flavio.statistics.fitters.profiler module
1D and 2D likelihood profilers for frequentist fits.
"""1D and 2D likelihood profilers for frequentist fits.""" import numpy as np import flavio import scipy.optimize from flavio.math.optimize import minimize_robust, maximize_robust from functools import partial from multiprocessing import Pool import warnings def par_shift_scale(par_obj, parameters): """Determine a shift and scale factor that rescales parameters to be centered at 0 and varying by O(1).""" # central nuisance parameters cen_all = par_obj.get_central_all() # shift everything to 0 shift = np.array([-cen_all[p] for p in parameters]) # errors of nuisance parameters err_all = par_obj.get_1d_errors_rightleft() err = [err_all[p] for p in parameters] def scalefac(er, el): if er==0 and el==0: # for nuisances with vanishing uncertainties: don't rescale return 1 # example: if errors are -0.01, +0.01, rescale by 10=1/0.1 return 1/max(abs(er), abs(er)) scale = np.array([scalefac(er, el) for er, el in err]) return shift, scale def nuisance_shift_scale(fit): """Determine a shift and scale factor that rescales nuisance parameters to be centered at 0 and varying by O(1).""" return par_shift_scale(fit.par_obj, fit.nuisance_parameters) def reshuffle_1d(x, i0): """Reshuffle 1D array to make index i0 the first index and append the lower indices to the end.""" return np.hstack((x[i0:], x[:i0])) def unreshuffle_1d(x, i0): """Undo the reshuffle_1d operation.""" N = len(x) return np.hstack((np.asarray(x)[N-i0:].T, np.asarray(x)[:N-i0].T)).T def reshuffle_2d(x, ij0): """Reshuffle 2D array to make index (ij0) the first index, flatten the array, and append the following indices in the end.""" m, n = np.asarray(x).shape x_rev = np.asarray(x) x_rev[1::2, :] = x_rev[1::2, ::-1] # reverse all odd rows i0, j0 = ij0 if i0 % 2 != 0: # if row is odd j0 = n - j0 - 1 # flip the column index x_flat = x_rev.ravel() i0_1d = np.ravel_multi_index((i0, j0), (m, n)) return reshuffle_1d(x_flat, i0_1d), i0_1d def unreshuffle_2d(x, i0, shape): """Undo the reshuffle_2d operation.""" x_flat = unreshuffle_1d(x, i0) x_rev = np.reshape(x_flat, shape) x_rev[1::2, :] = x_rev[1::2, ::-1] # reverse all odd rows return x_rev def optimize_list_worker(x, n0, profiler, **kwargs): """Worker function needed for parallel execution of the likelihood optimization (see the `_optimize_list` method of `Profiler`).""" return profiler._optimize_list(x, n0, **kwargs) class Profiler(object): """Parent class for profilers. Not meant to be used directly.""" def __init__(self, fit): """Initialize the profiler instance.""" self.fit = fit assert isinstance(fit, flavio.statistics.fits.FrequentistFit), \ "Fit object must be an instance of FrequentistFit" self.nuisance_shift, self.nuisance_scale = nuisance_shift_scale(fit) self.n_fit_p = len(self.fit.fit_parameters) self.n_nui_p = len(self.fit.nuisance_parameters) self.n_wc = len(self.fit.fit_wc_names) self.bf = None self.log_profile_likelihood = None self.profile_nuisance = None def f_target(self, x_n, par_wc_fixed): """Target function (log likelihood) in terms of rescaled and shifted nuisance parameters x_n for given values of the fixed parameters/Wilson coefficients.""" x = np.zeros(self.fit.dimension) if self.n_fit_p > 0: x[:self.n_fit_p] = par_wc_fixed[:self.n_fit_p] if self.n_wc > 0: x[-self.n_wc:] = par_wc_fixed[-self.n_wc:] x[self.n_fit_p:self.n_fit_p+self.n_nui_p] = x_n/self.nuisance_scale - self.nuisance_shift if np.any(np.isnan(x)): return -np.inf try: return self.fit.log_likelihood(x) except ValueError: return -np.inf def f_target_global(self, x): """Target function (log likelihood) in terms of fit parameters, rescaled and shifted nuisance parameters, and (unscaled) Wilson coefficients for global optimization.""" X = np.array(x) if self.n_nui_p > 0: X[self.n_fit_p:self.n_fit_p+self.n_nui_p] = x[self.n_fit_p:self.n_fit_p+self.n_nui_p]/self.nuisance_scale - self.nuisance_shift if np.any(np.isnan(x)): return -np.inf try: return self.fit.log_likelihood(X) except ValueError: return -np.inf def best_fit(self, fitpar0, **kwargs): """Determine the global best-fit point in the space of fit parameters, nuisance parameters, and Wilson coefficients. Returns a scipy.optimize.OptimizeResult instance.""" x0 = np.zeros(self.fit.dimension) if self.n_fit_p > 0: x0[:self.n_fit_p] = fitpar0 res = maximize_robust(self.f_target_global, x0=x0, **kwargs) return res def optimize_point(self, x, n0, **kwargs): """Maximize the nuisance likelihood for a single point x (a number for 1D profile likelihood and a tuple of two numbers for 2D), using n0 as initial values for the nuisance parameters. Returns z, n, n_scaled where - z is the optimized log-likelihood - n are the optimized nuisance parameters - n_scaled are the scaled and shifted optimized nuisance parameters """ res = maximize_robust(self.f_target, args=(np.ravel([x]),), x0=n0, **kwargs) if res.success: z = res.fun n = res.x/self.nuisance_scale - self.nuisance_shift n_scaled = res.x else: z = np.nan n = np.nan n_scaled = np.nan return z, n, n_scaled def _optimize_list(self, x, n0, **kwargs): """Helper method for `optimize_list`.""" z = np.zeros(len(x)) n = np.zeros((len(x), self.n_nui_p)) n0_i = n0 for i, X in enumerate(x): z[i], n[i], n_scaled = self.optimize_point(x=X, n0=n0_i, **kwargs) if not np.any(np.isnan(n_scaled)): n0_i = n_scaled return z, n def optimize_list(self, x, n0, threads=1, **kwargs): """Maximize the nuisance likelihood for a list of points x, using n0 as initial values for the nuisance parameters at the first point. Returns z, n - z are the optimized log-likelihood values - n are the optimized nuisance parameters """ if threads == 1: return self._optimize_list(x, n0, **kwargs) else: x_split = np.array_split(x, threads) with Pool(threads) as pool: zn = pool.map(partial(optimize_list_worker, n0=n0, profiler=self, **kwargs), x_split) z = np.concatenate([zi for zi, ni in zn]) n = np.concatenate([ni for zi, ni in zn]) return z, n class Profiler1D(Profiler): """1-dimensional likelihood profiler. Methods: - run: profile the likelihood in the 1D interval. - pvalue_prob: return the p-value under the assumption of Wilks' theorem - pvalue_prob_plotdata: return a dictionary suited to be fed into the `flavio.plots.pvalue_plot` plotting function """ def __init__(self, fit, x_min, x_max): """Initialize the profiler instance. Arguments: - x_min: lower bound of the parameter/coefficient of interest - x_max: upper bound of the parameter/coefficient of interest """ assert len(fit.fit_parameters) + len(fit.fit_wc_names) == 1, ( "Fit instance must have precisely one fit parameter" " or one fitted Wilson coefficient") super().