flavio.physics.bdecays.lambdablambdall module
Functions for exclusive $\Lambda_b\to \Lambda\ell^+\ell^-$ decays.
r"""Functions for exclusive $\Lambda_b\to \Lambda\ell^+\ell^-$ decays.""" import flavio from math import sqrt,pi from flavio.physics.bdecays.common import lambda_K, beta_l, meson_quark, meson_ff from flavio.classes import Observable, Prediction, AuxiliaryQuantity from flavio.physics.common import conjugate_par, conjugate_wc, add_dict import warnings def helicity_amps(q2, mLb, mL, ff): r"""$\Lambda_b\to \Lambda\ell^+\ell^-$ helicity amplitudes. See (3.12)-(3.15) of arXiv:1410.2115.""" sp = (mLb + mL)**2 - q2 sm = (mLb - mL)**2 - q2 H = {} H['0V++'] = ff['fV0'] * (mLb + mL)/sqrt(q2) * sqrt(sm) H['+V-+'] = -ff['fVperp'] * sqrt(2*sm) H['0A++'] = ff['fA0'] * (mLb - mL)/sqrt(q2) * sqrt(sp) H['+A-+'] = -ff['fAperp'] * sqrt(2*sp) H['0T++'] = -ff['fT0'] * sqrt(q2) * sqrt(sm) H['+T-+'] = ff['fTperp'] * (mLb + mL) * sqrt(2*sm) H['0T5++'] = ff['fT50'] * sqrt(q2) * sqrt(sp) H['+T5-+'] = -ff['fT5perp'] * (mLb - mL) * sqrt(2*sp) H['0V--'] = H['0V++'] H['+V+-'] = H['+V-+'] H['0A--'] = -H['0A++'] H['+A+-'] = -H['+A-+'] H['0T--'] = H['0T++'] H['+T+-'] = H['+T-+'] H['0T5--'] = -H['0T5++'] H['+T5+-'] = -H['+T5-+'] return H def transverity_amps(ha, q2, mLb, mL, mqh, mql, wc, prefactor): r"""Transversity amplitudes for $\Lambda_b\to \Lambda\ell^+\ell^-$. See (3.16) of arXiv:1410.2115.""" C910Lpl = (wc['v'] - wc['a']) + (wc['vp'] - wc['ap']) C910Rpl = (wc['v'] + wc['a']) + (wc['vp'] + wc['ap']) C910Lmi = (wc['v'] - wc['a']) - (wc['vp'] - wc['ap']) C910Rmi = (wc['v'] + wc['a']) - (wc['vp'] + wc['ap']) A = {} A['perp1', 'L'] = +sqrt(2)*( C910Lpl *ha['+V-+'] - 2*mqh*(wc['7']+wc['7p'])/q2 * ha['+T-+'] ) A['perp1', 'R'] = +sqrt(2)*( C910Rpl *ha['+V-+'] - 2*mqh*(wc['7']+wc['7p'])/q2 * ha['+T-+'] ) A['para1', 'L'] = -sqrt(2)*( C910Lmi *ha['+A-+'] + 2*mqh*(wc['7']-wc['7p'])/q2 * ha['+T5-+'] ) A['para1', 'R'] = -sqrt(2)*( C910Rmi *ha['+A-+'] + 2*mqh*(wc['7']-wc['7p'])/q2 * ha['+T5-+'] ) A['perp0', 'L'] = +sqrt(2)*( C910Lpl *ha['0V++'] - 2*mqh*(wc['7']+wc['7p'])/q2 * ha['0T++'] ) A['perp0', 'R'] = +sqrt(2)*( C910Rpl *ha['0V++'] - 2*mqh*(wc['7']+wc['7p'])/q2 * ha['0T++'] ) A['para0', 'L'] = -sqrt(2)*( C910Lmi *ha['0A++'] + 2*mqh*(wc['7']-wc['7p'])/q2 * ha['0T5++'] ) A['para0', 'R'] = -sqrt(2)*( C910Rmi *ha['0A++'] + 2*mqh*(wc['7']-wc['7p'])/q2 * ha['0T5++'] ) return {k: prefactor*v for k, v in A.items()} def angular_coefficients(ta, alpha): r"""Angular coefficients of $\Lambda_b\to \Lambda\ell^+\ell^-$ in terms of transversity amplitudes and decay parameter $\alpha$. See (3.29)-(3.32) of arXiv:1410.2115.""" flavio.citations.register("Boer:2014kda") K = {} K['1ss'] = 1/4.