
flavio.physics.running.masses module

Functions for conversion of quark masses not contained in RunDec.

"""Functions for conversion of quark masses not contained in RunDec."""

from math import log, pi
import numpy as np
import flavio
from flavio.math.functions import zeta
from flavio.physics.running.masses import zeta

# (19) of arXiv:1107.3100v1
def fKsFromMs1(Mu, M, Nf):
    return -(4/3.)* (1- (4/3) * (Mu/M) - (Mu**2/(2*M**2)) )
def fKsFromMs2(Mu, M, Nf):
    b0 = 11 - 2*Nf/3.
    return ((((1/3.)*log(M/(2*Mu))+13/18.)*b0 - pi**2/3. + 23/18.)*Mu**2/M**2
            + (((8/9.)*log(M/(2*Mu))+64/27.)*b0 - 8*pi**2/9. + 92/27.) * Mu/M
            - (pi**2/12. + 71/96.)*b0
            + zeta(3)/6. - pi**2/9. * log(2) + 7*pi**2/12. + 23/72.
# from (A.8) of hep-ph/0302262v1
def fKsFromMs3(Mu, M, Nf):
    b0 = 11 - 2*Nf/3.
    return -(b0/2.)**2*(2353/2592.+13/36.*pi**2+7/6.*zeta(3)

def mKS2mMS(M, Nf, asM, Mu, nl):
    s = np.zeros(4)
    s[0] = 1.
    s[1] = (asM/pi) * fKsFromMs1(Mu, M, Nf)
    s[2] = (asM/pi)**2 * fKsFromMs2(Mu, M, Nf)
    s[3] = (asM/pi)**3 * fKsFromMs3(Mu, M, Nf)
    r = s[:nl+1].sum()
    return M * r

def mMS2mKS(MS, Nf, asM, Mu, nl):
    def convert(M):
        s = np.zeros(4)
        s[0] = 1.
        s[1] = -(asM/pi) * fKsFromMs1(Mu, M, Nf)
        s[2] = -(asM/pi)**2 * fKsFromMs2(Mu, M, Nf)
        # properly invert the relation to O(asM**2)
        s[2] = s[2] + s[1]**2
        s[3] = -(asM/pi)**3 * fKsFromMs3(Mu, M, Nf)
        r = s[:nl+1].sum()
        return MS * r
    # iterate twice
    Mtmp = convert(MS)
    Mtmp = convert(Mtmp)
    return convert (Mtmp)

Module variables

var pi


def fKsFromMs1(

Mu, M, Nf)

def fKsFromMs1(Mu, M, Nf):
    return -(4/3.)* (1- (4/3) * (Mu/M) - (Mu**2/(2*M**2)) )

def fKsFromMs2(

Mu, M, Nf)

def fKsFromMs2(Mu, M, Nf):
    b0 = 11 - 2*Nf/3.
    return ((((1/3.)*log(M/(2*Mu))+13/18.)*b0 - pi**2/3. + 23/18.)*Mu**2/M**2
            + (((8/9.)*log(M/(2*Mu))+64/27.)*b0 - 8*pi**2/9. + 92/27.) * Mu/M
            - (pi**2/12. + 71/96.)*b0
            + zeta(3)/6. - pi**2/9. * log(2) + 7*pi**2/12. + 23/72.

def fKsFromMs3(

Mu, M, Nf)

def fKsFromMs3(Mu, M, Nf):
    b0 = 11 - 2*Nf/3.
    return -(b0/2.)**2*(2353/2592.+13/36.*pi**2+7/6.*zeta(3)

def mKS2mMS(

M, Nf, asM, Mu, nl)

def mKS2mMS(M, Nf, asM, Mu, nl):
    s = np.zeros(4)
    s[0] = 1.
    s[1] = (asM/pi) * fKsFromMs1(Mu, M, Nf)
    s[2] = (asM/pi)**2 * fKsFromMs2(Mu, M, Nf)
    s[3] = (asM/pi)**3 * fKsFromMs3(Mu, M, Nf)
    r = s[:nl+1].sum()
    return M * r

def mMS2mKS(

MS, Nf, asM, Mu, nl)

def mMS2mKS(MS, Nf, asM, Mu, nl):
    def convert(M):
        s = np.zeros(4)
        s[0] = 1.
        s[1] = -(asM/pi) * fKsFromMs1(Mu, M, Nf)
        s[2] = -(asM/pi)**2 * fKsFromMs2(Mu, M, Nf)
        # properly invert the relation to O(asM**2)
        s[2] = s[2] + s[1]**2
        s[3] = -(asM/pi)**3 * fKsFromMs3(Mu, M, Nf)
        r = s[:nl+1].sum()
        return MS * r
    # iterate twice
    Mtmp = convert(MS)
    Mtmp = convert(Mtmp)
    return convert (Mtmp)