__init__(fit) assert x_min < x_max, "x_max must be bigger than x_min" self.x_min = x_min self.x_max = x_max self.x_bf = None self.n_bf = None self.x = None def get_best_fit(self, **kwargs): """Determine the x-value of the best-fit point and save it.""" try: bf = self.best_fit(fitpar0=self.fit.get_central_fit_parameters, **kwargs) except KeyError: # if the fit parameters do not have existing constraints, use center bf = self.best_fit(fitpar0=(self.x_max-self.x_min)/2, **kwargs) self.bf = bf if self.n_fit_p == 1: self.x_bf = bf.x[0] # best-fit parameter self.n_bf = bf.x[1:] elif self.n_wc == 1: self.x_bf = bf.x[-1] # ... or best-fit Wilson coefficient self.n_bf = bf.x[:-1] return self.x_bf def run(self, steps=20, threads=1, **kwargs): """Maximize the likelihood by varying the nuisance parameters. Arguments: - steps (defaults to 20): number of steps in the 1D interval of interest - threads (defaults to 1): number of parallel processes threads must be smaller than or equal to steps. Optimally, steps should be divisible by threads. Additional keyword arguments will be passed to `flavio.math.optimize.maximize_robust`. Returns: `x, z, n` where - x: the points at which the likelihood has been maximized - z: the log likelihood at these points - n: the values of the nuisance parameters at these points; has shape (n_nuisance, steps) """ if threads > steps: raise ValueError("Number of threads cannot be larger than number of steps!") # determine the x-value of the best-fit point self.get_best_fit(**kwargs) if self.x_bf <= self.x_min or self.x_bf >= self.x_max: # if the best-fit value is at the border or outside, # just make a linspace x = np.linspace(self.x_min, self.x_max, steps) else: # otherwise, divide the range into x<x_bf and x>x_bf, # with the same number of steps on both sides steps_l = steps//2 steps_r = steps - steps_l x = np.hstack([np.linspace(self.x_min, self.x_bf, steps_l), np.linspace(self.x_bf, self.x_max, steps_r)]) # determine index in x-array where the x is closest to x_bf i0 = (np.abs(x-self.x_bf)).argmin() x = reshuffle_1d(x, i0) # optimize, starting with global best-fit values for nuisance parameters z, n = self.optimize_list(x=x, n0=self.n_bf, threads=threads, **kwargs) x = unreshuffle_1d(x, i0) z = unreshuffle_1d(z, i0) n = unreshuffle_1d(n, i0).T self.x = x self.log_profile_likelihood = z self.profile_nuisance = n return x, z, n def pvalue_prob(self): """Return p-value obtained under the assumption of Wilks' theorem. Requires the profiler to be run first using the `run` method.""" if self.log_profile_likelihood is None: warnings.warn("You must run the profiler first.") return None chi2_dist = scipy.stats.chi2(1) chi2 = -2*self.log_profile_likelihood chi2_bf = -2*self.bf.fun # normally, the minimal chi2 should of course be the chi2 at the best-fit # point. If for reasons of numerical inaccuracy the chi2 array contains # a smaller value, use that. chi2_min = min(np.min(chi2), chi2_bf) delta_chi2 = chi2 - chi2_min cl = chi2_dist.cdf(delta_chi2) return 1-cl def pvalue_prob_plotdata(self): """Return a dictionary that can be fed into `flavio.plots.pvalue_plot`.""" return { 'x': self.x, 'y': self.pvalue_prob(), } class Profiler2D(Profiler): """2-dimensional likelihood profiler. Methods: - run: profile the likelihood in the 2D plane. - contour_plotdata: return a dictionary suited to be fed into the `flavio.plots.contour` plotting function """ def __init__(self, fit, x_min, x_max, y_min, y_max): """Initialize the profiler instance. Arguments: - x_min, x_max: lower and upper bounds of x - y_min, y_max: lower and upper bounds of y """ assert len(fit.fit_parameters) + len(fit.fit_wc_names) == 2, ( "Fit instance must have precisely one fit parameter" " or one fitted Wilson coefficient") super().__init__(fit) assert x_min < x_max, "x_max must be bigger than x_min" assert y_min < y_max, "y_max must be bigger than y_min" self.x_min = x_min self.x_max = x_max self.y_min = y_min self.y_max = y_max self.x_bf = None self.y_bf = None def get_best_fit(self, **kwargs): """Determine the position of the best-fit point and save it.""" try: bf = self.best_fit(fitpar0=self.fit.get_central_fit_parameters, **kwargs) except KeyError: bf = self.best_fit(fitpar0=[(self.x_max-self.x_min)/2, (self.y_max-self.y_min)/2], **kwargs) self.bf = bf if self.n_wc > 0: self.x_bf, self.y_bf = np.hstack((bf.x[:self.n_fit_p], bf.x[-self.n_wc:])) else: self.x_bf, self.y_bf = bf.x[:self.n_fit_p] def run(self, steps=(10, 10), usebf=False, threads=1, **kwargs): """Maximize the likelihood by varying the nuisance parameters. Arguments: - steps: number of steps in the in the x and y direction. Tuple of length 2 that defaults to (10, 10) - threads (defaults to 1): number of parallel processes - method: minimization method to be used by scipy.optimize.minimize threads must be smaller than or equal to the product of steps in x and y direction (i.e., the number of grid points). Optimally, the number of grid points should be a multiple of the number of threads. Returns: `x, y, z, n` where - x, y: the points at which the likelihood has been maximized - z: the log likelihood at these points - n: the values of the nuisance parameters at these points; has shape (n_nuisance, steps_x, steps_y) """ if threads > steps[0]*steps[1]: raise ValueError("Number of threads cannot be larger than number of grid points!") # determine x- and y-value at the global best-fit point if usebf: self.get_best_fit(**kwargs) x = np.linspace(self.x_min, self.x_max, steps[0]) y = np.linspace(self.y_min, self.y_max, steps[1]) if usebf: # determine index in x and y-arrays where the x/y is closest to x_bf/y_bf ij0 = (np.abs(x-self.x_bf)).argmin(), (np.abs(x-self.x_bf)).argmin() else: # else, just use the center ij0 = (steps[0]//2, steps[1]//2) z = np.zeros(steps) n = np.zeros((self.n_nui_p, steps[0], steps[1])) xx, yy = np.meshgrid(x, y, indexing='ij') xx, i0_1d = reshuffle_2d(xx, ij0) yy, i0_1d = reshuffle_2d(yy, ij0) z, i0_1d = reshuffle_2d(z, ij0) n = np.array([reshuffle_2d(ni, ij0)[0] for ni in n]) # start with global best-fit values for nuisance parameters if usebf: n0 = self.bf.x[self.n_fit_p:self.n_fit_p+self.n_nui_p] else: n0 = self.fit.get_central_nuisance_parameters z, n = self.optimize_list(x=np.transpose([xx, yy]), n0=n0, threads=threads, **kwargs) xx = unreshuffle_2d(xx, i0_1d, steps) yy = unreshuffle_2d(yy, i0_1d, steps) x = xx[:,0] y = yy[0] z = unreshuffle_2d(z, i0_1d, steps) n = np.array([unreshuffle_2d(ni, i0_1d, steps) for ni in n.T]) self.x = x self.y = y self.log_profile_likelihood = z self.profile_nuisance = n return x, y, z, n def contour_plotdata(self, n_sigma=(1,2)): """Return a dictionary that can be fed into `flavio.plots.contour`. Parameters: - `n_sigma`: tuple with integer sigma values which should be plotted. Defaults to (1, 2). """ deltachi2 = -2*(self.log_profile_likelihood -np.nanmax(self.log_profile_likelihood)) x, y = np.meshgrid(self.x, self.y, indexing='ij') return { 'x': x, 'y': y, 'z': deltachi2, 'levels': tuple(flavio.statistics.functions.delta_chi2(n, 2) for n in n_sigma), }
def nuisance_shift_scale(
Determine a shift and scale factor that rescales nuisance parameters to be centered at 0 and varying by O(1).