*( abs(ta['perp1', 'R'])**2 + abs(ta['perp1', 'L'])**2 + abs(ta['para1', 'R'])**2 + abs(ta['para1', 'L'])**2 + 2*abs(ta['perp0', 'R'])**2 + 2*abs(ta['perp0', 'L'])**2 + 2*abs(ta['para0', 'R'])**2 + 2*abs(ta['para0', 'L'])**2 ) K['1cc'] = 1/2.*( abs(ta['perp1', 'R'])**2 + abs(ta['perp1', 'L'])**2 + abs(ta['para1', 'R'])**2 + abs(ta['para1', 'L'])**2 ) K['1c'] = -( ta['perp1', 'R'] * ta['para1', 'R'].conj() - ta['perp1', 'L'] * ta['para1', 'L'].conj() ).real K['2ss'] = alpha/2. * ( ta['perp1', 'R'] * ta['para1', 'R'].conj() + 2 * ta['perp0', 'R'] * ta['para0', 'R'].conj() + ta['perp1', 'L'] * ta['para1', 'L'].conj() + 2 * ta['perp0', 'L'] * ta['para0', 'L'].conj() ).real K['2cc'] = alpha * ( ta['perp1', 'R'] * ta['para1', 'R'].conj() + ta['perp1', 'L'] * ta['para1', 'L'].conj() ).real K['2c'] = -alpha/2.*( abs(ta['perp1', 'R'])**2 - abs(ta['perp1', 'L'])**2 + abs(ta['para1', 'R'])**2 - abs(ta['para1', 'L'])**2 ) K['3sc'] = alpha/sqrt(2) * ( ta['perp1', 'R'] * ta['perp0', 'R'].conj() - ta['para1', 'R'] * ta['para0', 'R'].conj() + ta['perp1', 'L'] * ta['perp0', 'L'].conj() - ta['para1', 'L'] * ta['para0', 'L'].conj() ).imag K['3s'] = alpha/sqrt(2) * ( ta['perp1', 'R'] * ta['para0', 'R'].conj() - ta['para1', 'R'] * ta['perp0', 'R'].conj() - ta['perp1', 'L'] * ta['para0', 'L'].conj() + ta['para1', 'L'] * ta['perp0', 'L'].conj() ).imag K['4sc'] = alpha/sqrt(2) * ( ta['perp1', 'R'] * ta['para0', 'R'].conj() - ta['para1', 'R'] * ta['perp0', 'R'].conj() + ta['perp1', 'L'] * ta['para0', 'L'].conj() - ta['para1', 'L'] * ta['perp0', 'L'].conj() ).imag K['4s'] = alpha/sqrt(2) * ( ta['perp1', 'R'] * ta['perp0', 'R'].conj() - ta['para1', 'R'] * ta['para0', 'R'].conj() - ta['perp1', 'L'] * ta['perp0', 'L'].conj() + ta['para1', 'L'] * ta['para0', 'L'].conj() ).imag return K def get_ff(q2, par): ff_aux = AuxiliaryQuantity['Lambdab->Lambda form factor'] return ff_aux.prediction(par_dict=par, wc_obj=None, q2=q2) def prefactor(q2, par, scale): xi_t = flavio.physics.ckm.xi('t','bs')(par) alphaem = flavio.physics.running.running.get_alpha(par, scale)['alpha_e'] mLb = par['m_Lambdab'] mL = par['m_Lambda'] la_K = flavio.physics.bdecays.common.lambda_K(mLb**2, mL**2, q2) return par['GF'] * xi_t * alphaem * sqrt(q2) * la_K**(1/4.) / sqrt(3 * 2 * mLb**3 * pi**5) / 32. def get_transverity_amps_ff(q2, wc_obj, par_dict, lep, cp_conjugate): par = par_dict.copy() if cp_conjugate: par = conjugate_par(par) scale = flavio.config['renormalization scale']['lambdab'] mLb = par['m_Lambdab'] mL = par['m_Lambda'] mb = flavio.physics.running.running.get_mb(par, scale) ff = get_ff(q2, par) wc = flavio.physics.bdecays.wilsoncoefficients.wctot_dict(wc_obj, 'bs' + lep + lep, scale, par) wc_eff = flavio.physics.bdecays.wilsoncoefficients.get_wceff(q2, wc, par, 'Lambdab', 'Lambda', lep, scale) ha = helicity_amps(q2, mLb, mL, ff) N = prefactor(q2, par, scale) ta_ff = transverity_amps(ha, q2, mLb, mL, mb, 0, wc_eff, N) return ta_ff # get subleading hadronic contribution at low q2 def get_subleading(q2, wc_obj, par_dict, cp_conjugate): if q2 <= 9: sub_name = 'Lambdab->Lambdall subleading effects at low q2' return AuxiliaryQuantity[sub_name].prediction(par_dict=par_dict, wc_obj=wc_obj, q2=q2, cp_conjugate=cp_conjugate) elif q2 > 14: sub_name = 'Lambdab->Lambdall subleading effects at high q2' return AuxiliaryQuantity[sub_name].prediction(par_dict=par_dict, wc_obj=wc_obj, q2=q2, cp_conjugate=cp_conjugate) else: return {} def get_transverity_amps(q2, wc_obj, par, lep, cp_conjugate): if q2 >= 8.7 and q2 < 14: warnings.warn("The predictions in the region of narrow charmonium resonances are not meaningful") return add_dict(( get_transverity_amps_ff(q2, wc_obj, par, lep, cp_conjugate), get_subleading(q2, wc_obj, par, cp_conjugate) )) def get_obs(function, q2, wc_obj, par, lep): ml = par['m_'+lep] mLb = par['m_Lambdab'] mL = par['m_Lambda'] if q2 < 4*ml**2 or q2 > (mLb-mL)**2: return 0 ta = get_transverity_amps(q2, wc_obj, par, lep, cp_conjugate=False) alpha = par['Lambda->ppi alpha_-'] K = angular_coefficients(ta, alpha) return function(K) def dGdq2(K): return 2*K['1ss'] + K['1cc'] def FL_num(K): return 2*K['1ss'] - K['1cc'] def AFBl_num(K): return (3/2.) * K['1c'] def AFBh_num(K): return K['2ss'] + K['2cc']/2. def AFBlh_num(K): return (3/4.) * K['2c'] def dbrdq2(q2, wc_obj, par, lep): tauLb = par['tau_Lambdab'] return tauLb * get_obs(dGdq2, q2, wc_obj, par, lep) def dbrdq2_int(q2min, q2max, wc_obj, par, lep): def obs(q2): return dbrdq2(q2, wc_obj, par, lep) return flavio.math.integrate.nintegrate(obs, q2min, q2max)/(q2max-q2min) def obs_int(function, q2min, q2max, wc_obj, par, lep): def obs(q2): return get_obs(function, q2, wc_obj, par, lep) return flavio.math.integrate.nintegrate(obs, q2min, q2max) # Functions returning functions needed for Prediction instances def dbrdq2_int_func(lep): def fct(wc_obj, par, q2min, q2max): return dbrdq2_int(q2min, q2max, wc_obj, par, lep) return fct def dbrdq2_func(lep): def fct(wc_obj, par, q2): return dbrdq2(q2, wc_obj, par, lep) return fct def obs_ratio_func(func_num, func_den, lep): def fct(wc_obj, par, q2): num = get_obs(func_num, q2, wc_obj, par, lep) if num == 0: return 0 denom = get_obs(func_den, q2, wc_obj, par, lep) return num/denom return fct def obs_int_ratio_func(func_num, func_den, lep): def fct(wc_obj, par, q2min, q2max): num = obs_int(func_num, q2min, q2max, wc_obj, par, lep) if num == 0: return 0 denom = obs_int(func_den, q2min, q2max, wc_obj, par, lep) return num/denom return fct _tex = {'e': 'e', 'mu': '\mu', 'tau': r'\tau'} _observables = { 'FL': {'func_num': FL_num, 'tex': r'F_L', 