flavio.physics.bdecays.bxgamma module
Functions for inclusive $B\to X_q\gamma$ decays.
r"""Functions for inclusive $B\to X_q\gamma$ decays.""" import flavio import numpy as np from math import pi from flavio.classes import Observable, Prediction # NLO and NNLO coefficients K_{ij}^{(1,2)} (see e.g. eq. (3.1) of hep-ph/0609241) # (real parts) # Mikolaj Misiak, private communication # see arXiv:1503.01789 and references therein ka1_r = np.array([[0.00289054,-0.0173432,-0.000837297,0.00013955,-0.0158512,-0.101529,0.0913267,-0.00166875], [-0.0173432,0.104059,0.00502378,-0.000837297,0.0951075,0.609174,-0.54796,0.0100125], [-0.000837297,0.00502378,0.028828,-0.00480467,0.318696,-0.0282896,8.32249,-0.0187533], [0.00013955,-0.000837297,-0.00480467,0.000800779,-0.053116,0.00471493,-1.61065,0.00312556], [-0.0158512,0.0951075,0.318696,-0.053116,3.54919,-0.0840081,122.732,-0.258893], [-0.101529,0.609174,-0.0282896,0.00471493,-0.0840081,1.80697,19.5562,0.108369], [0.0913267,-0.54796,8.32249,-1.61065,122.732,19.5562,5.61819,-0.50728], [-0.00166875,0.0100125,-0.0187533,0.00312556,-0.258893,0.108369,-0.50728,0.452362]]) ka2_r = np.array([[0.114381,-0.686288,0,0,0,0,9.11217,0.215745], [-0.686288,4.11773,0,0,0,0,-8.85918,-1.29447], [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0],[0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0],[0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0],[0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0], [9.11217,-8.85918,0,0,0,0,-37.3173,-13.4112], [0.215745,-1.29447,0,0,0,0,-13.4112,22.3184]]) # imaginary part of K_{ij}^{(1)} # Ayan Paul/HEPfit, private communication ka1_i = np.array([[0, 0, -0.007562956672, 0.001260492779, -0.09028834311, 0.0163641251, 0.1092317551, 0.006116280995], [0, 0, 0.04537774003, -0.007562956672, 0.5417300587, -0.0981847506, -0.6553905309, -0.03669768597], [0.007562956672, -0.04537774003, 0, 0, 0, 0.2722664402, 1.085982646, 0], [-0.001260492779, 0.007562956672, 0, 0, 0, -0.04537774003, -1.221446177, 0], [0.09028834311, -0.5417300587, 0, 0, 0, 3.250380352, 17.37572233, 0], [-0.0163641251, 0.0981847506, -0.2722664402, 0.04537774003, -3.250380352, 0, -16.57524067, -0.2201548215], [-0.1092317551, 0.6553905309, -1.085982646, 1.221446177, -17.37572233, 16.57524067, 0, 2.792526803], [-0.006116280995, 0.03669768597, 0, 0, 0, 0.2201548215, -2.792526803, 0]]) def BRBXgamma(wc_obj, par, q, E0): r"""Branching ratio of $B\to X_q\gamma$ ($q=s$ or $d$) normalized to $B\to X_c\ell\nu$ taken from experiment. `E0` is the photon energy cutoff $E_0$ in GeV (currently works only for `E0=1.6`). See arXiv:1503.01789 and references therein.""" flavio.citations.register("Misiak:2015xwa") scale = flavio.config['renormalization scale']['bxgamma'] alphaem = 1/137.035999139 # this is alpha_e(0), a constant for our purposes bq = 'b' + q xi_t = flavio.physics.ckm.xi('t',bq)(par) Vcb = flavio.physics.ckm.get_ckm(par)[1,2] C = par['C_BXlnu'] BRSL = par['BR(B->Xcenu)_exp'] # these are the b->qee Wilson coefficients - they contain the b->qgamma ones as a subset wc = flavio.physics.bdecays.wilsoncoefficients.wctot_dict(wc_obj, bq+'ee', scale, par, nf_out=5) PE0 = PE0_BR_BXgamma(wc, par, q, E0) # uncertainty due to higher order contributions, interpolation, and nonperturbative effects P_uncertainty = 0.1249 * par['delta_BX'+q+'gamma'] # PE0_NLO * delta # central value of non-perturbative correction (M. Misiak, private communication) P_nonpert = 0.00381745 # eq. (2.1) of hep-ph/0609241 flavio.citations.register("Misiak:2006ab") return BRSL * abs(xi_t)**2/abs(Vcb)**2 * 6*alphaem/pi/C * (PE0 + P_nonpert + P_uncertainty) def PE0_BR_BXgamma(wc, par, q, E0): r"""Branching ratio of $B\to X_q\gamma$ without the prefactor. At leading order in the SM, this function is equal to $(C_7^{\mathrm{eff}})^2$.""" bq = 'b' + q if E0 != 1.6: raise ValueError("BR(B->Xqgamma) is not implemented for E0 different from 1.6 GeV") P0 = abs(wc['C7eff_'+bq])**2 + abs(wc['C7effp_'+bq])**2 scale = flavio.config['renormalization scale']['bxgamma'] alphas = flavio.physics.running.running.get_alpha(par, scale, nf_out=5)['alpha_s'] at = alphas/4./pi coeffs = ['C1_'+bq, 'C2_'+bq, 'C3_'+bq, 'C4_'+bq, 'C5_'+bq, 'C6_'+bq, 'C7eff_'+bq, 'C8eff_'+bq] coeffs_p = ['C1p_'+bq, 'C2p_'+bq, 'C3p_'+bq, 'C4p_'+bq, 'C5p_'+bq, 'C6p_'+bq, 'C7effp_'+bq, 'C8effp_'+bq] wc1_8 = np.array([wc[name] for name in coeffs]) wc1p_8p = np.array([wc[name] for name in coeffs_p]) P1 = at * np.dot(wc1_8, np.dot(ka1_r, wc1_8.conj())).real P1_p = at * np.dot(wc1p_8p, np.dot(ka1_r, wc1p_8p.conj())).real P2 = at**2 * np.dot(wc1_8, np.dot(ka2_r, wc1_8.conj())).real P2_p = at**2 * np.dot(wc1p_8p, np.dot(ka2_r, wc1p_8p.conj())).real Prest = P1 + P2 + P1_p + P2_p r_u = flavio.physics.ckm.xi('u',bq)(par)/flavio.physics.ckm.xi('t',bq)(par) PVub = -0.0296854 * r_u.real + 0.123411 * abs(r_u)**2 return P0 + Prest + PVub def PE0_ACP_BXgamma(wc, par, q, E0): r"""Numerator of the direct CP asymmetry of $B\to X_q\gamma$ without the prefactor. This is the CP asymmetric analogue of PE0_BR_BXgamma.""" bq = 'b' + q if E0 != 1.6: raise ValueError("ACP(B->Xgamma) is not implemented for E0 different from 1.6 GeV") scale = flavio.config['renormalization scale']['bxgamma'] alphas = flavio.physics.running.running.get_alpha(par, scale, nf_out=5)['alpha_s'] at = alphas/4./pi coeffs = ['C1_'+bq, 'C2_'+bq, 'C3_'+bq, 'C4_'+bq, 'C5_'+bq, 'C6_'+bq, 'C7eff_'+bq, 'C8eff_'+bq] coeffs_p = ['C1p_'+bq, 'C2p_'+bq, 'C3p_'+bq, 'C4p_'+bq, 'C5p_'+bq, 'C6p_'+bq, 'C7effp_'+bq, 'C8effp_'+bq] wc1_8 = np.array([wc[name] for name in coeffs]) wc1p_8p = np.array([wc[name] for name in coeffs_p]) P1 = at * np.dot(wc1_8, np.dot(ka1_i, wc1_8.conj())).imag P1_p = at * np.dot(wc1p_8p, np.dot(ka1_i, wc1p_8p.conj())).imag r_u = flavio.physics.ckm.xi('u',bq)(par)/flavio.physics.ckm.xi('t',bq)(par) PVub = 0.0596211 * r_u.imag return P1 + P1_p + PVub def ACPBXgamma(wc_obj, par, E0): r"""Direct CP asymmetry of $B\to X_{s+d}\gamma$. `E0` is the photon energy cutoff $E_0$ in GeV (currently works only for `E0=1.6`).""" scale = flavio.config['renormalization scale']['bxgamma'] # these are the b->qee Wilson coefficients - they contain the b->qgamma ones as a subset xi_t_d = flavio.physics.ckm.xi('t', 'bd')(par) xi_t_s = flavio.physics.ckm.xi('t', 'bs')(par) wc_d = flavio.physics.bdecays.wilsoncoefficients.wctot_dict(wc_obj, 'bdee', scale, par, nf_out=5) wc_s = flavio.physics.bdecays.wilsoncoefficients.wctot_dict(wc_obj, 'bsee', scale, par, nf_out=5) br_d = abs(xi_t_d)**2 * PE0_BR_BXgamma(wc_d, par, 'd', E0) br_s = abs(xi_t_s)**2 * PE0_BR_BXgamma(wc_s, par, 's', E0) as_d = abs(xi_t_d)**2 * PE0_ACP_BXgamma(wc_d, par, 'd', E0) as_s = abs(xi_t_s)**2 * PE0_ACP_BXgamma(wc_s, par, 's', E0) # return (as_s)/(br_s + br_d) return (as_s + as_d)/(br_s + br_d) _process_taxonomy = r'Process :: $b$ hadron decays :: FCNC decays :: $B\to X\gamma$ :: ' _obs_name = "BR(B->Xsgamma)" _obs = Observable(_obs_name) _obs.set_description(r"CP-averaged branching ratio of $B\to X_s\gamma$ for $E_\gamma>1.6$ GeV") _obs.tex = r"$\text{BR}(B\to X_s\gamma)$" _obs.add_taxonomy(_process_taxonomy + r"$B\to