def nuisance_shift_scale(fit): """Determine a shift and scale factor that rescales nuisance parameters to be centered at 0 and varying by O(1).""" return par_shift_scale(fit.par_obj, fit.nuisance_parameters)
def optimize_list_worker(
x, n0, profiler, **kwargs)
Worker function needed for parallel execution of the likelihood
optimization (see the _optimize_list
method of Profiler
def optimize_list_worker(x, n0, profiler, **kwargs): """Worker function needed for parallel execution of the likelihood optimization (see the `_optimize_list` method of `Profiler`).""" return profiler._optimize_list(x, n0, **kwargs)
def par_shift_scale(
par_obj, parameters)
Determine a shift and scale factor that rescales parameters to be centered at 0 and varying by O(1).
def par_shift_scale(par_obj, parameters): """Determine a shift and scale factor that rescales parameters to be centered at 0 and varying by O(1).""" # central nuisance parameters cen_all = par_obj.get_central_all() # shift everything to 0 shift = np.array([-cen_all[p] for p in parameters]) # errors of nuisance parameters err_all = par_obj.get_1d_errors_rightleft() err = [err_all[p] for p in parameters] def scalefac(er, el): if er==0 and el==0: # for nuisances with vanishing uncertainties: don't rescale return 1 # example: if errors are -0.01, +0.01, rescale by 10=1/0.1 return 1/max(abs(er), abs(er)) scale = np.array([scalefac(er, el) for er, el in err]) return shift, scale
def reshuffle_1d(
x, i0)
Reshuffle 1D array to make index i0 the first index and append the lower indices to the end.
def reshuffle_1d(x, i0): """Reshuffle 1D array to make index i0 the first index and append the lower indices to the end.""" return np.hstack((x[i0:], x[:i0]))
def reshuffle_2d(
x, ij0)
Reshuffle 2D array to make index (ij0) the first index, flatten the array, and append the following indices in the end.
def reshuffle_2d(x, ij0): """Reshuffle 2D array to make index (ij0) the first index, flatten the array, and append the following indices in the end.""" m, n = np.asarray(x).shape x_rev = np.asarray(x) x_rev[1::2, :] = x_rev[1::2, ::-1] # reverse all odd rows i0, j0 = ij0 if i0 % 2 != 0: # if row is odd j0 = n - j0 - 1 # flip the column index x_flat = x_rev.ravel() i0_1d = np.ravel_multi_index((i0, j0), (m, n)) return reshuffle_1d(x_flat, i0_1d), i0_1d
def unreshuffle_1d(
x, i0)
Undo the reshuffle_1d operation.
def unreshuffle_1d(x, i0): """Undo the reshuffle_1d operation.""" N = len(x) return np.hstack((np.asarray(x)[N-i0:].T, np.asarray(x)[:N-i0].T)).T
def unreshuffle_2d(
x, i0, shape)
Undo the reshuffle_2d operation.
def unreshuffle_2d(x, i0, shape): """Undo the reshuffle_2d operation.""" x_flat = unreshuffle_1d(x, i0) x_rev = np.reshape(x_flat, shape) x_rev[1::2, :] = x_rev[1::2, ::-1] # reverse all odd rows return x_rev
class Profiler
Parent class for profilers. Not meant to be used directly.
class Profiler(object): """Parent class for profilers. Not meant to be used directly.""" def __init__(self, fit): """Initialize the profiler instance.""" self.fit = fit assert isinstance(fit, flavio.statistics.fits.FrequentistFit), \ "Fit object must be an instance of FrequentistFit" self.nuisance_shift, self.nuisance_scale = nuisance_shift_scale(fit) self.n_fit_p = len(self.fit.fit_parameters) self.n_nui_p = len(self.fit.nuisance_parameters) self.n_wc = len(self.fit.fit_wc_names) self.bf = None self.log_profile_likelihood = None self.profile_nuisance = None def f_target(self, x_n, par_wc_fixed): """Target function (log likelihood) in terms of rescaled and shifted nuisance parameters x_n for given values of the fixed parameters/Wilson coefficients.""" x = np.zeros(self.fit.dimension) if self.n_fit_p > 0: x[:self.n_fit_p] = par_wc_fixed[:self.n_fit_p] if self.n_wc > 0: x[-self.n_wc:] = par_wc_fixed[-self.n_wc:] x[self.n_fit_p:self.n_fit_p+self.n_nui_p] = x_n/self.nuisance_scale - self.nuisance_shift if np.any(np.isnan(x)): return -np.inf try: return self.fit.log_likelihood(x) except ValueError: return -np.inf def f_target_global(self, x): """Target function (log likelihood) in terms of fit parameters, rescaled and shifted nuisance parameters, and (unscaled) Wilson coefficients for global optimization.""" X = np.array(x) if self.n_nui_p > 0: X[self.n_fit_p:self.n_fit_p+self.n_nui_p] = x[self.n_fit_p:self.n_fit_p+self.n_nui_p]/self.nuisance_scale - self.nuisance_shift if np.any(np.isnan(x)): return -np.inf try: return self.fit.log_likelihood(X) except ValueError: return -np.inf def best_fit(self, fitpar0, **kwargs): """Determine the global best-fit point in the space of fit parameters, nuisance parameters, and Wilson coefficients. Returns a scipy.optimize.OptimizeResult instance.""" x0 = np.zeros(self.fit.dimension) if self.n_fit_p > 0: x0[:self.n_fit_p] = fitpar0 res = maximize_robust(self.f_target_global, x0=x0, **kwargs) return res def optimize_point(self, x, n0, **kwargs): """Maximize the nuisance likelihood for a single point x (a number for 1D profile likelihood and a tuple of two numbers for 2D), using n0 as initial values for the nuisance parameters. Returns z, n, n_scaled where - z is the optimized log-likelihood - n are the optimized nuisance parameters - n_scaled are the scaled and shifted optimized nuisance parameters """ res = maximize_robust(self.f_target, args=(np.ravel([x]),), x0=n0, **kwargs) if res.success: z = res.fun n = res.x/self.nuisance_scale - self.nuisance_shift n_scaled = res.x else: z = np.nan n = np.nan n_scaled = np.nan return z, n, n_scaled def _optimize_list(self, x, n0, **kwargs): """Helper method for `optimize_list`.""" z = np.zeros(len(x)) n = np.zeros((len(x), self.n_nui_p)) n0_i = n0 for i, X in enumerate(x): z[i], n[i], n_scaled = self.optimize_point(x=X, n0=n0_i, **kwargs) if not np.any(np.isnan(n_scaled)): n0_i = n_scaled return z, n def optimize_list(self, x, n0, threads=1, **kwargs): """Maximize the nuisance likelihood for a list of points x, using n0 as initial values for the nuisance parameters at the first point. Returns z, n - z are the optimized log-likelihood values - n are the optimized nuisance parameters """ if threads == 1: return self._optimize_list(x, n0, **kwargs) else: x_split = np.array_split(x, threads) with Pool(threads) as pool: zn = pool.map(partial(optimize_list_worker, n0=n0, profiler=self, **kwargs), x_split) z = np.concatenate([zi for zi, ni in zn]) n = np.concatenate([ni for zi, ni in zn]) return z, n
Ancestors (in MRO)
- Profiler
- builtins.object
Static methods
def __init__(
self, fit)
Initialize the profiler instance.
