wc_obj, par, B, V, lep)
def dBR_dphi(
phi, wc_obj, par, B, V, lep)
def dBR_dphi(phi, wc_obj, par, B, V, lep): def fct(q2): return dBR_dq2_dphi(q2, phi, wc_obj, par, B, V, lep) return obs_q2int(fct, wc_obj, par, B, V, lep)
def dBR_dphi_function(
B, V, lep)
def dBR_dphi_function(B, V, lep): if lep == 'l': return lambda wc_obj, par, phi: ( dBR_dphi(phi, wc_obj, par, B, V, 'e') + dBR_dphi(phi, wc_obj, par, B, V, 'mu'))/2. return lambda wc_obj, par, phi: dBR_dphi(phi, wc_obj, par, B, V, lep)
def dBR_dq2_dcosthV(
q2, cV, wc_obj, par, B, V, lep)
def dBR_dq2_dcosthV(q2, cV, wc_obj, par, B, V, lep): if not kinem_allowed(q2, par, B, V, lep): return 0 tauB = par['tau_'+B] J = get_angularcoeff(q2, wc_obj, par, B, V, lep) dG = dG_dq2_dcosthV(J) ang = _cos_angle_diff(cV) return BRfac(V) * tauB * sum( [y * ang[a] for a, y in dG.items()])
def dBR_dq2_dcosthV_binned(
q2, cVmin, cVmax, wc_obj, par, B, V, lep)
def dBR_dq2_dcosthV_binned(q2, cVmin, cVmax, wc_obj, par, B, V, lep): if not kinem_allowed(q2, par, B, V, lep): return 0 tauB = par['tau_'+B] J = get_angularcoeff(q2, wc_obj, par, B, V, lep) dG = dG_dq2_dcosthV(J) ang_min = _cos_angle_int(cVmin) ang_max = _cos_angle_int(cVmax) return BRfac(V) * tauB * sum( [y * (ang_max[a] - ang_min[a]) for a, y in dG.items()])
def dBR_dq2_dcosthl(
q2, cl, wc_obj, par, B, V, lep)
def dBR_dq2_dcosthl(q2, cl, wc_obj, par, B, V, lep): if not kinem_allowed(q2, par, B, V, lep): return 0 tauB = par['tau_'+B] J = get_angularcoeff(q2, wc_obj, par, B, V, lep) dG = dG_dq2_dcosthl(J) ang = _cos_angle_diff(cl) return BRfac(V) * tauB * sum( [y * ang[a] for a, y in dG.items()])
def dBR_dq2_dcosthl_binned(
q2, clmin, clmax, wc_obj, par, B, V, lep)
def dBR_dq2_dcosthl_binned(q2, clmin, clmax, wc_obj, par, B, V, lep): if not kinem_allowed(q2, par, B, V, lep): return 0 tauB = par['tau_'+B] J = get_angularcoeff(q2, wc_obj, par, B, V, lep) dG = dG_dq2_dcosthl(J) ang_min = _cos_angle_int(clmin) ang_max = _cos_angle_int(clmax) return BRfac(V) * tauB * sum( [y * (ang_max[a] - ang_min[a]) for a, y in dG.items()])
def dBR_dq2_dphi(
q2, phi, wc_obj, par, B, V, lep)
def dBR_dq2_dphi(q2, phi, wc_obj, par, B, V, lep): if not kinem_allowed(q2, par, B, V, lep): return 0 tauB = par['tau_'+B] J = get_angularcoeff(q2, wc_obj, par, B, V, lep) dG = dG_dq2_dphi(J) ang = _angle_diff(phi) return BRfac(V) * tauB * sum( [y * ang[a] for a, y in dG.items()])
def dBR_dq2_dphi_binned(
q2, phimin, phimax, wc_obj, par, B, V, lep)
def dBR_dq2_dphi_binned(q2, phimin, phimax, wc_obj, par, B, V, lep): if not kinem_allowed(q2, par, B, V, lep): return 0 tauB = par['tau_'+B] J = get_angularcoeff(q2, wc_obj, par, B, V, lep) dG = dG_dq2_dphi(J) ang_min = _angle_int(phimin) ang_max = _angle_int(phimax) return BRfac(V) * tauB * sum( [y * (ang_max[a] - ang_min[a]) for a, y in dG.items()])
def dBRdq2(
q2, wc_obj, par, B, V, lep, A)
def dBRdq2(q2, wc_obj, par, B, V, lep, A): if lep == 'l': # average of e and mu! return (dBRdq2_lep(q2, wc_obj, par, B, V, 'e', A) + dBRdq2_lep(q2, wc_obj, par, B, V, 'mu', A))/2 else: return dBRdq2_lep(q2, wc_obj, par, B, V, lep, A)
def dBRdq2_function(
B, V, lep, A)
def dBRdq2_function(B, V, lep, A): return lambda wc_obj, par, q2: dBRdq2(q2, wc_obj, par, B, V, lep, A)
def dBRdq2_lep(
q2, wc_obj, par, B, V, lep, A)
def dBRdq2_lep(q2, wc_obj, par, B, V, lep, A): if not kinem_allowed(q2, par, B, V, lep): return 0 tauB = par['tau_'+B] J = get_angularcoeff(q2, wc_obj, par, B, V, lep) if A is None: return tauB * dGdq2(J) * BRfac(V) elif A == 'L': return tauB * dGdq2_L(J) * BRfac(V) elif A == 'T': return tauB * dGdq2_T(J) * BRfac(V)
def dG_dq2_dcosthV(
$\cos\theta_V$-differential branching ratio in terms of angular coefficients, as dictionary of coefficients of trigonometric functions of $\theta_V$.
