flavio.physics.mdms.al module
Functions for the anomalous magnetic moments of leptons
r"""Functions for the anomalous magnetic moments of leptons""" import flavio from math import sqrt, pi def al(wc_obj, par, l, eft, scale): r"""Anomalous magnetic moment of lepton `l` at scale `scale`, $a_\ell = (g_\ell - 2) / 2$.""" wc = wc_obj.get_wc(sector='dF=0', scale=scale, par=par, eft=eft, basis='flavio') # the covariant derivative contains d_mu + eta i e Q A, where Q=-1 # the Lagrangian contains -eta * e*Q*a/(4*m) (...) # the effective Lagrangian contains p * ReC7 (...) # with p = 4*GF/sqrt(2)*e/(16*pi**2)*m # thus a = -eta*4*m*p/e/Q * ReC7 = pre * ReC7 GF = par['GF'] m = par['m_' + l] pre = m**2 * GF / sqrt(2) / pi**2 C7 = wc['C7_' + 2 * l] # e.g. C7_mumu aSM = par['a_{} SM'.format(l)] # e.g. a_mu SM return aSM + pre * C7.real def ae(wc_obj, par): r"""Anomalous magnetic moment of the electron, $a_e = (g_e - 2) / 2$.""" scale = flavio.config['renormalization scale']['e g-2'] return al(wc_obj, par, l='e', eft='WET-3', scale=scale) def amu(wc_obj, par): r"""Anomalous magnetic moment of the muon, $a_\mu = (g_\mu - 2) / 2$.""" scale = flavio.config['renormalization scale']['mudecays'] return al(wc_obj, par, l='mu', eft='WET-3', scale=scale) def atau(wc_obj, par): r"""Anomalous magnetic moment of the tau lepton, $a_\tau = (g_\tau - 2) / 2$.""" scale = flavio.config['renormalization scale']['tau g-2'] return al(wc_obj, par, l='tau', eft='WET', scale=scale) def make_observable(l, ltex, lname, lfunc): """Instantiate the observable and add metadata.""" obs_name = "a_" + l obs = flavio.classes.Observable(obs_name) obs.set_description(r"Anomalous magnetic moment of the " + lname) obs.tex = r"$a_{}$".format(ltex) obs.add_taxonomy(r"Process :: Dipole moments :: Lepton anomalous magnetic moments :: $a_{}$".format(ltex)) flavio.classes.Prediction(obs_name, lfunc) make_observable('mu', r'\mu', 'muon', amu) make_observable('tau', r'\tau', 'tau lepton', atau) make_observable('e', r'e', 'electron', ae)
Module variables
var pi
def ae(
wc_obj, par)
Anomalous magnetic moment of the electron, $a_e = (g_e - 2) / 2$.
def ae(wc_obj, par): r"""Anomalous magnetic moment of the electron, $a_e = (g_e - 2) / 2$.""" scale = flavio.config['renormalization scale']['e g-2'] return al(wc_obj, par, l='e', eft='WET-3', scale=scale)
def al(
wc_obj, par, l, eft, scale)
Anomalous magnetic moment of lepton l
at scale scale
$a_\ell = (g_\ell - 2) / 2$.
def al(wc_obj, par, l, eft, scale): r"""Anomalous magnetic moment of lepton `l` at scale `scale`, $a_\ell = (g_\ell - 2) / 2$.""" wc = wc_obj.get_wc(sector='dF=0', scale=scale, par=par, eft=eft, basis='flavio') # the covariant derivative contains d_mu + eta i e Q A, where Q=-1 # the Lagrangian contains -eta * e*Q*a/(4*m) (...) # the effective Lagrangian contains p * ReC7 (...) # with p = 4*GF/sqrt(2)*e/(16*pi**2)*m # thus a = -eta*4*m*p/e/Q * ReC7 = pre * ReC7 GF = par['GF'] m = par['m_' + l] pre = m**2 * GF / sqrt(2) / pi**2 C7 = wc['C7_' + 2 * l] # e.g. C7_mumu aSM = par['a_{} SM'.format(l)] # e.g. a_mu SM return aSM + pre * C7.real
def amu(
wc_obj, par)
Anomalous magnetic moment of the muon, $a_\mu = (g_\mu - 2) / 2$.
def amu(wc_obj, par): r"""Anomalous magnetic moment of the muon, $a_\mu = (g_\mu - 2) / 2$.""" scale = flavio.config['renormalization scale']['mudecays'] return al(wc_obj, par, l='mu', eft='WET-3', scale=scale)
def atau(
wc_obj, par)
Anomalous magnetic moment of the tau lepton, $a_\tau = (g_\tau - 2) / 2$.
def atau(wc_obj, par): r"""Anomalous magnetic moment of the tau lepton, $a_\tau = (g_\tau - 2) / 2$.""" scale = flavio.config['renormalization scale']['tau g-2'] return al(wc_obj, par, l='tau', eft='WET', scale=scale)
def make_observable(
l, ltex, lname, lfunc)
Instantiate the observable and add metadata.
def make_observable(l, ltex, lname, lfunc): """Instantiate the observable and add metadata.""" obs_name = "a_" + l obs = flavio.classes.Observable(obs_name) obs.set_description(r"Anomalous magnetic moment of the " + lname) obs.tex = r"$a_{}$".format(ltex) obs.add_taxonomy(r"Process :: Dipole moments :: Lepton anomalous magnetic moments :: $a_{}$".format(ltex)) flavio.classes.Prediction(obs_name, lfunc)