def __init__(self, fit): """Initialize the profiler instance.""" self.fit = fit assert isinstance(fit, flavio.statistics.fits.FrequentistFit), \ "Fit object must be an instance of FrequentistFit" self.nuisance_shift, self.nuisance_scale = nuisance_shift_scale(fit) self.n_fit_p = len(self.fit.fit_parameters) self.n_nui_p = len(self.fit.nuisance_parameters) self.n_wc = len(self.fit.fit_wc_names) self.bf = None self.log_profile_likelihood = None self.profile_nuisance = None
def best_fit(
self, fitpar0, **kwargs)
Determine the global best-fit point in the space of fit parameters, nuisance parameters, and Wilson coefficients.
Returns a scipy.optimize.OptimizeResult instance.
def best_fit(self, fitpar0, **kwargs): """Determine the global best-fit point in the space of fit parameters, nuisance parameters, and Wilson coefficients. Returns a scipy.optimize.OptimizeResult instance.""" x0 = np.zeros(self.fit.dimension) if self.n_fit_p > 0: x0[:self.n_fit_p] = fitpar0 res = maximize_robust(self.f_target_global, x0=x0, **kwargs) return res
def f_target(
self, x_n, par_wc_fixed)
Target function (log likelihood) in terms of rescaled and shifted nuisance parameters x_n for given values of the fixed parameters/Wilson coefficients.
def f_target(self, x_n, par_wc_fixed): """Target function (log likelihood) in terms of rescaled and shifted nuisance parameters x_n for given values of the fixed parameters/Wilson coefficients.""" x = np.zeros(self.fit.dimension) if self.n_fit_p > 0: x[:self.n_fit_p] = par_wc_fixed[:self.n_fit_p] if self.n_wc > 0: x[-self.n_wc:] = par_wc_fixed[-self.n_wc:] x[self.n_fit_p:self.n_fit_p+self.n_nui_p] = x_n/self.nuisance_scale - self.nuisance_shift if np.any(np.isnan(x)): return -np.inf try: return self.fit.log_likelihood(x) except ValueError: return -np.inf
def f_target_global(
self, x)
Target function (log likelihood) in terms of fit parameters, rescaled and shifted nuisance parameters, and (unscaled) Wilson coefficients for global optimization.
def f_target_global(self, x): """Target function (log likelihood) in terms of fit parameters, rescaled and shifted nuisance parameters, and (unscaled) Wilson coefficients for global optimization.""" X = np.array(x) if self.n_nui_p > 0: X[self.n_fit_p:self.n_fit_p+self.n_nui_p] = x[self.n_fit_p:self.n_fit_p+self.n_nui_p]/self.nuisance_scale - self.nuisance_shift if np.any(np.isnan(x)): return -np.inf try: return self.fit.log_likelihood(X) except ValueError: return -np.inf
def optimize_list(
self, x, n0, threads=1, **kwargs)
Maximize the nuisance likelihood for a list of points x, using n0 as initial values for the nuisance parameters at the first point.
Returns z, n - z are the optimized log-likelihood values - n are the optimized nuisance parameters
def optimize_list(self, x, n0, threads=1, **kwargs): """Maximize the nuisance likelihood for a list of points x, using n0 as initial values for the nuisance parameters at the first point. Returns z, n - z are the optimized log-likelihood values - n are the optimized nuisance parameters """ if threads == 1: return self._optimize_list(x, n0, **kwargs) else: x_split = np.array_split(x, threads) with Pool(threads) as pool: zn = pool.map(partial(optimize_list_worker, n0=n0, profiler=self, **kwargs), x_split) z = np.concatenate([zi for zi, ni in zn]) n = np.concatenate([ni for zi, ni in zn]) return z, n
def optimize_point(
self, x, n0, **kwargs)
Maximize the nuisance likelihood for a single point x (a number for 1D profile likelihood and a tuple of two numbers for 2D), using n0 as initial values for the nuisance parameters.
Returns z, n, n_scaled where - z is the optimized log-likelihood - n are the optimized nuisance parameters - n_scaled are the scaled and shifted optimized nuisance parameters
def optimize_point(self, x, n0, **kwargs): """Maximize the nuisance likelihood for a single point x (a number for 1D profile likelihood and a tuple of two numbers for 2D), using n0 as initial values for the nuisance parameters. Returns z, n, n_scaled where - z is the optimized log-likelihood - n are the optimized nuisance parameters - n_scaled are the scaled and shifted optimized nuisance parameters """ res = maximize_robust(self.f_target, args=(np.ravel([x]),), x0=n0, **kwargs) if res.success: z = res.fun n = res.x/self.nuisance_scale - self.nuisance_shift n_scaled = res.x else: z = np.nan n = np.nan n_scaled = np.nan return z, n, n_scaled
Instance variables
var bf
var fit
var log_profile_likelihood
var n_fit_p
var n_nui_p
var n_wc
var profile_nuisance
class Profiler1D
1-dimensional likelihood profiler.
- run: profile the likelihood in the 1D interval.
