flavio.physics.bdecays.formfactors.b_v.bsz_parameters module
import numpy as np import json import pkgutil from flavio.classes import Parameter from flavio.statistics.probability import MultivariateNormalDistribution FFs = ["A0", "A1", "A12", "V", "T1", "T2", "T23"] ai = ["a0", "a1", "a2"] ff_a = [(ff, a) for ff in FFs for a in ai] a_ff_string = [a + '_' + ff for ff in FFs for a in ai] tex_a = {'a0': 'a_0', 'a1': 'a_1', 'a2': 'a_2', } tex_ff = {'A0': 'A_0', 'A1': 'A_1', 'A12': r'A_{12}', 'V': 'V', 'T1': 'T_1', 'T2': 'T_2', 'T23': r'T_{23}', } def get_ffpar(filename): f = pkgutil.get_data('flavio.physics', filename) data = json.loads(f.decode('utf-8')) central = np.array([data['central'][ff].get(a, np.nan) for ff, a in ff_a]) unc = np.array([data['uncertainty'][ff].get(a, np.nan) for ff, a in ff_a]) corr = np.array([[data['correlation'][ff1 + ff2].get(a1 + a2, np.nan) for ff1, a1 in ff_a] for ff2, a2 in ff_a]) # delete the parameters a0_A12 and a0_T1, which are instead fixed # using the exact kinematical relations, cf. eq. (16) of arXiv:1503.05534 pos_a0_A12 = ff_a.index(('A12', 'a0')) pos_a0_T2 = ff_a.index(('T2', 'a0')) central = np.delete(central, [pos_a0_A12, pos_a0_T2]) unc = np.delete(unc, [pos_a0_A12, pos_a0_T2]) corr = np.delete(corr, [pos_a0_A12, pos_a0_T2], axis=0) corr = np.delete(corr, [pos_a0_A12, pos_a0_T2], axis=1) return [central, unc, corr] def load_parameters(filename, process, constraints): implementation_name = process + ' BSZ' parameter_names = [implementation_name + ' ' + coeff_name for coeff_name in a_ff_string] # a0_A0 and a0_T2 are not treated as independent parameters! parameter_names.remove(implementation_name + ' a0_A12') parameter_names.remove(implementation_name + ' a0_T2') for parameter_name in parameter_names: try: # check if parameter object already exists p = Parameter[parameter_name] except KeyError: # if not, create a new one p = Parameter(parameter_name) # get LaTeX representation of coefficient and form factor names _tex_a = tex_a[parameter_name.split(' ')[-1].split('_')[0]] _tex_ff = tex_ff[parameter_name.split(' ')[-1].split('_')[-1]] p.tex = r'$' + _tex_a + r'^{' + _tex_ff + r'}$' p.description = r'BSZ form factor parametrization coefficient $' + _tex_a + r'$ of $' + _tex_ff + r'$' else: # if parameter exists, remove existing constraints constraints.remove_constraint(parameter_name) [central, unc, corr] = get_ffpar(filename) constraints.add_constraint(parameter_names, MultivariateNormalDistribution(central_value=central, covariance=np.outer(unc, unc)*corr)) # Resonance masses used in arXiv:1503.05534 resonance_masses_bsz = { 'B->K*': { 'm0': 5.367, 'm1-': 5.415, 'm1+': 5.830, }, 'B->rho': { 'm0': 5.279, 'm1-': 5.324, 'm1+': 5.716, }, 'B->omega': { 'm0': 5.279, 'm1-': 5.324, 'm1+': 5.716, }, 'Bs->phi': { 'm0': 5.367, 'm1-': 5.415, 'm1+': 5.830, }, 'Bs->K*': { 'm0': 5.279, 'm1-': 5.324, 'm1+': 5.716, }, } # Resonance masses used in arXiv:1811.00983 resonance_masses_gkvd = { 'B->K*': { 'm0': 5.336, 'm1-': 5.412, 'm1+': 5.829, }, 'B->rho': { 'm0': 5.279, 'm1-': 5.325, 'm1+': 5.724, }, 'B->D*': { 'm0': 6.275, 'm1-': 6.330, 'm1+': 6.767, }, } def transition_filename(tr): """Get the part of the filename specifying the transition (e.g. BKstar) from a transition string (e.g. B->K*).""" return tr.replace('->', '').replace('*', 'star') def bsz_load(version, fit, transitions, constraints): """Load the form factor parameters given in arXiv:1503.05534""" for tr in transitions: for m, v in resonance_masses_bsz[tr].items(): constraints.set_constraint('{} BCL {}'.format(tr, m), v) filename = 'data/arXiv-1503-05534{}/{}_{}.json'.format(version, transition_filename(tr), fit) load_parameters(filename, tr, constraints) def bsz_load_v1_lcsr(constraints): bsz_load('v1', 'LCSR', ('B->K*', 'B->omega', 'B->rho', 'Bs->phi', 'Bs->K*'), constraints) def bsz_load_v1_combined(constraints): bsz_load('v1', 'LCSR-Lattice', ('B->K*', 'Bs->phi', 'Bs->K*'), constraints) def bsz_load_v2_lcsr(constraints): bsz_load('v2', 'LCSR', ('B->K*', 'B->omega', 'B->rho', 'Bs->phi', 'Bs->K*'), constraints) def bsz_load_v2_combined(constraints): bsz_load('v2', 'LCSR-Lattice', ('B->K*', 'Bs->phi', 'Bs->K*'), constraints) def gkvd_load(version, fit, transitions, constraints): """Load the form factor parameters given in arXiv:1811.00983""" for tr in transitions: for m, v in resonance_masses_gkvd[tr].items(): constraints.set_constraint('{} BCL {}'.format(tr, m), v) filename = 'data/arXiv-1811-00983{}/{}_{}.json'.format(version, transition_filename(tr), fit) load_parameters(filename, tr, constraints)