X_s\gamma$") Prediction(_obs_name, lambda wc_obj, par: BRBXgamma(wc_obj, par, 's', 1.6)) _obs_name = "BR(B->Xdgamma)" _obs = Observable(_obs_name) _obs.set_description(r"CP-averaged branching ratio of $B\to X_d\gamma$ for $E_\gamma>1.6$ GeV") _obs.tex = r"$\text{BR}(B\to X_d\gamma)$" _obs.add_taxonomy(_process_taxonomy + r"$B\to X_d\gamma$") Prediction(_obs_name, lambda wc_obj, par: BRBXgamma(wc_obj, par, 'd', 1.6)) _obs_name = "ACP(B->Xgamma)" _obs = Observable(_obs_name) _obs.set_description(r"Direct CP asymmetry in $B\to X_{s+d}\gamma$ for $E_\gamma>1.6$ GeV") _obs.tex = r"$A_\text{CP}(B\to X_{s+d}\gamma)$" _obs.add_taxonomy(_process_taxonomy + r"$B\to X_{s+d}\gamma$") Prediction(_obs_name, lambda wc_obj, par: ACPBXgamma(wc_obj, par, 1.6))
Module variables
var ka1_i
var ka1_r
var ka2_r
var pi
def ACPBXgamma(
wc_obj, par, E0)
Direct CP asymmetry of $B\to X_{s+d}\gamma$. E0
is the photon energy
cutoff $E_0$ in GeV (currently works only for E0=1.6
def ACPBXgamma(wc_obj, par, E0): r"""Direct CP asymmetry of $B\to X_{s+d}\gamma$. `E0` is the photon energy cutoff $E_0$ in GeV (currently works only for `E0=1.6`).""" scale = flavio.config['renormalization scale']['bxgamma'] # these are the b->qee Wilson coefficients - they contain the b->qgamma ones as a subset xi_t_d = flavio.physics.ckm.xi('t', 'bd')(par) xi_t_s = flavio.physics.ckm.xi('t', 'bs')(par) wc_d = flavio.physics.bdecays.wilsoncoefficients.wctot_dict(wc_obj, 'bdee', scale, par, nf_out=5) wc_s = flavio.physics.bdecays.wilsoncoefficients.wctot_dict(wc_obj, 'bsee', scale, par, nf_out=5) br_d = abs(xi_t_d)**2 * PE0_BR_BXgamma(wc_d, par, 'd', E0) br_s = abs(xi_t_s)**2 * PE0_BR_BXgamma(wc_s, par, 's', E0) as_d = abs(xi_t_d)**2 * PE0_ACP_BXgamma(wc_d, par, 'd', E0) as_s = abs(xi_t_s)**2 * PE0_ACP_BXgamma(wc_s, par, 's', E0) # return (as_s)/(br_s + br_d) return (as_s + as_d)/(br_s + br_d)
def BRBXgamma(
wc_obj, par, q, E0)
Branching ratio of $B\to X_q\gamma$ ($q=s$ or $d$) normalized to
$B\to X_c\ell\nu$ taken from experiment. E0
is the photon energy
cutoff $E_0$ in GeV
(currently works only for E0=1.6
See arXiv:1503.01789 and references therein.
def BRBXgamma(wc_obj, par, q, E0): r"""Branching ratio of $B\to X_q\gamma$ ($q=s$ or $d$) normalized to $B\to X_c\ell\nu$ taken from experiment. `E0` is the photon energy cutoff $E_0$ in GeV (currently works only for `E0=1.6`). See arXiv:1503.01789 and references therein.""" flavio.citations.register("Misiak:2015xwa") scale = flavio.config['renormalization scale']['bxgamma'] alphaem = 1/137.035999139 # this is alpha_e(0), a constant for our purposes bq = 'b' + q xi_t = flavio.physics.ckm.xi('t',bq)(par) Vcb = flavio.physics.ckm.get_ckm(par)[1,2] C = par['C_BXlnu'] BRSL = par['BR(B->Xcenu)_exp'] # these are the b->qee Wilson coefficients - they contain the b->qgamma ones as a subset wc = flavio.physics.bdecays.wilsoncoefficients.wctot_dict(wc_obj, bq+'ee', scale, par, nf_out=5) PE0 = PE0_BR_BXgamma(wc, par, q, E0) # uncertainty due to higher order contributions, interpolation, and nonperturbative effects P_uncertainty = 0.1249 * par['delta_BX'+q+'gamma'] # PE0_NLO * delta # central value of non-perturbative correction (M. Misiak, private communication) P_nonpert = 0.00381745 # eq. (2.1) of hep-ph/0609241 flavio.citations.register("Misiak:2006ab") return BRSL * abs(xi_t)**2/abs(Vcb)**2 * 6*alphaem/pi/C * (PE0 + P_nonpert + P_uncertainty)
def PE0_ACP_BXgamma(
wc, par, q, E0)
Numerator of the direct CP asymmetry of $B\to X_q\gamma$ without the prefactor. This is the CP asymmetric analogue of PE0_BR_BXgamma.