- pvalue_prob: return the p-value under the assumption of Wilks' theorem
- pvalue_prob_plotdata: return a dictionary suited to be fed into the
plotting function
class Profiler1D(Profiler): """1-dimensional likelihood profiler. Methods: - run: profile the likelihood in the 1D interval. - pvalue_prob: return the p-value under the assumption of Wilks' theorem - pvalue_prob_plotdata: return a dictionary suited to be fed into the `flavio.plots.pvalue_plot` plotting function """ def __init__(self, fit, x_min, x_max): """Initialize the profiler instance. Arguments: - x_min: lower bound of the parameter/coefficient of interest - x_max: upper bound of the parameter/coefficient of interest """ assert len(fit.fit_parameters) + len(fit.fit_wc_names) == 1, ( "Fit instance must have precisely one fit parameter" " or one fitted Wilson coefficient") super().__init__(fit) assert x_min < x_max, "x_max must be bigger than x_min" self.x_min = x_min self.x_max = x_max self.x_bf = None self.n_bf = None self.x = None def get_best_fit(self, **kwargs): """Determine the x-value of the best-fit point and save it.""" try: bf = self.best_fit(fitpar0=self.fit.get_central_fit_parameters, **kwargs) except KeyError: # if the fit parameters do not have existing constraints, use center bf = self.best_fit(fitpar0=(self.x_max-self.x_min)/2, **kwargs) self.bf = bf if self.n_fit_p == 1: self.x_bf = bf.x[0] # best-fit parameter self.n_bf = bf.x[1:] elif self.n_wc == 1: self.x_bf = bf.x[-1] # ... or best-fit Wilson coefficient self.n_bf = bf.x[:-1] return self.x_bf def run(self, steps=20, threads=1, **kwargs): """Maximize the likelihood by varying the nuisance parameters. Arguments: - steps (defaults to 20): number of steps in the 1D interval of interest - threads (defaults to 1): number of parallel processes threads must be smaller than or equal to steps. Optimally, steps should be divisible by threads. Additional keyword arguments will be passed to `flavio.math.optimize.maximize_robust`. Returns: `x, z, n` where - x: the points at which the likelihood has been maximized - z: the log likelihood at these points - n: the values of the nuisance parameters at these points; has shape (n_nuisance, steps) """ if threads > steps: raise ValueError("Number of threads cannot be larger than number of steps!") # determine the x-value of the best-fit point self.get_best_fit(**kwargs) if self.x_bf <= self.x_min or self.x_bf >= self.x_max: # if the best-fit value is at the border or outside, # just make a linspace x = np.linspace(self.x_min, self.x_max, steps) else: # otherwise, divide the range into x<x_bf and x>x_bf, # with the same number of steps on both sides steps_l = steps//2 steps_r = steps - steps_l x = np.hstack([np.linspace(self.x_min, self.x_bf, steps_l), np.linspace(self.x_bf, self.x_max, steps_r)]) # determine index in x-array where the x is closest to x_bf i0 = (np.abs(x-self.x_bf)).argmin() x = reshuffle_1d(x, i0) # optimize, starting with global best-fit values for nuisance parameters z, n = self.optimize_list(x=x, n0=self.n_bf, threads=threads, **kwargs) x = unreshuffle_1d(x, i0) z = unreshuffle_1d(z, i0) n = unreshuffle_1d(n, i0).T self.x = x self.log_profile_likelihood = z self.profile_nuisance = n return x, z, n def pvalue_prob(self): """Return p-value obtained under the assumption of Wilks' theorem. Requires the profiler to be run first using the `run` method.""" if self.log_profile_likelihood is None: warnings.warn("You must run the profiler first.") return None chi2_dist = scipy.stats.chi2(1) chi2 = -2*self.log_profile_likelihood chi2_bf = -2*self.bf.fun # normally, the minimal chi2 should of course be the chi2 at the best-fit # point. If for reasons of numerical inaccuracy the chi2 array contains # a smaller value, use that. chi2_min = min(np.min(chi2), chi2_bf) delta_chi2 = chi2 - chi2_min cl = chi2_dist.cdf(delta_chi2) return 1-cl def pvalue_prob_plotdata(self): """Return a dictionary that can be fed into `flavio.plots.pvalue_plot`.""" return { 'x': self.x, 'y': self.pvalue_prob(), }
Ancestors (in MRO)
- Profiler1D
- Profiler
- builtins.object
Static methods
def __init__(
self, fit, x_min, x_max)
Initialize the profiler instance.
- x_min: lower bound of the parameter/coefficient of interest
- x_max: upper bound of the parameter/coefficient of interest
def __init__(self, fit, x_min, x_max): """Initialize the profiler instance. Arguments: - x_min: lower bound of the parameter/coefficient of interest - x_max: upper bound of the parameter/coefficient of interest """ assert len(fit.fit_parameters) + len(fit.fit_wc_names) == 1, ( "Fit instance must have precisely one fit parameter" " or one fitted Wilson coefficient") super().__init__(fit) assert x_min < x_max, "x_max must be bigger than x_min" self.x_min = x_min self.x_max = x_max self.x_bf = None self.n_bf = None self.x = None
def best_fit(
self, fitpar0, **kwargs)
Determine the global best-fit point in the space of fit parameters, nuisance parameters, and Wilson coefficients.
Returns a scipy.optimize.OptimizeResult instance.
def best_fit(self, fitpar0, **kwargs): """Determine the global best-fit point in the space of fit parameters, nuisance parameters, and Wilson coefficients. Returns a scipy.optimize.OptimizeResult instance.""" x0 = np.zeros(self.fit.dimension) if self.n_fit_p > 0: x0[:self.n_fit_p] = fitpar0 res = maximize_robust(self.f_target_global, x0=x0, **kwargs) return res
def f_target(
self, x_n, par_wc_fixed)
Target function (log likelihood) in terms of rescaled and shifted nuisance parameters x_n for given values of the fixed parameters/Wilson coefficients.
def f_target(self, x_n, par_wc_fixed): """Target function (log likelihood) in terms of rescaled and shifted nuisance parameters x_n for given values of the fixed parameters/Wilson coefficients.""" x = np.zeros(self.fit.dimension) if self.n_fit_p > 0: x[:self.n_fit_p] = par_wc_fixed[:self.n_fit_p] if self.n_wc > 0: x[-self.n_wc:] = par_wc_fixed[-self.n_wc:] x[self.n_fit_p:self.n_fit_p+self.n_nui_p] = x_n/self.nuisance_scale - self.nuisance_shift if np.any(np.isnan(x)): return -np.inf try: return self.fit.log_likelihood(x) except ValueError: return -np.inf
def f_target_global(
self, x)
Target function (log likelihood) in terms of fit parameters, rescaled and shifted nuisance parameters, and (unscaled) Wilson coefficients for global optimization.