'desc': 'longitudinal polarization fraction'}, 'AFBl': {'func_num': AFBl_num, 'tex': r'A_\text{FB}^\ell', 'desc': 'leptonic forward-backward asymmetry'}, 'AFBh': {'func_num': AFBh_num, 'tex': r'A_\text{FB}^h', 'desc': 'hadronic forward-backward asymmetry'}, 'AFBlh': {'func_num': AFBlh_num, 'tex': r'A_\text{FB}^{\ell h}', 'desc': 'lepton-hadron forward-backward asymmetry'}, } for l in ['e', 'mu', ]: # tau requires lepton mass dependence! _process_tex = r"\Lambda_b\to\Lambda " +_tex[l]+r"^+"+_tex[l]+r"^-" _process_taxonomy = r'Process :: $b$ hadron decays :: FCNC decays :: $\Lambda_b\to \Lambda\ell^+\ell^-$ :: $' + _process_tex + r"$" # binned branching ratio _obs_name = "<dBR/dq2>(Lambdab->Lambda"+l+l+")" _obs = Observable(name=_obs_name, arguments=['q2min', 'q2max']) _obs.set_description(r"Binned differential branching ratio of $" + _process_tex + r"$") _obs.tex = r"$\langle \frac{d\text{BR}}{dq^2} \rangle(" + _process_tex + r")$" _obs.add_taxonomy(_process_taxonomy) Prediction(_obs_name, dbrdq2_int_func(l)) # differential branching ratio _obs_name = "dBR/dq2(Lambdab->Lambda"+l+l+")" _obs = Observable(name=_obs_name, arguments=['q2']) _obs.set_description(r"Differential branching ratio of $" + _process_tex + r"$") _obs.tex = r"$\frac{d\text{BR}}{dq^2}(" + _process_tex + r")$" _obs.add_taxonomy(_process_taxonomy) Prediction(_obs_name, dbrdq2_func(l)) for obs in _observables: # binned angular observables _obs_name = "<" + obs + ">(Lambdab->Lambda"+l+l+")" _obs = Observable(name=_obs_name, arguments=['q2min', 'q2max']) _obs.set_description("Binned " + _observables[obs]['desc'] + r" in $" + _process_tex + r"$") _obs.tex = r"$\langle " + _observables[obs]['tex'] + r"\rangle(" + _process_tex + r")$" _obs.add_taxonomy(_process_taxonomy) Prediction(_obs_name, obs_int_ratio_func(_observables[obs]['func_num'], dGdq2, l)) # differential angular observables _obs_name = obs + "(Lambdab->Lambda"+l+l+")" _obs = Observable(name=_obs_name, arguments=['q2']) _obs.set_description(_observables[obs]['desc'][0].capitalize() + _observables[obs]['desc'][1:] + r" in $" + _process_tex + r"$") _obs.tex = r"$" + _observables[obs]['tex'] + r"(" + _process_tex + r")$" _obs.add_taxonomy(_process_taxonomy) Prediction(_obs_name, obs_ratio_func(_observables[obs]['func_num'], dGdq2, l))
Module variables
var l
var meson_ff
var meson_quark
var obs
var pi
def AFBh_num(
def AFBh_num(K): return K['2ss'] + K['2cc']/2.
def AFBl_num(
def AFBl_num(K): return (3/2.) * K['1c']
def AFBlh_num(
def AFBlh_num(K): return (3/4.) * K['2c']
def FL_num(
def FL_num(K): return 2*K['1ss'] - K['1cc']
def angular_coefficients(
ta, alpha)
Angular coefficients of $\Lambda_b\to \Lambda\ell^+\ell^-$ in terms of transversity amplitudes and decay parameter $\alpha$.