def PE0_ACP_BXgamma(wc, par, q, E0): r"""Numerator of the direct CP asymmetry of $B\to X_q\gamma$ without the prefactor. This is the CP asymmetric analogue of PE0_BR_BXgamma.""" bq = 'b' + q if E0 != 1.6: raise ValueError("ACP(B->Xgamma) is not implemented for E0 different from 1.6 GeV") scale = flavio.config['renormalization scale']['bxgamma'] alphas = flavio.physics.running.running.get_alpha(par, scale, nf_out=5)['alpha_s'] at = alphas/4./pi coeffs = ['C1_'+bq, 'C2_'+bq, 'C3_'+bq, 'C4_'+bq, 'C5_'+bq, 'C6_'+bq, 'C7eff_'+bq, 'C8eff_'+bq] coeffs_p = ['C1p_'+bq, 'C2p_'+bq, 'C3p_'+bq, 'C4p_'+bq, 'C5p_'+bq, 'C6p_'+bq, 'C7effp_'+bq, 'C8effp_'+bq] wc1_8 = np.array([wc[name] for name in coeffs]) wc1p_8p = np.array([wc[name] for name in coeffs_p]) P1 = at * np.dot(wc1_8, np.dot(ka1_i, wc1_8.conj())).imag P1_p = at * np.dot(wc1p_8p, np.dot(ka1_i, wc1p_8p.conj())).imag r_u = flavio.physics.ckm.xi('u',bq)(par)/flavio.physics.ckm.xi('t',bq)(par) PVub = 0.0596211 * r_u.imag return P1 + P1_p + PVub
def PE0_BR_BXgamma(
wc, par, q, E0)
Branching ratio of $B\to X_q\gamma$ without the prefactor. At leading order in the SM, this function is equal to $(C_7^{\mathrm{eff}})^2$.
def PE0_BR_BXgamma(wc, par, q, E0): r"""Branching ratio of $B\to X_q\gamma$ without the prefactor. At leading order in the SM, this function is equal to $(C_7^{\mathrm{eff}})^2$.""" bq = 'b' + q if E0 != 1.6: raise ValueError("BR(B->Xqgamma) is not implemented for E0 different from 1.6 GeV") P0 = abs(wc['C7eff_'+bq])**2 + abs(wc['C7effp_'+bq])**2 scale = flavio.config['renormalization scale']['bxgamma'] alphas = flavio.physics.running.running.get_alpha(par, scale, nf_out=5)['alpha_s'] at = alphas/4./pi coeffs = ['C1_'+bq, 'C2_'+bq, 'C3_'+bq, 'C4_'+bq, 'C5_'+bq, 'C6_'+bq, 'C7eff_'+bq, 'C8eff_'+bq] coeffs_p = ['C1p_'+bq, 'C2p_'+bq, 'C3p_'+bq, 'C4p_'+bq, 'C5p_'+bq, 'C6p_'+bq, 'C7effp_'+bq, 'C8effp_'+bq] wc1_8 = np.array([wc[name] for name in coeffs]) wc1p_8p = np.array([wc[name] for name in coeffs_p]) P1 = at * np.dot(wc1_8, np.dot(ka1_r, wc1_8.conj())).real P1_p = at * np.dot(wc1p_8p, np.dot(ka1_r, wc1p_8p.conj())).real P2 = at**2 * np.dot(wc1_8, np.dot(ka2_r, wc1_8.conj())).real P2_p = at**2 * np.dot(wc1p_8p, np.dot(ka2_r, wc1p_8p.conj())).real Prest = P1 + P2 + P1_p + P2_p r_u = flavio.physics.ckm.xi('u',bq)(par)/flavio.physics.ckm.xi('t',bq)(par) PVub = -0.0296854 * r_u.real + 0.123411 * abs(r_u)**2 return P0 + Prest + PVub