def dG_dq2_dcosthV(J): r"""$\cos\theta_V$-differential branching ratio in terms of angular coefficients, as dictionary of coefficients of trigonometric functions of $\theta_V$.""" return {'c^2': -3/8. * (-3*J['1c'] + J['2c']), 's^2': -3/8. * (-3*J['1s'] + J['2s']) }
def dG_dq2_dcosthl(
$\cos\theta_\ell$-differential branching ratio in terms of angular coefficients, as dictionary of coefficients of trigonometric functions of $\theta_\ell$.
def dG_dq2_dcosthl(J): r"""$\cos\theta_\ell$-differential branching ratio in terms of angular coefficients, as dictionary of coefficients of trigonometric functions of $\theta_\ell$.""" return {'1': 3/8. * (J['1c'] + 2*J['1s']), 'c': 3/8. * (J['6c'] + 2*J['6s']), 'c2': 3/8. * (J['2c'] + 2*J['2s']) }
def dG_dq2_dphi(
$\phi$-differential branching ratio in terms of angular coefficients, as dictionary of coefficients of trigonometric functions of $\phi$.
def dG_dq2_dphi(J): r"""$\phi$-differential branching ratio in terms of angular coefficients, as dictionary of coefficients of trigonometric functions of $\phi$.""" return {'1': 1/(8*pi) * (3*J['1c'] + 6*J['1s'] - J['2c'] - 2*J['2s']), 'c2': 1/(2*pi) * J[3], 's2': 1/(2*pi) * J[9] }
def dGdq2(
$q^2$-differential branching ratio in terms of angular coefficients.
def dGdq2(J): r"""$q^2$-differential branching ratio in terms of angular coefficients.""" return 3/4. * (2 * J['1s'] + J['1c']) - 1/4. * (2 * J['2s'] + J['2c'])
def dGdq2_L(
$q^2$-differential branching ratio to longitudinally polarized vector meson in terms of angular coefficients.
def dGdq2_L(J): r"""$q^2$-differential branching ratio to longitudinally polarized vector meson in terms of angular coefficients.""" return 3/4. * J['1c'] - 1/4. * J['2c']
def dGdq2_T(
$q^2$-differential branching ratio to transversely polarized vector meson in terms of angular coefficients.
def dGdq2_T(J): r"""$q^2$-differential branching ratio to transversely polarized vector meson in terms of angular coefficients.""" return 3/2. * J['1s'] - 1/2. * J['2s']
def get_angularcoeff(
q2, wc_obj, par, B, V, lep)
def get_angularcoeff(q2, wc_obj, par, B, V, lep): Jlist = [_get_angularcoeff(q2, wc_obj, par, B, V, lep, nu) for nu in ['e', 'mu', 'tau']] J = {} J['1s'] = sum([JJ['1s'] for JJ in Jlist]) J['1c'] = sum([JJ['1c'] for JJ in Jlist]) J['2s'] = sum([JJ['2s'] for JJ in Jlist]) J['2c'] = sum([JJ['2c'] for JJ in Jlist]) J['6s'] = sum([JJ['6s'] for JJ in Jlist]) J['6c'] = sum([JJ['6c'] for JJ in Jlist]) J[3] = sum([JJ[3] for JJ in Jlist]) J[4] = sum([JJ[4] for JJ in Jlist]) J[5] = sum([JJ[5] for JJ in Jlist]) J[7] = sum([JJ[7] for JJ in Jlist]) J[8] = sum([JJ[8] for JJ in Jlist]) J[9] = sum([JJ[9] for JJ in Jlist]) return J
def get_ff(
q2, par, B, V)
Return the form factors
def get_ff(q2, par, B, V): """Return the form factors""" ff_name = meson_ff[(B,V)] + ' form factor' return AuxiliaryQuantity[ff_name].prediction(par_dict=par, wc_obj=None, q2=q2)
def kinem_allowed(
q2, par, B, V, lep)
True if q2 is in the kinematically allowed region
def kinem_allowed(q2, par, B, V, lep): """True if q2 is in the kinematically allowed region""" ml = par['m_'+lep] mB = par['m_'+B] mV = par['m_'+V] if q2 < ml**2 or q2 > (mB-mV)**2: return False else: return True
def obs_q2int(
fct, wc_obj, par, B, V, lep)
q2-integrated observable
def obs_q2int(fct, wc_obj, par, B, V, lep): """q2-integrated observable""" mB = par['m_'+B] mV = par['m_'+V] ml = par['m_'+lep] q2max = (mB-mV)**2 q2min = ml**2 def integrand(q2): return fct(q2) return flavio.math.integrate.nintegrate(integrand, q2min, q2max)
def prefactor(
q2, par, B, V, lep)
Return the prefactor including constants and CKM elements
def prefactor(q2, par, B, V, lep): """Return the prefactor including constants and CKM elements""" GF = par['GF'] scale = config['renormalization scale']['bvll'] ml = par['m_'+lep] mB = par['m_'+B] mV = par['m_'+V] tauB = par['tau_'+B] laB = lambda_K(mB**2, mV**2, q2) laGa = lambda_K(q2, ml**2, 0.) qi_qj = meson_quark[(B, V)] if qi_qj == 'bu': Vij = ckm.get_ckm(par)[0,2] # V_{ub} for b->u transitions if qi_qj == 'bc': Vij = ckm.get_ckm(par)[1,2] # V_{cb} for b->c transitions if q2 <= ml**2: return 0 return 4*GF/sqrt(2)*Vij