See (3.29)-(3.32) of arXiv:1410.2115.
def angular_coefficients(ta, alpha): r"""Angular coefficients of $\Lambda_b\to \Lambda\ell^+\ell^-$ in terms of transversity amplitudes and decay parameter $\alpha$. See (3.29)-(3.32) of arXiv:1410.2115.""" flavio.citations.register("Boer:2014kda") K = {} K['1ss'] = 1/4.*( abs(ta['perp1', 'R'])**2 + abs(ta['perp1', 'L'])**2 + abs(ta['para1', 'R'])**2 + abs(ta['para1', 'L'])**2 + 2*abs(ta['perp0', 'R'])**2 + 2*abs(ta['perp0', 'L'])**2 + 2*abs(ta['para0', 'R'])**2 + 2*abs(ta['para0', 'L'])**2 ) K['1cc'] = 1/2.*( abs(ta['perp1', 'R'])**2 + abs(ta['perp1', 'L'])**2 + abs(ta['para1', 'R'])**2 + abs(ta['para1', 'L'])**2 ) K['1c'] = -( ta['perp1', 'R'] * ta['para1', 'R'].conj() - ta['perp1', 'L'] * ta['para1', 'L'].conj() ).real K['2ss'] = alpha/2. * ( ta['perp1', 'R'] * ta['para1', 'R'].conj() + 2 * ta['perp0', 'R'] * ta['para0', 'R'].conj() + ta['perp1', 'L'] * ta['para1', 'L'].conj() + 2 * ta['perp0', 'L'] * ta['para0', 'L'].conj() ).real K['2cc'] = alpha * ( ta['perp1', 'R'] * ta['para1', 'R'].conj() + ta['perp1', 'L'] * ta['para1', 'L'].conj() ).real K['2c'] = -alpha/2.*( abs(ta['perp1', 'R'])**2 - abs(ta['perp1', 'L'])**2 + abs(ta['para1', 'R'])**2 - abs(ta['para1', 'L'])**2 ) K['3sc'] = alpha/sqrt(2) * ( ta['perp1', 'R'] * ta['perp0', 'R'].conj() - ta['para1', 'R'] * ta['para0', 'R'].conj() + ta['perp1', 'L'] * ta['perp0', 'L'].conj() - ta['para1', 'L'] * ta['para0', 'L'].conj() ).imag K['3s'] = alpha/sqrt(2) * ( ta['perp1', 'R'] * ta['para0', 'R'].conj() - ta['para1', 'R'] * ta['perp0', 'R'].conj() - ta['perp1', 'L'] * ta['para0', 'L'].conj() + ta['para1', 'L'] * ta['perp0', 'L'].conj() ).imag K['4sc'] = alpha/sqrt(2) * ( ta['perp1', 'R'] * ta['para0', 'R'].conj() - ta['para1', 'R'] * ta['perp0', 'R'].conj() + ta['perp1', 'L'] * ta['para0', 'L'].conj() - ta['para1', 'L'] * ta['perp0', 'L'].conj() ).imag K['4s'] = alpha/sqrt(2) * ( ta['perp1', 'R'] * ta['perp0', 'R'].conj() - ta['para1', 'R'] * ta['para0', 'R'].conj() - ta['perp1', 'L'] * ta['perp0', 'L'].conj() + ta['para1', 'L'] * ta['para0', 'L'].conj() ).imag return K
def dGdq2(
def dGdq2(K): return 2*K['1ss'] + K['1cc']
def dbrdq2(
q2, wc_obj, par, lep)
def dbrdq2(q2, wc_obj, par, lep): tauLb = par['tau_Lambdab'] return tauLb * get_obs(dGdq2, q2, wc_obj, par, lep)
def dbrdq2_func(
def dbrdq2_func(lep): def fct(wc_obj, par, q2): return dbrdq2(q2, wc_obj, par, lep) return fct
def dbrdq2_int(
q2min, q2max, wc_obj, par, lep)