def f_target_global(self, x): """Target function (log likelihood) in terms of fit parameters, rescaled and shifted nuisance parameters, and (unscaled) Wilson coefficients for global optimization.""" X = np.array(x) if self.n_nui_p > 0: X[self.n_fit_p:self.n_fit_p+self.n_nui_p] = x[self.n_fit_p:self.n_fit_p+self.n_nui_p]/self.nuisance_scale - self.nuisance_shift if np.any(np.isnan(x)): return -np.inf try: return self.fit.log_likelihood(X) except ValueError: return -np.inf
def get_best_fit(
self, **kwargs)
Determine the x-value of the best-fit point and save it.
def get_best_fit(self, **kwargs): """Determine the x-value of the best-fit point and save it.""" try: bf = self.best_fit(fitpar0=self.fit.get_central_fit_parameters, **kwargs) except KeyError: # if the fit parameters do not have existing constraints, use center bf = self.best_fit(fitpar0=(self.x_max-self.x_min)/2, **kwargs) self.bf = bf if self.n_fit_p == 1: self.x_bf = bf.x[0] # best-fit parameter self.n_bf = bf.x[1:] elif self.n_wc == 1: self.x_bf = bf.x[-1] # ... or best-fit Wilson coefficient self.n_bf = bf.x[:-1] return self.x_bf
def optimize_list(
self, x, n0, threads=1, **kwargs)
Maximize the nuisance likelihood for a list of points x, using n0 as initial values for the nuisance parameters at the first point.
Returns z, n - z are the optimized log-likelihood values - n are the optimized nuisance parameters
def optimize_list(self, x, n0, threads=1, **kwargs): """Maximize the nuisance likelihood for a list of points x, using n0 as initial values for the nuisance parameters at the first point. Returns z, n - z are the optimized log-likelihood values - n are the optimized nuisance parameters """ if threads == 1: return self._optimize_list(x, n0, **kwargs) else: x_split = np.array_split(x, threads) with Pool(threads) as pool: zn = pool.map(partial(optimize_list_worker, n0=n0, profiler=self, **kwargs), x_split) z = np.concatenate([zi for zi, ni in zn]) n = np.concatenate([ni for zi, ni in zn]) return z, n
def optimize_point(
self, x, n0, **kwargs)
Maximize the nuisance likelihood for a single point x (a number for 1D profile likelihood and a tuple of two numbers for 2D), using n0 as initial values for the nuisance parameters.
Returns z, n, n_scaled where - z is the optimized log-likelihood - n are the optimized nuisance parameters - n_scaled are the scaled and shifted optimized nuisance parameters
def optimize_point(self, x, n0, **kwargs): """Maximize the nuisance likelihood for a single point x (a number for 1D profile likelihood and a tuple of two numbers for 2D), using n0 as initial values for the nuisance parameters. Returns z, n, n_scaled where - z is the optimized log-likelihood - n are the optimized nuisance parameters - n_scaled are the scaled and shifted optimized nuisance parameters """ res = maximize_robust(self.f_target, args=(np.ravel([x]),), x0=n0, **kwargs) if res.success: z = res.fun n = res.x/self.nuisance_scale - self.nuisance_shift n_scaled = res.x else: z = np.nan n = np.nan n_scaled = np.nan return z, n, n_scaled
def pvalue_prob(
Return p-value obtained under the assumption of Wilks' theorem.
Requires the profiler to be run first using the run
def pvalue_prob(self): """Return p-value obtained under the assumption of Wilks' theorem. Requires the profiler to be run first using the `run` method.""" if self.log_profile_likelihood is None: warnings.warn("You must run the profiler first.") return None chi2_dist = scipy.stats.chi2(1) chi2 = -2*self.log_profile_likelihood chi2_bf = -2*self.bf.fun # normally, the minimal chi2 should of course be the chi2 at the best-fit # point. If for reasons of numerical inaccuracy the chi2 array contains # a smaller value, use that. chi2_min = min(np.min(chi2), chi2_bf) delta_chi2 = chi2 - chi2_min cl = chi2_dist.cdf(delta_chi2) return 1-cl
def pvalue_prob_plotdata(
Return a dictionary that can be fed into flavio.plots.pvalue_plot
def pvalue_prob_plotdata(self): """Return a dictionary that can be fed into `flavio.plots.pvalue_plot`.""" return { 'x': self.x, 'y': self.pvalue_prob(), }
def run(
self, steps=20, threads=1, **kwargs)
Maximize the likelihood by varying the nuisance parameters.
- steps (defaults to 20): number of steps in the 1D interval of interest
- threads (defaults to 1): number of parallel processes
threads must be smaller than or equal to steps. Optimally, steps should be divisible by threads.
Additional keyword arguments will be passed to
x, z, n
- x: the points at which the likelihood has been maximized
- z: the log likelihood at these points
- n: the values of the nuisance parameters at these points; has shape
(n_nuisance, steps)
def run(self, steps=20, threads=1, **kwargs): """Maximize the likelihood by varying the nuisance parameters. Arguments: - steps (defaults to 20): number of steps in the 1D interval of interest - threads (defaults to 1): number of parallel processes threads must be smaller than or equal to steps. Optimally, steps should be divisible by threads. Additional keyword arguments will be passed to `flavio.math.optimize.maximize_robust`. Returns: `x, z, n` where - x: the points at which the likelihood has been maximized - z: the log likelihood at these points - n: the values of the nuisance parameters at these points; has shape (n_nuisance, steps) """ if threads > steps: raise ValueError("Number of threads cannot be larger than number of steps!") # determine the x-value of the best-fit point self.get_best_fit(**kwargs) if self.x_bf <= self.x_min or self.x_bf >= self.x_max: # if the best-fit value is at the border or outside, # just make a linspace x = np.linspace(self.x_min, self.x_max, steps) else: # otherwise, divide the range into x<x_bf and x>x_bf, # with the same number of steps on both sides steps_l = steps//2 steps_r = steps - steps_l x = np.hstack([np.linspace(self.x_min, self.x_bf, steps_l), np.linspace(self.x_bf, self.x_max, steps_r)]) # determine index in x-array where the x is closest to x_bf i0 = (np.abs(x-self.x_bf)).argmin() x = reshuffle_1d(x, i0) # optimize, starting with global best-fit values for nuisance parameters z, n = self.optimize_list(x=x, n0=self.n_bf, threads=threads, **kwargs) x = unreshuffle_1d(x, i0) z = unreshuffle_1d(z, i0) n = unreshuffle_1d(n, i0).T self.x = x self.log_profile_likelihood = z self.profile_nuisance = n return x, z, n
Instance variables
var n_bf
var x
var x_bf
var x_max
var x_min
class Profiler2D
2-dimensional likelihood profiler.
- run: profile the likelihood in the 2D plane.