Module variables
var FFs
var a_ff_string
var ai
var ff_a
var resonance_masses_bsz
var resonance_masses_gkvd
var tex_a
var tex_ff
def bsz_load(
version, fit, transitions, constraints)
Load the form factor parameters given in arXiv:1503.05534
def bsz_load(version, fit, transitions, constraints): """Load the form factor parameters given in arXiv:1503.05534""" for tr in transitions: for m, v in resonance_masses_bsz[tr].items(): constraints.set_constraint('{} BCL {}'.format(tr, m), v) filename = 'data/arXiv-1503-05534{}/{}_{}.json'.format(version, transition_filename(tr), fit) load_parameters(filename, tr, constraints)
def bsz_load_v1_combined(
def bsz_load_v1_combined(constraints): bsz_load('v1', 'LCSR-Lattice', ('B->K*', 'Bs->phi', 'Bs->K*'), constraints)
def bsz_load_v1_lcsr(
def bsz_load_v1_lcsr(constraints): bsz_load('v1', 'LCSR', ('B->K*', 'B->omega', 'B->rho', 'Bs->phi', 'Bs->K*'), constraints)
def bsz_load_v2_combined(
def bsz_load_v2_combined(constraints): bsz_load('v2', 'LCSR-Lattice', ('B->K*', 'Bs->phi', 'Bs->K*'), constraints)
def bsz_load_v2_lcsr(
def bsz_load_v2_lcsr(constraints): bsz_load('v2', 'LCSR', ('B->K*', 'B->omega', 'B->rho', 'Bs->phi', 'Bs->K*'), constraints)
def get_ffpar(
def get_ffpar(filename): f = pkgutil.get_data('flavio.physics', filename) data = json.loads(f.decode('utf-8')) central = np.array([data['central'][ff].get(a, np.nan) for ff, a in ff_a]) unc = np.array([data['uncertainty'][ff].get(a, np.nan) for ff, a in ff_a]) corr = np.array([[data['correlation'][ff1 + ff2].get(a1 + a2, np.nan) for ff1, a1 in ff_a] for ff2, a2 in ff_a]) # delete the parameters a0_A12 and a0_T1, which are instead fixed # using the exact kinematical relations, cf. eq. (16) of arXiv:1503.05534 pos_a0_A12 = ff_a.index(('A12', 'a0')) pos_a0_T2 = ff_a.index(('T2', 'a0')) central = np.delete(central, [pos_a0_A12, pos_a0_T2]) unc = np.delete(unc, [pos_a0_A12, pos_a0_T2]) corr = np.delete(corr, [pos_a0_A12, pos_a0_T2], axis=0) corr = np.delete(corr, [pos_a0_A12, pos_a0_T2], axis=1) return [central, unc, corr]
def gkvd_load(
version, fit, transitions, constraints)
Load the form factor parameters given in arXiv:1811.00983
def gkvd_load(version, fit, transitions, constraints): """Load the form factor parameters given in arXiv:1811.00983""" for tr in transitions: for m, v in resonance_masses_gkvd[tr].items(): constraints.set_constraint('{} BCL {}'.format(tr, m), v) filename = 'data/arXiv-1811-00983{}/{}_{}.json'.format(version, transition_filename(tr), fit) load_parameters(filename, tr, constraints)
def load_parameters(
filename, process, constraints)
def load_parameters(filename, process, constraints): implementation_name = process + ' BSZ' parameter_names = [implementation_name + ' ' + coeff_name for coeff_name in a_ff_string] # a0_A0 and a0_T2 are not treated as independent parameters! parameter_names.remove(implementation_name + ' a0_A12') parameter_names.remove(implementation_name + ' a0_T2') for parameter_name in parameter_names: try: # check if parameter object already exists p = Parameter[parameter_name] except KeyError: # if not, create a new one p = Parameter(parameter_name) # get LaTeX representation of coefficient and form factor names _tex_a = tex_a[parameter_name.split(' ')[-1].split('_')[0]] _tex_ff = tex_ff[parameter_name.split(' ')[-1].split('_')[-1]] p.tex = r'$' + _tex_a + r'^{' + _tex_ff + r'}$' p.description = r'BSZ form factor parametrization coefficient $' + _tex_a + r'$ of $' + _tex_ff + r'$' else: # if parameter exists, remove existing constraints constraints.remove_constraint(parameter_name) [central, unc, corr] = get_ffpar(filename) constraints.add_constraint(parameter_names, MultivariateNormalDistribution(central_value=central, covariance=np.outer(unc, unc)*corr))
def transition_filename(
Get the part of the filename specifying the transition (e.g. BKstar) from a transition string (e.g. B->K*).
def transition_filename(tr): """Get the part of the filename specifying the transition (e.g. BKstar) from a transition string (e.g. B->K*).""" return tr.replace('->', '').replace('*', 'star')