def dbrdq2_int(q2min, q2max, wc_obj, par, lep): def obs(q2): return dbrdq2(q2, wc_obj, par, lep) return flavio.math.integrate.nintegrate(obs, q2min, q2max)/(q2max-q2min)
def dbrdq2_int_func(
def dbrdq2_int_func(lep): def fct(wc_obj, par, q2min, q2max): return dbrdq2_int(q2min, q2max, wc_obj, par, lep) return fct
def get_ff(
q2, par)
def get_ff(q2, par): ff_aux = AuxiliaryQuantity['Lambdab->Lambda form factor'] return ff_aux.prediction(par_dict=par, wc_obj=None, q2=q2)
def get_obs(
function, q2, wc_obj, par, lep)
def get_obs(function, q2, wc_obj, par, lep): ml = par['m_'+lep] mLb = par['m_Lambdab'] mL = par['m_Lambda'] if q2 < 4*ml**2 or q2 > (mLb-mL)**2: return 0 ta = get_transverity_amps(q2, wc_obj, par, lep, cp_conjugate=False) alpha = par['Lambda->ppi alpha_-'] K = angular_coefficients(ta, alpha) return function(K)
def get_subleading(
q2, wc_obj, par_dict, cp_conjugate)
def get_subleading(q2, wc_obj, par_dict, cp_conjugate): if q2 <= 9: sub_name = 'Lambdab->Lambdall subleading effects at low q2' return AuxiliaryQuantity[sub_name].prediction(par_dict=par_dict, wc_obj=wc_obj, q2=q2, cp_conjugate=cp_conjugate) elif q2 > 14: sub_name = 'Lambdab->Lambdall subleading effects at high q2' return AuxiliaryQuantity[sub_name].prediction(par_dict=par_dict, wc_obj=wc_obj, q2=q2, cp_conjugate=cp_conjugate) else: return {}
def get_transverity_amps(
q2, wc_obj, par, lep, cp_conjugate)
def get_transverity_amps(q2, wc_obj, par, lep, cp_conjugate): if q2 >= 8.7 and q2 < 14: warnings.warn("The predictions in the region of narrow charmonium resonances are not meaningful") return add_dict(( get_transverity_amps_ff(q2, wc_obj, par, lep, cp_conjugate), get_subleading(q2, wc_obj, par, cp_conjugate) ))
def get_transverity_amps_ff(
q2, wc_obj, par_dict, lep, cp_conjugate)
def get_transverity_amps_ff(q2, wc_obj, par_dict, lep, cp_conjugate): par = par_dict.copy() if cp_conjugate: par = conjugate_par(par) scale = flavio.config['renormalization scale']['lambdab'] mLb = par['m_Lambdab'] mL = par['m_Lambda'] mb = flavio.physics.running.running.get_mb(par, scale) ff = get_ff(q2, par) wc = flavio.physics.bdecays.wilsoncoefficients.wctot_dict(wc_obj, 'bs' + lep + lep, scale, par) wc_eff = flavio.physics.bdecays.wilsoncoefficients.get_wceff(q2, wc, par, 'Lambdab', 'Lambda', lep, scale) ha = helicity_amps(q2, mLb, mL, ff) N = prefactor(q2, par, scale) ta_ff = transverity_amps(ha, q2, mLb, mL, mb, 0, wc_eff, N) return ta_ff
def helicity_amps(
q2, mLb, mL, ff)
$\Lambda_b\to \Lambda\ell^+\ell^-$ helicity amplitudes.
See (3.12)-(3.15) of arXiv:1410.2115.