- contour_plotdata: return a dictionary suited to be fed into the
plotting function
class Profiler2D(Profiler): """2-dimensional likelihood profiler. Methods: - run: profile the likelihood in the 2D plane. - contour_plotdata: return a dictionary suited to be fed into the `flavio.plots.contour` plotting function """ def __init__(self, fit, x_min, x_max, y_min, y_max): """Initialize the profiler instance. Arguments: - x_min, x_max: lower and upper bounds of x - y_min, y_max: lower and upper bounds of y """ assert len(fit.fit_parameters) + len(fit.fit_wc_names) == 2, ( "Fit instance must have precisely one fit parameter" " or one fitted Wilson coefficient") super().__init__(fit) assert x_min < x_max, "x_max must be bigger than x_min" assert y_min < y_max, "y_max must be bigger than y_min" self.x_min = x_min self.x_max = x_max self.y_min = y_min self.y_max = y_max self.x_bf = None self.y_bf = None def get_best_fit(self, **kwargs): """Determine the position of the best-fit point and save it.""" try: bf = self.best_fit(fitpar0=self.fit.get_central_fit_parameters, **kwargs) except KeyError: bf = self.best_fit(fitpar0=[(self.x_max-self.x_min)/2, (self.y_max-self.y_min)/2], **kwargs) self.bf = bf if self.n_wc > 0: self.x_bf, self.y_bf = np.hstack((bf.x[:self.n_fit_p], bf.x[-self.n_wc:])) else: self.x_bf, self.y_bf = bf.x[:self.n_fit_p] def run(self, steps=(10, 10), usebf=False, threads=1, **kwargs): """Maximize the likelihood by varying the nuisance parameters. Arguments: - steps: number of steps in the in the x and y direction. Tuple of length 2 that defaults to (10, 10) - threads (defaults to 1): number of parallel processes - method: minimization method to be used by scipy.optimize.minimize threads must be smaller than or equal to the product of steps in x and y direction (i.e., the number of grid points). Optimally, the number of grid points should be a multiple of the number of threads. Returns: `x, y, z, n` where - x, y: the points at which the likelihood has been maximized - z: the log likelihood at these points - n: the values of the nuisance parameters at these points; has shape (n_nuisance, steps_x, steps_y) """ if threads > steps[0]*steps[1]: raise ValueError("Number of threads cannot be larger than number of grid points!") # determine x- and y-value at the global best-fit point if usebf: self.get_best_fit(**kwargs) x = np.linspace(self.x_min, self.x_max, steps[0]) y = np.linspace(self.y_min, self.y_max, steps[1]) if usebf: # determine index in x and y-arrays where the x/y is closest to x_bf/y_bf ij0 = (np.abs(x-self.x_bf)).argmin(), (np.abs(x-self.x_bf)).argmin() else: # else, just use the center ij0 = (steps[0]//2, steps[1]//2) z = np.zeros(steps) n = np.zeros((self.n_nui_p, steps[0], steps[1])) xx, yy = np.meshgrid(x, y, indexing='ij') xx, i0_1d = reshuffle_2d(xx, ij0) yy, i0_1d = reshuffle_2d(yy, ij0) z, i0_1d = reshuffle_2d(z, ij0) n = np.array([reshuffle_2d(ni, ij0)[0] for ni in n]) # start with global best-fit values for nuisance parameters if usebf: n0 = self.bf.x[self.n_fit_p:self.n_fit_p+self.n_nui_p] else: n0 = self.fit.get_central_nuisance_parameters z, n = self.optimize_list(x=np.transpose([xx, yy]), n0=n0, threads=threads, **kwargs) xx = unreshuffle_2d(xx, i0_1d, steps) yy = unreshuffle_2d(yy, i0_1d, steps) x = xx[:,0] y = yy[0] z = unreshuffle_2d(z, i0_1d, steps) n = np.array([unreshuffle_2d(ni, i0_1d, steps) for ni in n.T]) self.x = x self.y = y self.log_profile_likelihood = z self.profile_nuisance = n return x, y, z, n def contour_plotdata(self, n_sigma=(1,2)): """Return a dictionary that can be fed into `flavio.plots.contour`. Parameters: - `n_sigma`: tuple with integer sigma values which should be plotted. Defaults to (1, 2). """ deltachi2 = -2*(self.log_profile_likelihood -np.nanmax(self.log_profile_likelihood)) x, y = np.meshgrid(self.x, self.y, indexing='ij') return { 'x': x, 'y': y, 'z': deltachi2, 'levels': tuple(flavio.statistics.functions.delta_chi2(n, 2) for n in n_sigma), }
Ancestors (in MRO)
- Profiler2D
- Profiler
- builtins.object
Static methods
def __init__(
self, fit, x_min, x_max, y_min, y_max)
Initialize the profiler instance.
- x_min, x_max: lower and upper bounds of x
- y_min, y_max: lower and upper bounds of y
def __init__(self, fit, x_min, x_max, y_min, y_max): """Initialize the profiler instance. Arguments: - x_min, x_max: lower and upper bounds of x - y_min, y_max: lower and upper bounds of y """ assert len(fit.fit_parameters) + len(fit.fit_wc_names) == 2, ( "Fit instance must have precisely one fit parameter" " or one fitted Wilson coefficient") super().__init__(fit) assert x_min < x_max, "x_max must be bigger than x_min" assert y_min < y_max, "y_max must be bigger than y_min" self.x_min = x_min self.x_max = x_max self.y_min = y_min self.y_max = y_max self.x_bf = None self.y_bf = None
def best_fit(
self, fitpar0, **kwargs)
Determine the global best-fit point in the space of fit parameters, nuisance parameters, and Wilson coefficients.
Returns a scipy.optimize.OptimizeResult instance.
def best_fit(self, fitpar0, **kwargs): """Determine the global best-fit point in the space of fit parameters, nuisance parameters, and Wilson coefficients. Returns a scipy.optimize.OptimizeResult instance.""" x0 = np.zeros(self.fit.dimension) if self.n_fit_p > 0: x0[:self.n_fit_p] = fitpar0 res = maximize_robust(self.f_target_global, x0=x0, **kwargs) return res
def contour_plotdata(
self, n_sigma=(1, 2))
Return a dictionary that can be fed into flavio.plots.contour
: tuple with integer sigma values which should be plotted. Defaults to (1, 2).
def contour_plotdata(self, n_sigma=(1,2)): """Return a dictionary that can be fed into `flavio.plots.contour`. Parameters: - `n_sigma`: tuple with integer sigma values which should be plotted. Defaults to (1, 2). """ deltachi2 = -2*(self.log_profile_likelihood -np.nanmax(self.log_profile_likelihood)) x, y = np.meshgrid(self.x, self.y, indexing='ij') return { 'x': x, 'y': y, 'z': deltachi2, 'levels': tuple(flavio.statistics.functions.delta_chi2(n, 2) for n in n_sigma), }
def f_target(
self, x_n, par_wc_fixed)
Target function (log likelihood) in terms of rescaled and shifted nuisance parameters x_n for given values of the fixed parameters/Wilson coefficients.
