Development installation

If you plan to modify flavio, an installation method slightly different from the simplest one is advisable.

This assumes you already have all dependencies (in particular scipy, numpy and pip) as well as git installed.

Step 1: clone the repository

To get the most recent version of the code and be able to keep it up-to-date, clone the repository with git using

git clone

Step 2: install flavio

Enter the directory created by git

cd flavio

and install the package with this command

python3 -m pip install -e .[plotting,testing] --user

The -e switch means that the package is installed in “development mode”, so you can make modifications to the downloaded code and don’t have to reinstall. This will install also all the extra dependencies needed for plotting, sampling, and to run the unit tests.

Step 3: run unit tests

To check whether the package has been installed correctly, you can run the unit tests using nose. Just go to the root directory of the package and run


(or just nosetests, depending on your system. If none of them work, try python3 -m nose). The output should look something like this:

Ran 261 tests in 31.584s



To upgrade your development installation, you simple have to git pull. The package is automatically kept up to date thanks to the -e flag used above.

However, if dependencies change, you might have to repeat the above installation command with the --upgrade flag added to make sure the updated dependencies are installed.