def helicity_amps(q2, mLb, mL, ff): r"""$\Lambda_b\to \Lambda\ell^+\ell^-$ helicity amplitudes. See (3.12)-(3.15) of arXiv:1410.2115.""" sp = (mLb + mL)**2 - q2 sm = (mLb - mL)**2 - q2 H = {} H['0V++'] = ff['fV0'] * (mLb + mL)/sqrt(q2) * sqrt(sm) H['+V-+'] = -ff['fVperp'] * sqrt(2*sm) H['0A++'] = ff['fA0'] * (mLb - mL)/sqrt(q2) * sqrt(sp) H['+A-+'] = -ff['fAperp'] * sqrt(2*sp) H['0T++'] = -ff['fT0'] * sqrt(q2) * sqrt(sm) H['+T-+'] = ff['fTperp'] * (mLb + mL) * sqrt(2*sm) H['0T5++'] = ff['fT50'] * sqrt(q2) * sqrt(sp) H['+T5-+'] = -ff['fT5perp'] * (mLb - mL) * sqrt(2*sp) H['0V--'] = H['0V++'] H['+V+-'] = H['+V-+'] H['0A--'] = -H['0A++'] H['+A+-'] = -H['+A-+'] H['0T--'] = H['0T++'] H['+T+-'] = H['+T-+'] H['0T5--'] = -H['0T5++'] H['+T5+-'] = -H['+T5-+'] return H
def obs_int(
function, q2min, q2max, wc_obj, par, lep)
def obs_int(function, q2min, q2max, wc_obj, par, lep): def obs(q2): return get_obs(function, q2, wc_obj, par, lep) return flavio.math.integrate.nintegrate(obs, q2min, q2max)
def obs_int_ratio_func(
func_num, func_den, lep)
def obs_int_ratio_func(func_num, func_den, lep): def fct(wc_obj, par, q2min, q2max): num = obs_int(func_num, q2min, q2max, wc_obj, par, lep) if num == 0: return 0 denom = obs_int(func_den, q2min, q2max, wc_obj, par, lep) return num/denom return fct
def obs_ratio_func(
func_num, func_den, lep)
def obs_ratio_func(func_num, func_den, lep): def fct(wc_obj, par, q2): num = get_obs(func_num, q2, wc_obj, par, lep) if num == 0: return 0 denom = get_obs(func_den, q2, wc_obj, par, lep) return num/denom return fct
def prefactor(
q2, par, scale)
def prefactor(q2, par, scale): xi_t = flavio.physics.ckm.xi('t','bs')(par) alphaem = flavio.physics.running.running.get_alpha(par, scale)['alpha_e'] mLb = par['m_Lambdab'] mL = par['m_Lambda'] la_K = flavio.physics.bdecays.common.lambda_K(mLb**2, mL**2, q2) return par['GF'] * xi_t * alphaem * sqrt(q2) * la_K**(1/4.) / sqrt(3 * 2 * mLb**3 * pi**5) / 32.
def transverity_amps(
ha, q2, mLb, mL, mqh, mql, wc, prefactor)
Transversity amplitudes for $\Lambda_b\to \Lambda\ell^+\ell^-$.
See (3.16) of arXiv:1410.2115.
def transverity_amps(ha, q2, mLb, mL, mqh, mql, wc, prefactor): r"""Transversity amplitudes for $\Lambda_b\to \Lambda\ell^+\ell^-$. See (3.16) of arXiv:1410.2115.""" C910Lpl = (wc['v'] - wc['a']) + (wc['vp'] - wc['ap']) C910Rpl = (wc['v'] + wc['a']) + (wc['vp'] + wc['ap']) C910Lmi = (wc['v'] - wc['a']) - (wc['vp'] - wc['ap']) C910Rmi = (wc['v'] + wc['a']) - (wc['vp'] + wc['ap']) A = {} A['perp1', 'L'] = +sqrt(2)*( C910Lpl *ha['+V-+'] - 2*mqh*(wc['7']+wc['7p'])/q2 * ha['+T-+'] ) A['perp1', 'R'] = +sqrt(2)*( C910Rpl *ha['+V-+'] - 2*mqh*(wc['7']+wc['7p'])/q2 * ha['+T-+'] ) A['para1', 'L'] = -sqrt(2)*( C910Lmi *ha['+A-+'] + 2*mqh*(wc['7']-wc['7p'])/q2 * ha['+T5-+'] ) A['para1', 'R'] = -sqrt(2)*( C910Rmi *ha['+A-+'] + 2*mqh*(wc['7']-wc['7p'])/q2 * ha['+T5-+'] ) A['perp0', 'L'] = +sqrt(2)*( C910Lpl *ha['0V++'] - 2*mqh*(wc['7']+wc['7p'])/q2 * ha['0T++'] ) A['perp0', 'R'] = +sqrt(2)*( C910Rpl *ha['0V++'] - 2*mqh*(wc['7']+wc['7p'])/q2 * ha['0T++'] ) A['para0', 'L'] = -sqrt(2)*( C910Lmi *ha['0A++'] + 2*mqh*(wc['7']-wc['7p'])/q2 * ha['0T5++'] ) A['para0', 'R'] = -sqrt(2)*( C910Rmi *ha['0A++'] + 2*mqh*(wc['7']-wc['7p'])/q2 * ha['0T5++'] ) return {k: prefactor*v for k, v in A.items()}