def f_target(self, x_n, par_wc_fixed): """Target function (log likelihood) in terms of rescaled and shifted nuisance parameters x_n for given values of the fixed parameters/Wilson coefficients.""" x = np.zeros(self.fit.dimension) if self.n_fit_p > 0: x[:self.n_fit_p] = par_wc_fixed[:self.n_fit_p] if self.n_wc > 0: x[-self.n_wc:] = par_wc_fixed[-self.n_wc:] x[self.n_fit_p:self.n_fit_p+self.n_nui_p] = x_n/self.nuisance_scale - self.nuisance_shift if np.any(np.isnan(x)): return -np.inf try: return self.fit.log_likelihood(x) except ValueError: return -np.inf
def f_target_global(
self, x)
Target function (log likelihood) in terms of fit parameters, rescaled and shifted nuisance parameters, and (unscaled) Wilson coefficients for global optimization.
def f_target_global(self, x): """Target function (log likelihood) in terms of fit parameters, rescaled and shifted nuisance parameters, and (unscaled) Wilson coefficients for global optimization.""" X = np.array(x) if self.n_nui_p > 0: X[self.n_fit_p:self.n_fit_p+self.n_nui_p] = x[self.n_fit_p:self.n_fit_p+self.n_nui_p]/self.nuisance_scale - self.nuisance_shift if np.any(np.isnan(x)): return -np.inf try: return self.fit.log_likelihood(X) except ValueError: return -np.inf
def get_best_fit(
self, **kwargs)
Determine the position of the best-fit point and save it.
def get_best_fit(self, **kwargs): """Determine the position of the best-fit point and save it.""" try: bf = self.best_fit(fitpar0=self.fit.get_central_fit_parameters, **kwargs) except KeyError: bf = self.best_fit(fitpar0=[(self.x_max-self.x_min)/2, (self.y_max-self.y_min)/2], **kwargs) self.bf = bf if self.n_wc > 0: self.x_bf, self.y_bf = np.hstack((bf.x[:self.n_fit_p], bf.x[-self.n_wc:])) else: self.x_bf, self.y_bf = bf.x[:self.n_fit_p]
def optimize_list(
self, x, n0, threads=1, **kwargs)
Maximize the nuisance likelihood for a list of points x, using n0 as initial values for the nuisance parameters at the first point.
Returns z, n - z are the optimized log-likelihood values - n are the optimized nuisance parameters
def optimize_list(self, x, n0, threads=1, **kwargs): """Maximize the nuisance likelihood for a list of points x, using n0 as initial values for the nuisance parameters at the first point. Returns z, n - z are the optimized log-likelihood values - n are the optimized nuisance parameters """ if threads == 1: return self._optimize_list(x, n0, **kwargs) else: x_split = np.array_split(x, threads) with Pool(threads) as pool: zn = pool.map(partial(optimize_list_worker, n0=n0, profiler=self, **kwargs), x_split) z = np.concatenate([zi for zi, ni in zn]) n = np.concatenate([ni for zi, ni in zn]) return z, n
def optimize_point(
self, x, n0, **kwargs)
Maximize the nuisance likelihood for a single point x (a number for 1D profile likelihood and a tuple of two numbers for 2D), using n0 as initial values for the nuisance parameters.
Returns z, n, n_scaled where - z is the optimized log-likelihood - n are the optimized nuisance parameters - n_scaled are the scaled and shifted optimized nuisance parameters
def optimize_point(self, x, n0, **kwargs): """Maximize the nuisance likelihood for a single point x (a number for 1D profile likelihood and a tuple of two numbers for 2D), using n0 as initial values for the nuisance parameters. Returns z, n, n_scaled where - z is the optimized log-likelihood - n are the optimized nuisance parameters - n_scaled are the scaled and shifted optimized nuisance parameters """ res = maximize_robust(self.f_target, args=(np.ravel([x]),), x0=n0, **kwargs) if res.success: z = res.fun n = res.x/self.nuisance_scale - self.nuisance_shift n_scaled = res.x else: z = np.nan n = np.nan n_scaled = np.nan return z, n, n_scaled
def run(
self, steps=(10, 10), usebf=False, threads=1, **kwargs)
Maximize the likelihood by varying the nuisance parameters.
- steps: number of steps in the in the x and y direction. Tuple of length 2 that defaults to (10, 10)
- threads (defaults to 1): number of parallel processes
- method: minimization method to be used by scipy.optimize.minimize
threads must be smaller than or equal to the product of steps in x and y direction (i.e., the number of grid points). Optimally, the number of grid points should be a multiple of the number of threads.
x, y, z, n
- x, y: the points at which the likelihood has been maximized
- z: the log likelihood at these points
- n: the values of the nuisance parameters at these points; has shape
(n_nuisance, steps_x, steps_y)
def run(self, steps=(10, 10), usebf=False, threads=1, **kwargs): """Maximize the likelihood by varying the nuisance parameters. Arguments: - steps: number of steps in the in the x and y direction. Tuple of length 2 that defaults to (10, 10) - threads (defaults to 1): number of parallel processes - method: minimization method to be used by scipy.optimize.minimize threads must be smaller than or equal to the product of steps in x and y direction (i.e., the number of grid points). Optimally, the number of grid points should be a multiple of the number of threads. Returns: `x, y, z, n` where - x, y: the points at which the likelihood has been maximized - z: the log likelihood at these points - n: the values of the nuisance parameters at these points; has shape (n_nuisance, steps_x, steps_y) """ if threads > steps[0]*steps[1]: raise ValueError("Number of threads cannot be larger than number of grid points!") # determine x- and y-value at the global best-fit point if usebf: self.get_best_fit(**kwargs) x = np.linspace(self.x_min, self.x_max, steps[0]) y = np.linspace(self.y_min, self.y_max, steps[1]) if usebf: # determine index in x and y-arrays where the x/y is closest to x_bf/y_bf ij0 = (np.abs(x-self.x_bf)).argmin(), (np.abs(x-self.x_bf)).argmin() else: # else, just use the center ij0 = (steps[0]//2, steps[1]//2) z = np.zeros(steps) n = np.zeros((self.n_nui_p, steps[0], steps[1])) xx, yy = np.meshgrid(x, y, indexing='ij') xx, i0_1d = reshuffle_2d(xx, ij0) yy, i0_1d = reshuffle_2d(yy, ij0) z, i0_1d = reshuffle_2d(z, ij0) n = np.array([reshuffle_2d(ni, ij0)[0] for ni in n]) # start with global best-fit values for nuisance parameters if usebf: n0 = self.bf.x[self.n_fit_p:self.n_fit_p+self.n_nui_p] else: n0 = self.fit.get_central_nuisance_parameters z, n = self.optimize_list(x=np.transpose([xx, yy]), n0=n0, threads=threads, **kwargs) xx = unreshuffle_2d(xx, i0_1d, steps) yy = unreshuffle_2d(yy, i0_1d, steps) x = xx[:,0] y = yy[0] z = unreshuffle_2d(z, i0_1d, steps) n = np.array([unreshuffle_2d(ni, i0_1d, steps) for ni in n.T]) self.x = x self.y = y self.log_profile_likelihood = z self.profile_nuisance = n return x, y, z, n
Instance variables
var x_bf
var x_max
var x_min
var y_bf
var y_max
var y_min